SELF DEFESNE IN THE WORKPLACE: Dealing With A Jerk For A Customer Well, as an employee, I often find it very easy to say "This guy is a jerk! Why don't they tell him to go to hell." Unfortunately, we live in reality, and this is not done in most cases. In most retail and/or service businesses you must worship each and every customer. The best advertisement and business can have is a happy customer. Of course you will run into customers that will never be happy. That is of course until they get something for free. I find that 90% of the people out there who act like they are unhappy with your company for some reason are looking to get something for free. There are two ways you can deal with someone like this. 1. Ignore the penny pincher and he will either go elsewhere or live with whatever you have deemed sufficient for your arrangement with him. 2. Give him something at cost, and see if that appeases him. Usually this will work. If this does not work, then they are either genuinely angry with your company for whatever reason, or they aim to take you for everything they can get. Lose them quickly if possible. If worste comes to worste and you must lose a customer then you must at all times deal with this in a professional manner. NEVER tell the customer off. You could put it something like this. "I am sorry we were unable to satisfy your needs, it appears you are looking for something beyond what we can supply you with. Why don't you return the product and we will refund your money, and that will leave you open to do business with another compant, unless of course you;d rather continue doing business with us under our policies." The customer is always right, except when it comes to your wallet. You are in business to make money, not to give something away for free. Anyone who would even suggest you GIVE them something is obviously of bad character and is assuming that you are craven and desperate enough for his business to grovel for his money. I personally would never sink that low. I'll leave that to the car salesmen of the world. Never let a customer yell at you, swear at you, or otherwise insult you or your company. When you allow this, you are showing your company to be weak and unresponsive when under pressure. They lose respect for you that way. If you run into a customer who is anti-social simply inform them that you will not be spoken to in that way and they can call back when they have gained their composure. Hang up if you have to. They will call back and apologize most of the time. If a customer came to you, it is because you are offering them something they want. This should give them an open invitation to control you or your employees verbally or physically under any circumstances.