MAKING MONEY AS AN AGENT Earn big with your own financial service business! Homeowners across America are paying our agents big money to save $50,000 to $100,000 or more on their mortgage interest costs. Working from your home or office, you can earn a six-figure income by offering the Equity Acceleration Program with no previous experience or license required. The Equity Acceleration Program saves homeowners up to $100,000 or more in mortgage interest, reduces a 30 year mortgage to 20 years, builds home equity 2-3 times faster and can be transferred to future mortgages. With the deferred payment program and a low minimum price, you can sell in volume. The lifetime program requires no refinancing or credit checks, and works within the client's existing mortgage agreement. U.S. Mortgage Reduction is the nation's largest loan acceleration company. They hire and train more agents than any other company in the industry. You can become an agent for the company and either direct sell their money-saving program or hire other agents to sell for you. If you prefer just to hire other agents to sell for you, they will help you hire a successful network of agents and pay you large commissions on their sales. You won't even need to direct sell, handle money, or manage people. They do it all for you. They earn their money through a larger sales volume. You can hire agents through employment ads almost anywhere in the U.S.A. with their proven system. Would you like to learn more about this incredible sales and/or management business? Or why U.S. Mortgage Reduction has now become the number one mortgage reduction company in the United States? Call the toll- free number below and they'll send you a complete information package absolutely free. If you are interested in earning a seriously large income on a full or part-time basis, now is the time to call. You will be impressed. For free information package by mail, call (24 hours, toll-free) 1-800-365-7550, extension 70021.