MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS RELATING TO SW LISTENING AND AMATEUR RADIO ============= ====== ======== == == ========= === ======= ===== Ham Radio Info Amateur Radio Center 1117 W. 36th St., Baltimore 889-5214 Store for amateur radio supplies in the Baltimore area. Phone HAM-TALK in the Baltimore area to find out about what is happening locally in Ham Radio. The ARRL (Amateur Radio Relay League) likely will have a contact number in your area. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Every serious shortwave listener should sooner or later get a hold of the catalog of swl supplies, radios, books from Universal Radio 1280 Aida Drive Reynoldsburg, OH 43068. The catalog normally would cost you $1.00, but if you mention that you heard about them on station KUSL, they will send you one free. It is a 8-1/2 x 11 92 page catalog that is informative as well as entertaining. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Pirate" station info 'pirate' bands: 1610 - 1630 Khz 6200 - 6325 Khz 6800 - 7000 Khz 7355 - 7530 Khz 15010 - 15030 Khz 7.240 Mhz @ 10:00 a.m. EST Sunday morn., ANARC Swl listing of pirate reports. THE ACE PO Box 11201 Shawnee Mission, KS 66207-0201 [$2 for sample issue] This is a special interest magazine about pirate stations. MONITORING TIMES PO Box 98 Brasstown, NC 28902 ($18/yr. subscription) This is another magazine about pirate stations. POPULAR COMMUNICATIONS 76 N. Broadway Hicksville, NY 11801 General interest about SW listening. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For information about construction old-style crystal radios, shortwave and otherwise contact: The Xtal Set Society c/o Phil Anderson, W0XI RR1, Box 129A Lawrence, KS 66044 They sell kits, booklets, and publish a bi-monthly newsletter ($8.00/yr). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Radio Nederland English Section PO Box 222 Hilversum, Netherlands 1200JG [write for schedule of English language broadcasts & QSL cards]