=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV/CIN] Date: 08-28-93 (15:11) Number: 371 From: CHELSEY #13 @1618002*1 Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: YES Subj: Penn Dutch cont. Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Raisin Pie 1 cuo seeded raisins 1 1/2 cups sugar 2 cups water 4 TABLSP. flour 1 egg, beaten Pinch of salt 1 lemon, juice and grated rind Soak raisins in water until plump.( I usually soak overnight.)Make pie crust (given below) Chill. Mix eggs and sugar, add flour, salt raisins, lemon juice, and water. Place in top of double boiler and cook gently 15 minutes. (I usually do not use a double boiler but watch the pot) Add grated lemon rind and stir. Cool. Line pie tins with pastry and fill shells with mixture.. Crisscross strips of pastry on top. Bake 375 degrees for about 40 minutes. Makes 2 8" pies. (Says it is a traditional funeral pie) Rich Pastry For Raisin Pie 1 cup sifted flour 5 tablespoons butter 1/2 tsp. salt 1 egg yolk 1 Tablespoon sugar 1 Tablespoon ICE WATER Sift flour into a bowl with salt and sugar. Cut in the butter. Mix together lightly. Stir in egg yolk and water. Form into a ball and chill. Roll out on lightly floured board. Makes 1 9" crust. Be sure to make enough for the two raisin pies and the lattice top. --- þ SLMR 2.0 þ Via: 1618002*1 1616001*1 2*1 6160*1 1614017*1