=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV/CIN] Date: 01-12-04 (03 19) Number: 397 From: DARK CANARY #34 @5474*2 Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Gravy Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0R: net33: @6460 (via @1040) [02:01 01/15/94] 0R: net33: @1040 (via @1046) [00:13 01/15/94] 0R: net33: @1046 (via @5499) [07:27 01/08/94] 0R: net33: @5499 (via @5474) [07:14 01/13/94] 0R: net33: @5474 [07:17 01/13/94] Regarding: How about? Posted By: R2D2 #3 @6460 R2D2---> I think your friend freaked about using cornstarch as the binder  is because when cornstarch gravy sits inthe bowl & cools off, it thickens into  slodge... wheat flour gravies stay liquid & maintains a nice look without a  film... I've used two different methods for wheat flour gravy...one was to brown  the flour in the grease from the pan like you were making a roux...then adding  the broth created from deglazing the pan with chicken broth...a second way  is to dissolve the flour in a large jar with water so each particle of flour  is wet ( necessary to prevent lumps)... then adding it to boiling pan dripping  & broth mixture...stirring constantly & lower the heat before adding the  milk...this makes a white gravy versus the brown gravy of the first method. DC... *Enclosed file: