=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV/CIN] Date: 11-22-51 (17 19) Number: 265 From: GLAMOUR GIRL #113 @5465*3 Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Thank you - that's enough Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0R: net33: @15100 (via @18251) [01:03 11/24/93] 0R: net33: @18251 (via @15483) [23:27 11/23/93] 0R: net33: @15483 (via @5465) [20:52 11/22/93] 0R: net33: @5465 [18:53 11/22/93] Thank you so much for the Chocolate Chip cookie recipes. I am going to try  all of them and will forward my comments to you. As a gesture of thanks, I  offer to you: LEMON OATMEAL MUFFINS 1 cup rolled oats 1 1/2 cups plain yogourt 2 cups all purpose flour 3/4 cup granulated sugar 1 Tb. baking powder 1 tsp. salt 1/2 cup melted butter 1/2 cup lemon juice --- grated rind of 1 lemon 2 eggs -Soak oats in yogourt just to moisten. -Combine flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. -Add melted butter, lemon juice, lemon rind and eggs to oatmeal mixture. -Stir oatmeal mixture into dry ingredients. -Fill muffin cups 3/4 full. -Sprinkle tops with mixture of sugar and cinnamon. -Bake in pre-heated oven (400 deg.) for 15-20 minutes, or until toothpick  inserted in center comes out clean. Calories per muffin: 251. Lots of vitamin C too.