=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV/CIN] Date: 01-19-94 (16:17) Number: 410 From: ANGELA #142 @1614017*1 Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: Popcorn with Flavoring #2 Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Popcorn With Flavouring #2 1/4 C butter 1 C chocolate chips 1 C toasted pecans 6 C popped corn 4 C miniature marshmallows In a heavy saucepan put the butter, chocolate and pecans. Cook over a moderate heat till melted, stirring frequently to prevent burning. Pour over the popped corn and marshmallows. Stir well. Spread out on a buttered cookie sheet and refrigerate to cool. For variations, you may wish to substitute butterscotch morsels or use bitter chocolate. White chocolate pieces in place of the chips makes a pretty white candy which can be colored and molded into shaped cake pans. Yogurt candy coating can also be used for a more piquant flavor. The GWE BBS * Steubenville, Oh * VBBS 6.11b* VBBS Core Support Board WWIVnet * WWIVlink * IceNET * US Robotics DS 3-nodes * Assistant NC VNET [VSP] Utility Support * MUDS * Over 40,000 files On-Line * Fido-1:129/201