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In an attempt to get some more response I shall put together a manual and send it at my cost to whoever, either sends me a fax or a post card, or leaves me a message with where to send it on BASNET(PowerBASIC) echo, or at PowerBASIC tech support BBS see the ABOUT PowerBASIC choice in the online HELP in PowerBASIC IDE for phone number. NEW Lots of changes! and some new routines that I have written for the DNA-Write project, I hope to have the DNA-Write project finished by XMAS so keep whatching. NEW this release sees the full implementation of DNAWrite which is a version of PBWrite by Erik Olson and the routines from the DNA Library and a few gaps filled in, I would really appreciate some feed back on this one as it has taken a good deal of time and DEBUGGING to get it this far, so if you find bugs let me know about them ! THINGS still to do, the mark text with mouse is not ready yet and if anyone has any ideas for this please let me know. Once I have this routine figured, the Delete and Copy routines are already here. I plan to add somesort of activity gauge while the file is loading ie like the install routine on the PowerBASIC distribution disks, and I am also playing around with Erik's CALC.BAS from the GAP library, would anyone out there like me to include a mouse or keyboard driven calculator to DNAWrite so thats all folks. IMMPORTANT I have added another parameter to Horizontal Menu it is called HiLight% and it is so you can switch the hotkeys on and off, look at the source to DNAWrite to see how I've done it. 1) EDITBOX is a combination of several routines, and if you run the file DNAWRITE.EXE you will see it in action from the (S)earch and then (F)ind menu selections. 2) DBLBOX is as above but with two Line Edits. see the (S)earch and then (R)eplace menu selections. 3) DIRBOX is a routine to display files and directories and a line edit to edit path or file display, by entering a path and ie. *.Com DIRBOX will display only the COM files in that directory, DIRBOX has complete mouse support, scroll bars, etc. 4) SAVEAS is a routine for returning a selectable path and file name. it will cut a paste the current file name on to a selectable path for you. 5) LOCKS will display a NUM & CAPS on a line and column of your choice. 6) YESNO is a FUNCTION that allows you to place a question on screen and get a TRUE or FALSE answer so you can ie. IF YesNo%(parameters) THEN DoSomething ELSE DoSomethingElse END IF 7) MAYBE is a subroutine to display a question and return an answer other than yes or no, yes is still 1 or %TRUE and no is 0 or %FALSE but C or c or Esc is 2 so you can use it like this ie. MAYBE(parameters) SELECT CASE Answer% CASE 0 %FALSE statments CASE 1 %TRUE statments CASE 2 others statments END SELECT LINEEDIT has been changed ! it now has an exit with the mouse and a fall through by setting Editkey% to 255, (this is how I am keeping the name and path current in DIRBOX), If the exit was with the mouse then Editkey will have a value of -255 and the row and column values of the position the mouse was clicked will be in MouseRow% and MouseCol%, you then have to build a SELECT CASE around these values (again this is how DIRBOX works) ie. LINEEDIT(parameters) IF EditKey% = -255 THEN SELECT CASE MRow% CASE 1 SELECT CASE MCol% CASE 1 TO 80 do something on the first row END SELECT END SELECT ELSE SELECT CASE EditKey% CASE 255 fall through CASE 13 do something with enter key END SELECT END IF I shall build some data entry screens in the next version of DNALIB as a demo of how to implement these features. IMPORTANT I have changed the FGround, BGround variables to Attributes, so you have to pass a pair of colors now (I did this because there is a limit of 16 parameters that you can pass to a SUB). NEW Full Mouse support, all you have to do is add one line to your main program ie. IF MouseThere% THEN Mouse% = 1 (or %TRUE) There are a couple of other routines which are not in the demo but you have the source. MakeByte() will make an Attribute for you from FGround and BGround. MakeByte Attribute%, 15(BrightWhite), 1(Blue) Attribute% = 31 CalcByte() will perform the reverse of MakeByte CalcByte 31,FGround%,BGround% FGround% = 15 BGround% = 1 you could also use these routines when you call an intrupt that returns a Hi,Low Byte. CheckBits is very simple but useful if you want to check more than one bit etc. ScreenPlus will return a word that is closest to the Row%, Col% you pass it (maybe the start of a spell checker). If you are reading this from the (N)ew menu choice and have not run HELP.BAT exit and do it now, doing so will give you a much better feel for the "New" Help system. All "HELP.BAT" does is copy DUMMY.HLP to all the different menu Names, This is just a way of keeping the size of the distribution ZIP. to a minimum. NEW in this release the HELP system, the centre of which is a modified form of BROWSE.BAS from the GAP Library and included with the kind permission of Eric Olson (the original author). By pressing F1 from any menu choice the menu system removes any spaces or "@" (hot key marker) and builds a file name from the first eight characters or less, "Save As" would become "SAVEAS.HLP". It then calls BROWSE and BROWSE checks to see if the file is in the current directory, if the file is there BROWSE saves a portion of the screen, and pops a window on screen and displays the file. Not Hypertext but context sensitive. NEW in this release SCROLBOX has been greatly enhanced, you can use the space bar to TAG and UNTAG files or anything else you display with SCROLBOX. It also contains a SEARCH on the first letter of any displayed choices, it will search forward from the scroll bar and find the next match, if there is no match it will go to the beginning and search towards the scroll bar, there is also a side bar to show how far through the choices you are. NEW in this release TYPWRITE and NOISE, TYPWRITE will simulate a typewriter in sound and speed and may be useful for a NAG screen or a presentation demo etc. NOISE is a collection of clicks, chirps, phasers, etc. BUG LIST ~~~~~~~~ If you have DnaLib30.* then there was a bug in the ScrolBox search routine, but only if the mouse was on the window, I have made the mouse routines in ScrolBox a bit faster. And added the cancel window box [þ], if you are using Titles to the windows, the routines check to see if the box will fit on the top leftside of the window, if there is no space for it, it will be placed on the bottom leftside of the window. Also if there is no mouse the boxes and scroll bars are not displayed. There was a bug in the save and restore routines not a biggee but a bug all the same, it was caused by the use of a (;) as a delimiting character in the string I was storing the saved portion of the screen to, it would cause strange colours and characters to appear I have changed the character to CHR$(255) which should solve the problem but this could be any character you like.