=========================================================================== BBS: The GWE BBS [ASV/CIN] Date: 01-07-94 (00:50) Number: 395 From: ANGELA #142 @1614017*1 Refer#: NONE To: ALL Recvd: NO Subj: White Sauce (and variatio Conf: (37) Home Cooki --------------------------------------------------------------------------- White Sauce (and Variations) Thin White Sauce: 1 tb butter or fat 1 tb flour 1/4 ts salt 1 c milk, cream, or stock Medium White Sauce: 2 tb butter or fat 2 tb flour 1/4 ts salt 1 c milk, cream, or stock Thick White Sauce: 3 tb butter or fat 3 tb flour 1/4 ts salt 1 c milk, cream, or stock Use methods 1, 2, or 3 (below). Makes 1 cup sauce. WHITE SAUCE USES: Thin Sauce ..... Use as base for cream soups and other sauces. Medium Sauce ... Use for creamed and scalloped dishes, and gravies. Thick Sauce .... Use for croquettes and souffles. Method 1: Melt fat, stir in flour and salt. Cook until mixure bubbles. Remove from heat; add liquid, and stir until smooth. Cook in double boiler or over low heat until mixture thickens, stirring constantly or not at all. Method 2: Melt fat and remove from heat. Add flour and salt. Stir until smooth. Add liquid gradually, stirring constantly over low heat until mixture thickens. Method 3: Stir enough liquid into flour and salt to form a thin smooth paste. Scald remainder of liquid in double boiler. Add flour paste to hot liquid, stirring constantly until mixture thickens. Cover and cook 20 minutes longer. Stir in fat just before serving. To keep hot and prevent crust from forming over sauce, place over hot water and cover tightly. FOR A PERFECT WHITE SAUCE (1) Melt butter; stir in flour and salt. (2) Add milk gradually; stir until smooth. (3) A perfect white sauce is smooth, glossy, satiny. WHITE SAUCE VARIATIONS * Asparagus Sauce: Add 1/2 cup cooked or canned asparagus, cut into small pieces, to hot medium white sauce. Serve with omelets or souffles. * Caper Sauce: Add 3 to 4 tablespoons chopped capers and 1 teaspoon lemon juice to white sauce. Serve with fish. * Cheese Sauce: Add 1/2 to 1 cup chopped or grated American cheese and a dash of Worcestershire sauce or paprika (optional) to white sauce. Stir over hot, not boiling, water until cheese is melted. Serve with fish, eggs, macaroni, or rice. * Cheese Olive Sauce: Prepare think white sauce and omit salt. Add 1/2 to 1 cup chopped or grated American cheese and 1/2 cup stuffed olives to white sauce. Stir over hot, not boiling, water until cheese is melted. Serve with macaroni, rice, or vegetables. * Cheese Tomato Sauce: Use 1/2 cup tomato juice or strained tomatoes and 1/2 cup milk in preparing medium sauce. Add 1/4 cup grated or finely cut American cheese to hot sauce. Stir until melted. Serve over cauliflower. * Crabmeat Sauce: Remove bony particles from crabmeat and add 1/2 to 1 cup flaked canned crabmeat to seasoned medium white sauce. Flavor with 1 tablespoon dry sherry wine if desired. * Cream Onion or Celery Sauce: Saute 1/4 cup finely chopped onion or celery in 1 tablespoon butter or margarine. Add to 1 cup medium white sauce. * Creole Sauce: Use tomato juice or strained tomatoes for the liquid. Saute minced onion, chopped green pepper, and minced celery in the butter before flour is added. * Curry Sauce: Add 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon curry powder with dry ingredients. Serve with chicken, lamb, rice, or fish. * Dill Sauce: Add 3 tablespoons minced fresh dill to 1 cup hot sauce, seasoned medium white sauce. * Egg Sauce: Add 2 chopped hard-cooked eggs to white sauce, additional salt, and a dash of paprika. Serve with fish. * Goldenrod Sauce: Add 2 chopped hard-cooked egg whites to 1 cup seasoned medium white sauce. Pour over fish and sprinkle with chopped hard-cooked egg yolks. * Green Pea Sauce: Add 1/2 cup hot cooked or canned peas and 1 tablespoon chopped pimento to hot medium white sauce. Serve with omelets or salmon or tuna loaf. * Horseradish Sauce: Add 2 to 4 tablespoons prepared drained horseradish, and 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon prepared mustard to white sauce. Serve with boiled beef or corned beef. * Lobster or Shrimp Sauce: Add 1/2 to 1 cup canned or cooked lobster meat or shrimp, cut into small pieces to seasoned medium white sauce. For added flavor, add a tablespoon dry white wine. Serve with omelets, baked, broiled, or poached fish. * Milanese Sauce: Use 1/2 cup veal stock and 1/2 cup milk in preparing medium white sauce. Add 2 tablespoons grated parmesan cheese to the thickened sauce. Serve with veal. * Mock Holandaise Sauce: To 1/2 cup well seasoned white sauce, add equal amount of mayonaise and enough lemon juice to sharpen. Serve on asparagus and other green vegetables. * Mushroom Sauce: Add 1/2 to 1 cup sliced cooked or canned mushrooms to white sauce. Serve with chicken or vegetables. * Mustard Sauce: Add 1 tablespoon prepared mustard to white sauce. Serve with fish or tongue. * Oyster Sauce: Gently cook 1/2 cup small oysters in their own liquid until they plump and edges begin to curl, about 5 minutes. Add to hot medium white sauce. Serve with omelets, fish patties, and timbales. * Paprika Sauce: Add 1/2 to 1 teaspoon paprika with dry ingredients. Season with 1/4 teaspoon lemon juice, if desired. Serve with noodles, macaroni, or chicken. * Pimento Sauce: Add 1/4 cup chopped pimento to white sauce; 1/4 cup green pepper may be added if desired. Serve with fish or vegetables.