=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV/CIN] Date: 01-01-94 (13:39) Number: 386 From: SANTA #25 @1207000*1 Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: SWEET & HOT MUSTARD Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gourmet mustards are expensive. With this recipe, which was made by a friend's great-grandmother (he insists!) you can make a better product for much less money... especially if you can buy the powdered mustard in bulk at your local health food store. (Also makes a nice gift!) GREAT-GRANDMA DAWSON'S SWEET & HOT MUSTARD 2 oz. dry mustard 1/2-cup white vinegar 1 beaten egg 1/2-cup sugar (I usually double this recipe) Combine mustard and vinegar in covered bowl. Let sit all night (or all day). Put mustard mixture in top of double boiler. Stir in beaten egg and sugar. Stir over boiling water until it thickens. Store, refigerated, in clean jars. NOTES: I have noticed differences between types of powdered mustards. Some seem to absorb more vinegar and act "dry," while others don't get as thick. Some experimentation will be required to achieve the results you like best. VARIATIONS: Sometimes I'll add some horseradish or ground pepper. Have made it with red wine vinegar (good!) -- Lagniappe -- VNet @1207000 AC -- Farmington,Me. -- 207-778-6977 --