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Some of the material used comes from scanning CLIPPER echoes which are carried in various BBS throughout the World. These Echoes are very often the source of the most often asked Questions and Answers about Clipper. Other material, which is fully signed or abbreviated is the copyright of the appropriate persons. The publisher is not responsible for other authors submissions.... Published material is not necessarily the opinion of the publisher. Redaction: Publisher...................................Daniel Docekal Chief editor ...............................Daniel Docekal Language editor .................................Dave Wall Table of Contents 1. ARTICLES .............................................................. 1 The Programmer's Guide to CLIPPER Linkers - part (8) .................. 1 QEMM 6.0 Switches ..................................................... 6 2. SOFTWARE .............................................................. 9 List of CLIPPER related areas on CLIPPER BBS HQ system ................ 9 3. ANOMALIES ............................................................. 15 ANOMALIES reports and commets ......................................... 15 ATAIL() Miscellaneous comment ............................... 15 Debugger anomalies - PARAMETERS statement ............................. 15 DBF FILES Assure proper closing ............................... 16 4. CLIPPER NET ........................................................... 17 Index of described files in Clipper BBS Magazine ...................... 17 ClipperNet - QS20F.ARJ ................................................ 18 ClipperNet - WIPEV11.EXE .............................................. 18 Routing plan of ClipperNet - where to find ClipperNet node ............ 19 ClipperNet - ASCPOS.ARJ ............................................... 21 ClipperNet - CLIPWARN.ARJ ............................................. 21 ClipperNet - ENDADD.ARJ ............................................... 22 CLIPBBS 1-11 Table of Contents (...) 5 Nov 1991 ClipperNet - IS.ARJ ................................................... 22 ClipperNet - PRINTSUP.ARJ ............................................. 23 5. CLIPBBS ............................................................... 24 CLIPBBS distribution .................................................. 24 CLIPBBS, how to write an article!!! ................................... 25 - - - - - CLIPBBS 1-11 Page 1 5 Nov 1991 ============================================================================== ARTICLES ============================================================================== The Programmer's Guide to CLIPPER Linkers - part (8) NOLINK Current Version - 2.1 List Price - $89.00 NOLINK is a true "dynamic-linker" which does NOT produce an executable file but instead is an "executable-kernel" which contains the CLIPPER.LIB/EXTEND.LIB libraries and runs Clipper applications from .OBJ files and/or dynamic libraries. Like ALINK, NOLINK's dynamic link system is compatible with Clipper-compiled code only and was designed to help develop and test Clipper modules by eliminating the normal link cycle that is required when producing .EXEcutable programs. NOLINK only links objects into memory when they are "called" by the application that is running. NOLINK's dynamic-link system is by far the fastest linking technique of all link systems because the symbol "fixups" occur at runtime and only when they are needed by the application. NOLINK's .EXE program is built from the Clipper libraries and the NOLINK "Kernel Builder" library and is somewhat of a memory hog. NOLINK is an excellent product for testing small portions of Clipper programs or Clipper UDF's, but it can easily run out of memory on large Clipper projects. NOLINK's standard .EXE program is limited to virgin Clipper applications and is not compatible with third-party libraries. It is recommended that you use NOLINK's Kernel Builder to create a custom kernel for your more sophisticated applications. NOLINK - Kernel Builder (library) Current Version - 2.1 List Price - $89.00 The NOLINK Kernel Builder is a LIBRARY which allows the programmer to build a custom "dynamic-link" kernel which also includes compatibility with third-party libraries. Kernel Builder's Library is used with another "overlay-linker" to create the kernel. By using overlay segments, I have been successful in creating complete NOLINK kernels in as small as 190k with RTLINK and 220k with PLINK86. CLIPBBS 1-11 Page 2 5 Nov 1991 NOLINK and NOLINK Kernel Builder are available from: DONNAY Software Designs 1880 Park Newport, #104 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Voice: (714) 721-6720 Fax : (714) 721-9495 dCLIP/dCLIPRUN Current Version - 2.5 Summer 87 2.50 Clipper 5.0 List Price - $295.00 dCLIP is a complete development platform and library for Clipper applications and uses "dynamic-linking" to run clipper .OBJ files or dynamic libraries. dCLIPRUN has a 40k lower memory overhead than dCLIP because the DOT prompt and debugging tools have been removed. Both the dCLIP.EXE and dCLIPRUN.EXE "engines" are included in the dCLIP package and a set of .LIBraries are also included to allow the programmer to create custom engines or use dCLIP features in his/her applications. dCLIP also includes a royalty-free dCLIPRUN distribution license to allow the developer to distribute the dCLIPRUN.EXE runtime engine or "custom" runtime engines for running Clipper applications from .OBJects and/or .DLBs. dCLIP's technology uses functions from the NOLINK library to perform it's "dynamic-linking", but other than that, there is absolutely no resemblance to NOLINK. dCLIP is much more sophisiticated than NOLINK in its dBASE/FoxBASE-style user- interface, memory management and debugging tools. dCLIP also performs much better in network environments and includes complete documentation for integrating with all other third-party products. dCLIP is the only linking product that is a "runtime" system rather than producing an .EXEcutable program. dCLIP's .EXE can be customized by re-creating it from the dCLIP libraries, therefore dCLIP provides the advantage of using any other linking technology in conjunction with their "dynamic-linking" system. This means that a dCLIP.EXE engine built with RTLINK will support all the features of RTLINK .AND. all the features of dCLIP. For many Clipper applications, distribution of an .EXEcutable program is the most efficient and beneficial. dCLIP's runtime system was designed to solve the distribution problems which can't be managed very well in .EXE programs: 1. Alpha/Beta testing projects under development Because dCLIPRUN executes the .OBJect files or dynamic libraries, daily updates to offsite testers can be distributed CLIPBBS 1-11 Page 3 5 Nov 1991 much more quickly and efficiently. Sending a few .OBJects is quicker and easier than sending large .EXEcutables each time changes are made. 2. Configuration control and customization. dCLIPRUN offers a more efficient method of distributing applications which require constant configuration or custom changes. Custom configuration of a screen or report would normally require rebuilding the .EXEcutable program. With dCLIPRUN's "incremental linking" capability, a custom change can be accomplished at the customer's site, compiled into an object and ready to run. 3. Memory management for large applications. Some applications cannot be linked into an .EXEcutable program with any "overlay" linker because of the large number of symbols which must always go into the "root" memory. For example, Champion accounting distributes their system in 10 .EXEcutable programs. dCLIPRUN will run Champion's entire accounting package as though it were one integrated system by running the .OBJect files or dynamic-libraries. This also provides the advantage of reducing the distribution from 10 diskettes to 4. dCLIP also provides a set of libraries which can be used with any other Clipper linker. All the functionality of the standard dCLIP program is available in a set of functions which may be linked into your Clipper applications including: 1. The "dynamic-link" system 2. The dot-prompt 3. The menu-driven database manager 4. The printer manager and database 5. The report manager and editor 6. The interactive debugger 7. The source-level debugger 8. The trace debugger (profiler) 9. A complete toolbox of useful menu functions. dCLIP / dCLIPRUN is available from: DONNAY Software Designs 1880 Park Newport, #104 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Voice: (714) 721-6720 Fax : (714) 721-9495 Linker Comparison Chart - Memory Management Features ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ CLIPBBS 1-11 Page 4 5 Nov 1991 ³ Linker ³Dynamic ³Dynamic ³ Static ³ Static ³ True ³Overlay ³Memory ³ ³ ³Overlays³Overlays³Overlays³Overlays³Dynamic ³Reload ³Packing ³ ³ ³CLIPPER ³ C/ASM ³CLIPPER ³ C/ASM ³Linking ³ C/ASM ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³PLINK86+ ³ NO ³ NO ³ YES ³ YES ³ NO ³ YES ³ NO ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³PLINK86s87³ NO ³ NO ³ YES ³ YES ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³RTLINK ³ NO ³ NO ³ YES *3 ³ YES ³ NO ³ YES ³ NO ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³RTLINK-5.0³ YES ³ NO ³ NO ³ YES ³ NO ³ YES ³ NO *8 ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³RTLINK+ ³ NO ³ NO ³ YES *3 ³ YES ³ NO ³ YES ³ NO ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³MS LINK ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ALINK ³ YES ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³BLINKER ³ YES ³ YES *2 ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ YES ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³WARPLINK ³ YES ³ YES *2 ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ YES ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³TLINK ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ NO ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³NOLINK ³ YES ³ NO ³ YES *1 ³ YES *1 ³ YES ³ YES *1 ³ NO ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³NOLINK-KB ³ YES ³ NO ³ YES *1 ³ YES *1 ³ YES ³ YES *1 ³ NO ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³DCLIPRUN ³ YES ³ NO ³ YES *1 ³ YES *1 ³ YES ³ YES *1 ³ YES ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³DCLIP ³ YES ³ NO ³ YES *1 ³ YES *1 ³ YES ³ YES *1 ³ YES ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Linker Comparison Chart - Memory Management Features (cont.) 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Possibilities of QEMM 6.0 are just great. Then i decided to need some small chart of possible switches, because QEMM is using them a quite lot. Maybe this small list will help to some else... ADAPTERRAM ARAM=xxxx-yyyy adapter RAM is located in range ADAPTERROM AROM=xxxx-yyyy adapter ROM is located in range AUTO AU ON only when needed COMPAQ386S C386S this computer is Compaq386S COMPAQEGAROM CER Relocate COMPAQ's video ROM COMPAQHALFROM CHR Split system ROM in half COMPAQROMMMEMORY CRM Use reserved ROM *CONTEXTS CO probably removed DISKBUF DB=xx SCSI Disk buffers DMA DM=xx DMA buffers DONTUSEXMS DUX Don't use XMS DOS4 D4 alter EMS page ordering for DOS 4.00 EMBMEM EMB=xxxxx limit mem as EMB to xxxxxKs EXTMEM EXT=xxxxx reserve xxxKB of extended FORCEEMS FEMS still act as EMS even if no frame FRAME FR=xxx/NONE set page frame addres FRAMELENGTH FL=x set size of page frame GETSIZE GS[:f] report the memory used if loaded high HANDLES HA=xxx EMS handles HMAMIN HMAMIN=x min.size of HMA (0-63) IGNOREA20 IA Don't trap A20 (8042) INCLUDE I=xxxx-yyyy it's mappable also CLIPBBS 1-11 Page 7 5 Nov 1991 *INCLUDE386 I386 probably removed *IOTRAP probably removed *LABEL LB probably removed LOCKDMA LD Don't allow DMA interrupt MAPS MA=xx No of alternate reisters sets MEMORY ME[M]=xxxx Use only xxxK of extended *NAMES NA probably removed NOCOMPAQFEATURES NCF Disable all COMPAQ features NOEMS NOEMS Don't be EMS manager NOFILL NO Don't fill conventional memory NOHMA Don't allow HMA access NOROM NR don't map reboot page NOROMHOLES NRH don't find holes NOSHADOWRAM NOSH Don't use C&T shadow NOSORT NS No sort memory by speed NOTOKENRING NTR Don't token ring adapter NOTOPMEMORY NT Don't look for top of memory NOVDS Disable support for Virtual DMA Services NOVIDEOFILL NV don't fill video NOVIDEORAM NVR Don't put RAM into video NOWINDOWS3 NW3 Don't support Windows3 NOXBDA NX Don't move XBIOS NOXMS Don't be extended manager OLDDV ODV DV 1.3 or 2.00 will run ON ON turn ON OFF OF turno OFF RAM RAM[=xxxx-yyyy] put RAM or only in range REGION REGION=x CLIPBBS 1-11 Page 8 5 Nov 1991 ROM ROM[=xxxx[-yyyy]] Put ROM in range TASKS TA=xx interrupt nesting UNUSUAL8042 U8 non standard 8042 UNUSUALEXT UX unusual XBIOS VIDRAMEGA VREGA Ega feature of VIDRAM VIDRAMEMS VREMS EMS feature of VIDRAM WATCHDOG WD=0,1,2 type of watchdog timer EXCLUDE X=xxxx-yyyy exclude range DISKBUFFRAME =xx disk accets INto page frame EXCLUDESTEALTH =xx do not stealth a particular ROM EXCLUDESTEALTHINT =xx do not stealth a particular INT FASTINT10 :n do not sped up INT10s with Stealth FORCESTEALTHCOPY Copy table even when exluded FRAMEBUF :y/n Buffer INT21s into page frame SORT :Y sort memoty by speed STEALTHROM:m/f reclaim adress space of ROMS SUSPENDRESUME support LAPTOPs susp/res operation VCPISHARE :Y share the page table with VCPI clients VIRTUALHDIRQ :N do not supress INT15/90 with Stealth VXDDIR =path path to .VXD file .cez. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-11 Page 9 5 Nov 1991 ============================================================================== SOFTWARE ============================================================================== List of CLIPPER related areas on CLIPPER BBS HQ system Mentioned files are available on NETCONSULT BBS, 31-10-4157141 (working hours, workdays 18:00->08:00, weekends 24hours/day) Speeds 1200bps -> 14400bps (V32 modem) FIDONET 2:285/608, Signet 27:1331/4412 ÕÍÍÍÍÍÍÑÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ͸ ³ # 56 ³ CLIPPER General area *CL* Access Level : 10 ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ °°°°°±±±±±²²²²²ÛÛÛÛÛ ³ 6948 KBytes in 117 Files ³ ÛÛÛÛÛ²²²²²±±±±±°°°°° ³ ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÏÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÏÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ; -ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· -³ CLIPPER FILE SUPPORT AREA º -³ º -³ This file area contains ONLY CLIPPER related files. Mostly related to º -³ Clipper version 5.0 and 5.01. CLIPPER Summer (or any older) files are º -³ in special area only for this version. Number of files of CLipper in º -³ this BBS is growing, therefore -> needed separating of them. º -³ º -³ For UPLOADERS: º -³ Please, please. When you are uploading a file to this are, give GOOD º -³ explanation of your upload and tell me for WHICH version of CLipper is º -³ your UPLOAD. Sometime i have a BIG problems to keep there order. º -³ º -³ ±°± Files signed with this special sign are RECOMENDED by test site º -³ ±°± in this BBS as really GOOD to have them! º -ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ -ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ -³ EXAMPLE PROGRAMS, EXPLANATIONS, .... ³Þ -³ ³Þ -ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÞ - ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß TBMULTI.ARJ 3863 06-03-91 [003] MULTILINE TBROSE OBJECT, Way to make a - tbrowse window and object where records (data) are represented - on MULTIPLE lines. DBE2TB.ARJ 30593 03-23-91 [002] This ZIP file contains about 30 examples - how to use TBROWSE objects and ESPECIALLY how to convert DBEDIT - functions to succesfull and fully working TBROWSE objects. - Includes a browsing a MEMOFIELD in TBROWSE and lot of another - nice and good examples IERROR.TXT -=FILE IS GONE=- [001] 87,5.0x Internal ERRORS by Nantucket - This text file contains complete explanation of PUBLIC internal - errors in Clipper. Summer and 5.0x are using this set the same, - 5.0x has another hundreths of internal error which are NOT PUBLIC - and Nantucker never published official list of them. This one is - official list of PUBLIC internal errors. CLIPBBS 1-11 Page 10 5 Nov 1991 GPLUS.ARJ 5266 06-05-91 [005] Upgrade GET system for 5.0x - Sample functions for upgrading GET system to react for special - keys and do some actions on some values. DLDBEVAL.ARJ 1842 09-26-90 [002] 5.0x How to combine ACHOICE with DBEVAL - This is a examples how to pick up some values from database and then - use them in ACHOICE function to make selection menu. U-MEMO.ARJ 4614 06-05-91 [000] 5.0x How to limit the MEMOFIELDS. - Sample function in this example can teach you HOW to limit a size - of MEMOFIELD when user is editing it. Has one big disadvantage. - Working nice, but not all. In one moment this limit check will - not work. Unfortunately this moment can be in 50% of cases. - This one is VERY good document about methods which can be used - for making a selection of more records in browse window (or - on all other places). This text is discussing all methods (but - one is forgotten, ask me i will tell you when you want) and - giving very good examples. WORKING.ARJ 14036 12-06-90 [003] How to use objects in 5.0x (very good) - Very good set of examples about using objects in Clipper 5.0x. NUGETS.ARJ 13913 03-23-91 [000] 5.0x Sample of modification of GETSYS - Nothing else that upgrade of GET system for some nice functions. - For example date fields updating with "+" and "-" keys and so on. DBOBJECT.ARJ 126224 04-04-91 [003] 5.0x Sample how to create NEW OBJECTs - Examples how to create a pseudo objects in CLipper 5.0x. Everybody - knows that Clipper is object oriented. But Nantucket is not giving - a way to define own object. This example is making pseudo objects, - which are acting like real objects. OBJDEMO1.EXE 134351 03-23-91 [003] 5.0x demonstration how to create object in CLipper, file1 OBJDEMO2.EXE 118847 03-23-91 [003] 5.0x demonstration how to create object in Clipper file2 - Another demo how to create pseudo objects in Clipper. This one is - better that in DBOBJECT.ARJ, but is more complex and difficult. - Sample program which is allowing to use special function to set - or retrive 'variables' from variable stack. It can save memory - but i don't think it's good sample to really use it :-) - This one seems like set of examples from some book. Inside is - some dutch explanation, but i hadn't time to take a look to it. -ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ -³ SOURCE files, OBJECT files, CLIPPER utilities ³Þ -³ ³Þ -ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙÞ - ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ANTIVIR.ARJ -=FILE IS GONE=- [000] 5.0x ANTIVIR Utility - .OBJ files and another files in this archive are HELPFULL in case - that somebody want to check if file is NOT changes inside. Mostly - because of viruses, but also as part (c) check. Those files are - responsible for create a CHECKSUM of existed file and then .OBJ - function can check it after start of program and do actions when - checksum is not correct. VNTX.ARJ 4524 02-09-91 [001] 5.0x Function for test index file - This is a part of your program which will be able to test if - index files are corrupted or not. It's coming from Nantucket - directly. UPDATE1.ARJ 50671 12-11-90 [003] 87,5.0x UPDATE databases and indexes CLIPBBS 1-11 Page 11 5 Nov 1991 - Special utility set and LIB set for making automatic update of - all indexes and/or databases in existing applications, there is - enough to include this system in your programs and all new versions - will update correct files, add/remove/change fields in databases, - take care of new and/or old files and so on. SENDFA.ARJ 7419 04-04-91 [003] Connection Coprocessor FAX board - Connection Coprocessor FAX board is special kind of computerized - FAX. This simple program inside of this archive is giving a way - how to access this FAX board from Clipper. WRDPRF.ARJ 2867 04-04-91 [004] 5.0x Make WordPerfect MERGE file - WordPerfect MAILMERGE file is special format of WordPerfect file - (database) which can make easy send a lot of letters to more - adresses. There is one program which can make WordPerfect file - from Clipper database. Combination of "C" and Clipper code. NETIO.ARJ 3570 04-04-91 [003] 5.0x CLIPPER functions for Locking and - Sample programs for networking functions - APPEND BLANK, FLOCK, - RLOCK, USE with complete USER interface including a retries and - user messages. NEWLOCKS.ARJ 3545 04-04-91 [004] CLIPPER locking functions for - Samples of RLOCK, FLOCK, USE, APPEND BLANK interface in network. - Second file has some improvements, but if you are interested in - it, then take a look to both of them. NEWLCKS2.ARJ 3720 08-15-90 [001] New set of file/record locking functions WIN2.ARJ 6615 01-06-91 [001] 5.0 Windowing system for Clipper - This is maybe practical and nice example how is possible to make - windowing system inside of Clipper. But it's not using a "C" or - other fast code and everything is done inside of Clipper. Very good - is there using of preprocessor. As example it's perfect. SUBNTX.COM 36468 02-09-91 [000] 5.0 Superfast kind of additional indexes - Very fast replacement of CLipper index files. This one is only - demo of this program. It's really fast, taking less place and - is more flexible that normal index way. DKCOLOR.ARJ 95786 06-05-91 [001] 5.0? Nice Color Utility. - Dutch origin color setup utility. Seems nice, but needs more work - when wants to be real used. But for small applications is usefull. SNAP402I.ARJ -=FILE IS GONE=- [001] Newest version of SNAP! - ±°± This is a probably latest version of SNAP, greates dBASE - ±°± compatible documentator of programs. It;s really great, - ±°± but is supporting ONLY Clipper SUmmer 87 edition. ERS501.ARJ 6792 07-29-91 [000] 5.01 Tim Palmquist version of nice ERRORSYS.PRG for 5.01 NLOGOS2.ARJ 5381 02-04-90 [000] Nantucket Logos to include in Programs SETCOLOR.ARJ 1307 04-28-87 [000] SETCOLOR Utility TJ_CAL.ARJ 981 07-24-89 [000] calender. Just drawing calender on screen ONOTES.ARJ 25814 05-25-91 [003] 5.0x Some usefull Tbrowse Object notes CL5102.ARJ 23571 08-20-91 [001] version of report of bug - and anomalies found in Clipper 5.01 version !!!! Get this - file immediately, but not believe so much to this. It's not - so serious as were previous for 5.01 i found several cases - which are just lack of knowledge on people side.... STD_CH.NG 24645 07-29-91 [000] 5.01 Norton Guide from STD.CH definitions CLPFONTS.ARJ 55731 06-17-91 [003] Just GREAT Pepijn smits FONTS ±°± in both 5.0x and S87 CLippers. This one will allow you to choose ±°± from about 20 fonts for your EGA or VGA with great effect for ±°± your programs. FRM2PR23.ARJ 16851 01-30-90 [000] Making .PRG from .FRM files. CLIPBBS 1-11 Page 12 5 Nov 1991 - Nice toget out rid of stupid REPORT command in your clipper - programs. MEMACROS.ARJ 23202 07-19-91 [002] MeMoEdit macros for Clipper 5.x ±°± Great set of macros, especially database viewer, Clipper program ±°± compiler and error analyser for Multi Edit (greate editor!) SEEKFIX.ARJ 3203 07-11-91 [000] Hm, has to be a FIX for 5.01 and SEEK - never heard about problem with SEEK+FOUND(), NAN nor - COMPUSERVE wasn't publishing something about this. CFOS_001.ARJ 176315 07-25-89 [000] ?S87? Clipper Modem Control Library. - This is a one complete library for interfacing Clipper - with FOSSIL drivers! CLIPDEV.ARJ 88011 10-18-88 [000] Clipper Development Enviornment. If - nothing nice inside, then one can see here a demo of SWAP! - library (great) DEV.ARJ 22377 10-21-88 [002] Clipper development environment. - This file contains sources and ! demo version of SWAP! - library itself. DBDWIND2.ARJ 24769 01-14-88 [000] Windows for Clipper - fast ASM routines - COmplete system for keeping all databases, indexes and - so on documented, up to date and clean for understanding - and so on. DSTRUCT.ARJ 14892 11-12-90 [000] 5.0x Util that creates 5.0 CH - header files for your databases in form of order numbers - of your fields. One can then just easy use this for SCATTER - and GATTER (FOXBASE) functions equivalent. BTW, it's just - only game which has better real working environment. FX86E.ARJ 3795 04-06-88 [000] Epson FX-86e/286e printer driver library for GRUMP_NG.ARJ 28849 01-06-89 [000] Grumpfish Library database for Norton Guides ------------------------------------------------------------ - JBBS, complete BBS package written in Clipper JBBS2_02.ZIP -=FILE IS GONE=- [000] JBBS BBS system source code JBBSDBF.ZIP -=FILE IS GONE=- [000] JBBS v.1.07 DBFs - 3 of 5 JBBSDOC.ZIP -=FILE IS GONE=- [000] DOC files for JBBS, the Clipper BBS software JBBSKIT.ZIP -=FILE IS GONE=- [000] JBBS BBS utilities in CLipper 5.0 JBBX2_02.ZIP -=FILE IS GONE=- [000] JBBS BBS system Exe file JBBS2_00.ARJ 77246 11-06-90 (yet to be descriped) JBBSEXE.ARJ 186983 08-24-90 (yet to be descriped) JBBSMSG2.ARJ 110771 10-08-90 (yet to be descriped) JBBSPRGS.ARJ 220039 08-24-90 (yet to be descriped) JBBSUTL.ARJ 173547 09-14-90 (yet to be descriped) JLIB0301.ARJ 79383 02-28-90 (yet to be descriped) JLIB0710.ARJ 102348 08-27-90 (yet to be descriped) JLIB0923.ARJ 101400 09-23-90 (yet to be descriped) JMAIL21.ARJ 150238 10-23-90 (yet to be descriped) - Special library with Encode and Decode functions. BTW, i'm - using this two from Pepijn Smits, EXPAND library!. INDXSL.ARJ 4154 09-10-91 [002] Index selection function written for Cl 5.0 IOBASYS9.ARJ 62548 09-10-91 [000] Demo of Sub_Set() & EditMemo() Clipper 5 CLIPBBS 1-11 Page 13 5 Nov 1991 MOVEGETS.ARJ 3949 09-10-91 [001] Examples of the new object GETs in Cl 5.0 SYMBOL.ARJ 7636 09-10-91 [001] Will build and print a list of all Symbols used by a Cl EXE. COND.ARJ 14983 09-10-91 [003] Create conditional Index, like SubNtx, with Clipper 5.01 source MK30.ARJ 18760 09-10-91 [000] Preview of MK.Lib 3.0, Mouse support READPW.ARJ 1783 09-10-91 [001] Password reader for Clipper 5.01, uses GETSYS, source CL.ARJ 1103 05-13-91 [0] CLIPPER LIBCAT.ARJ 149693 03-14-91 [0] CLIPPER CL-POL.005 2980 08-20-91 [0] CLIPPER CLIPNET policy CL-ROUTE.228 2872 08-20-91 [0] CLIPPER Clipper routing of ClipNet OVERCL.ARJ 20277 08-22-91 [0] CLIPPER Summer 87 overlaying probably IONET.ARJ 151852 08-26-91 [000] (yet to be descriped) NFLIB2.ARJ 167730 09-16-91 [002] NanForum Library v2.0 PAT1.ARJ 2878 09-16-91 [001] Patch for NanForum Library v2.0 C5REP6.ARJ 7485 09-16-91 [000] Replacement for FRMRUN.PRG, Includes 2 patches VSIX711.ARJ 136721 09-16-91 [002] Vern Six's Clipper ToolBox v7.11 for Clipper '87 & 5.00 NFSRC2.ARJ 308973 09-16-91 [001] NanForum Library v2.0, Source PACKUP.ARJ 5958 09-16-91 [001] Replacement for SaveScreen() & RestScreen(), uses less memory, ASM NFDESC2.ARJ 5129 09-16-91 [005] Description of all functions in NanForum Lib v2.0 VSIX302.ARJ 53343 08-26-91 [0] Vernon Six Clipper utilities SHIRLEY.ARJ 6445 05-21-91 [001] Select multiple records in browse window SAFE.ARJ 1353 03-23-91 [000] (yet to be descriped) SYBEX.ARJ 12787 05-11-91 [000] (yet to be descriped) CLP2RMK.ARJ 118619 03-24-91 [000] (yet to be descriped) COOLDEMO.ARJ 236998 03-01-91 [000] (yet to be descriped) DBSM_20.ARJ 192829 01-21-89 [000] (yet to be descriped) DCBETA2.ARJ 292777 06-16-90 [000] (yet to be descriped) DLB208.ARJ 84636 05-20-90 [000] (yet to be descriped) HELPSYS.ARJ 122825 11-01-88 [000] (yet to be descriped) HP2.ARJ 1027 11-18-88 [000] (yet to be descriped) HPLJLIB.ARJ 3582 03-31-90 [001] (yet to be descriped) INF_DB.ARJ 2863 06-02-86 [000] (yet to be descriped) SPELCLP2.ARJ 119526 10-06-90 [000] (yet to be descriped) SUPER151.ARJ 161436 07-02-90 [000] (yet to be descriped) CLIP-GR.ARJ 248898 01-04-91 [000] (yet to be descriped) DOC110.ARJ 203513 09-19-91 [001] Doc v1.10, Soure code documenter for Clipper 5.0x SCRSAVE.ARJ 2694 09-23-91 [002] SCRSAVE() 1.0 - Screensaver, a colored Novell worm ACH2TB.ARJ 10868 09-23-91 [002] Achoice to TBrowse, full Clipper source POPUPCAL.ARJ 6306 09-23-91 [003] PopUp Calender TBWHL4.ARJ 5464 09-23-91 [002] Tbrowse with WHILE condition DBSCN2.ARJ 162837 09-23-91 [000] DbScreen 2.0, Screen design utility, generates Cl 5.0x source SOUND.ARJ 2336 09-23-91 [002] Sound() function based on Tone(), incl. .ch header file NOTATION.ARJ 6156 09-11-91 [000] (yet to be descriped) HGLASS.ARJ 4932 08-09-91 [000] (yet to be descriped) OOPSCL5.ARJ 2826 09-28-91 [000] Clipper 5 OOPS functions and demo. CLIPBBS 1-11 Page 14 5 Nov 1991 KF_LOKUP.ARJ 12028 09-28-91 [001] Great LookUp function for Clipper 5.01 GSR151.ARJ 140879 10-14-91* [000] Multifile Global Search and Replace 1.51 POWER10.ARJ 138668 10-14-91* [001] GREAT lib for 5.01 (graph,comm,mouse) ACCESS.ARJ 411 10-14-91* [000] Clipper 5.0 test memory access DIAL.ARJ 1791 10-14-91* [000] simple modem dialer SHELP50A.ARJ 124163 10-14-91* [002] Superhelp v5.0 pour clipper 87 et 5.01 JG2.ARJ 4550 10-14-91* [000] Jump 2 another Get, UDC LUTLIB.ARJ 10598 10-14-91* [000] Small lib with some menu functions POSTPRNT.ARJ 3022 10-14-91* [000] Prints ASCII-Text on postscript printer MSWIN.ARJ 3297 10-14-91* [000] Test of presence MSWindow from inside of Clipper SHADO.ARJ 1779 10-14-91* [000] Another Shadow function PAT2-2.ARJ 4455 10-14-91* [001] PATCH no2 for NAFORUM LIB v 2.0 DOC111.ARJ 57121 10-14-91* [002] Newer version of Clipper documentor CALC14.ARJ 23106 10-14-91* [000] Calculator (as .OBJ) -----------------------------NEW FILES--------------------------- GETKEY.ARJ 280043 10-14-91* [001] Getkey v2.01, screen, string library TICKER.ARJ 5578 10-14-91* [001] Attach Clipper function to system clock STATUS.ARJ 8221 10-14-91* [001] Status bar using timer tick PARTIDX3.ARJ 17406 10-14-91* [002] Partial Index v3.0 SNAP497.ARJ 275474 10-17-91* [002] Snap 5.0 beta for Clipper 5.0 - Source analyser OCLIP.ARJ 13954 10-21-91* [000] o:Oclip 1.0 - Object oriented extension for Clipper 5.01 PRINTSUP.ARJ 5626 10-21-91* [001] Printer BIOS function for Clipper 5.01 TBUNIQUE.ARJ 3397 10-21-91* [001] Unique TBrowse without unique index VSIX800.ARJ 250040 10-21-91* [001] Vern Six library v8.00 for Clipper 5.01 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-11 Page 15 5 Nov 1991 ============================================================================== ANOMALIES ============================================================================== ANOMALIES and their comments This part of Clipper BBS Magazine is dedicated to all discovered anomalies and comments about them in Clipper products. Because Nantucket is still unable to give own bug and anomalies reports (as actually did in past with Summer 87 version) is very handy to have results of many investigations done on many user places. I'm also doing my own investigatings, because i'm always very good when someting has hidden problems. Everything what i buy will first show all problems and then all normal things. This amazing part of my live is sometime making me crazy, but for testing of programs it's great . Daniel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ATAIL() Miscellaneous comment. Problem Statement Per the documentation, ATAIL(aArray) 'gets' the value of the last element in the array. It may NOT be used to 'set' the value and will return Compiler error 2042, Invalid lvalue, if you attempt to use it in this fashion. -----COMMENTS------ Per the documentation is ATAIL() correctly explained as only function to get value of last element. Exacly it's: "ATAIL() returns a value or a reference to an array or object. The array is not changed" Therefore NOBODY can expect at this point use of ATAIL for setting a value, because it's just function and not codeblock for EVAL or someting like this. In this case i'm missing point, WHY Jo French included this comment into anomaly report. .DD. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Debugger anomalies - PARAMETERS statement Problem Statement CLIPBBS 1-11 Page 16 5 Nov 1991 1) The debugger will indicate incorrect variable values following a PARAMETERS statement. ----COMMENTS---- I was trying to make several tests with PARAMETERS statement (which i'm normally never using), but every time it was giving correct answers. If someone who is reading this has some tested example and can give exact source of program with above mentioned problem, i'm very interested in it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ DBF FILES Assure proper closing. General Comment 5.01 is very sensitive about work area management. Assure that files, including indices, are properly closed before attempting things such as APPEND FROM. -----General anti comment ----- I'm NEVER thinking about closing of databases or indexes in any operations in any time. APPEND FROM is used very often in some of my programs in form of appending from database, text file, wordperfect merge files. Never got any problems and never got reported problems by customers using those programs daily. If anyone has something to say about this, please tell me! Daniel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-11 Page 17 5 Nov 1991 ============================================================================== CLIPPER NET ============================================================================== Following is COMPLETE list of all published file descriptions in Clipper BBS magazine in previous numbers. Purpose of this index list is to allow anybody find needed file descriptions in growing number of described files. Short description after name will give first possible close image about file. Number enclosed in "[]" will mean number of Clipper BBS magazine. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³FileName ³Src ³Description ³Where ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ACCESS.ARJ ³Cln ³Source of speed testing program ³[1-06]³ ³ACH2TB.ARJ ³Cln ³Convert ACHOICE to TBROWSE ³[1-05]³ ³ACHOO2.ARJ ³Cln ³Replacement of ACHOICE with GET possibilites ³[1-06]³ ³ADHOC302.ARJ ³Cln ³Summer 87 inteligent report program ³[1-04]³ ³CALC14.ARJ ³Cln ³PoPup Calculator ³[1-08]³ ³CL5103.ARJ ³Cln ³Report of 5.01 anomaly number 3 ³[1-04]³ ³CL5REP6.ARJ ³Cln ³5.01 replacement of REPORT command ³[1-04]³ ³CLIP110.ARJ ³Cln ³Clipper Documentor program ³[1-05]³ ³CLIPLINK.ARJ ³Cbs ³Complete text of R.Donnay about linkers ³[1-04]³ ³CLIPSQL.ARJ ³Cln ³Demo of complete SQL library for CLipper ³[1-05]³ ³CLPFON.ARJ ³Cln ³Set of fonts for EXPAND.LIB from author ³[1-03]³ ³COND.ARJ ³Cln ³Builder of conditional indexes like SUBNTX ³[1-03]³ ³DBSCN2.ARJ ³Cln ³Screen designer generator ³[1-05]³ ³DIAL.CLN ³Cln ³Dialer with using of FOPEN() ³[1-07]³ ³DOC111.ARJ ³Cln ³Documentor, newer version ³[1-08]³ ³GSR151.ARJ ³Cln ³Global Search and replace for programmers ³[1-07]³ ³HGLASS.ZIP ³Cln ³Hour glass for indication of index progression ³[1-04]³ ³INDXSL.ARJ ³Cln ³User Fields selection builder for index generate³[1-03]³ ³IOBASYS9.ARJ ³Cln ³Demo of S87 library and calling Clipper from C ³[1-03]³ ³JG2.ARJ ³Cln ³Jumping between GET statements in READ ³[1-08]³ ³KF_LOKUP.ARJ ³Cln ³Set of program for database relations ³[1-07]³ ³LUTLIB.ARJ ³Cln ³Another Clipper library ³[1-08]³ ³MK30.ARJ ³Cln ³Mouse library demo version ³[1-03]³ ³MOVEGETS.ARJ ³Cln ³GETSYS change for moving between gets via VALID ³[1-03]³ ³NFDESC2.ARJ ³Cln ³NanForum library description list ³[1-06]³ ³NFLIB2.ARJ ³Cln ³NanForum library main file ³[1-06]³ ³NFSRC2.ARJ ³Cln ³NanForum library Source files ³[1-06]³ ³NOTATION.ARJ ³Cln ³Complete text of article about hungarian notat. ³[1-04]³ ³OOPSCL5.ARJ ³Cln ³Another version of pseudo objects ³[1-07]³ ³PACKUP.ARJ ³Cln ³ASM source of PACK/UNPACK replacement SCRSAVE.. ³[1-04]³ ³PAT1.ARJ ³Cln ³CIX NanForum Libraryy PATCH ³[1-07]³ ³POPUPCAL.ARJ ³Cln ³Popup calender ³[1-05]³ ³POWER10.ARJ ³Cln ³French library ³[1-07]³ ³READPW.ARJ ³Cln ³GETSYS change for password invisible reader ³[1-03]³ ³SCANCODE.ARJ ³Cln ³Database with scan codes ³[1-07]³ ³SCRSAVE.ARJ ³Cln ³Screen AntiBurning utility (inactivity snake) ³[1-05]³ ³SHELP50A.ARJ ³Cln ³SuperHelp for Clipper ³[1-07]³ ³SOUND.ARJ ³Cln ³Multiple TONE() used as one SOUND function ³[1-06]³ ³SYMBOL.ARJ ³Cln ³Dumper of symbol tables of Summer87 .EXE ³[1-03]³ ³TBWHL4.ARJ ³Cln ³WHILE browsing using TBROWSE, well commented ³[1-06]³ ³VSIX711.ARJ ³Cln ³Vernon Six Clipper utilities and library ³[1-05]³ CLIPBBS 1-11 Page 18 5 Nov 1991 ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Src can be: Cln File is accesible on ClipperNet Cbs File is accesible in HQ BBS of CLipper BBS Magazine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClipperNet - QS20F.ARJ File Name: QS20F.ARJ Other Names: File Size: 312,819 bytes File Contents: COLOR.PRJ 9807 COLOR.SCR 120000 NONAME.PRJ 1165 COLOR.EXE 279552 NONAME.PDX 2048 QS.OVL 122880 README.TXT 748 QS.EXE 138306 README.BAT 35 NONAME.FLD 675 COLOR.PDX 2048 NONAME.FDX 2048 COLOR.FLD 33306 NONAME.SCR 4000 COLOR.FDX 2048 CONFIG.QS 1286 Demo version of QuickScreen, which is most probably one from good screen Clipper designers. Good control and facilities for drawing boxes, lines, fields, projects data keeping are giving interesting possibilites. README.TXT is in german language and as far as i can understand QuickScreen is paid program. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClipperNet - WIPEV11.EXE File Name: WIPEV11.EXE Other Names: File Size: 157,418 bytes File Contents: DEMO.EXE 215040 WIPE501D.LIB 82475 GERMAN.DOC 20349 WIPES87D.LIB 79323 ENGLISH.DOC 21357 DEMO version of very interesting library. It's a complex of functions to use as CLIPPING tool of screens and some other screen manipulations. For somebody who wants to implement in own program ingenious way of creating a screens, switching between them is this library absolutely MUST. DM89 is a price for this VERY good and VERY fast manipulator with your screen. Exists for both Clipper87 and 5.01. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-11 Page 19 5 Nov 1991 Routing plan of ClipperNet - where to find ClipperNet node Following text is complete routing plan of ClipperNet from some days ago. It's including FIDONET systems and phone numbers are not included and one must find them in FidoNet nodelist... CLN-HQ 2:240/100 Clipper WorkShop BBS (Hamburg - FRG) RC 24 | | ZC1 |1:107/230 The Source for Source (Brentwood, NY - USA) | | | |102/531 PC Workshop (Inglewood, CA - USA) | |116/36 Control Systems (Nashvill, TN - USA) | RC 23 |234/64 TugBoat BBS (Glumsoe - DK) | | | |231/62 TBSM's Opus (Kolding - DK) | |240/1 Ramos II (Hannover - FRG) NC 240 |240/102 MuM BBS (Hamburg - FRG) |240/600 IGEPOS Mailbox System (Lage - FRG) |241/2004 NordSee BBS (Leer - FRG) | | | |241/5302 Terrania City (Bonn - FRG) | |241/2103 H.C.C. (Hamburg - FRG) | |241/5609 BLM (Wermelskirchen - FRG) | | | |241/4008 Stone's Box (Haan - FRG) | | | | | |241/5603 Funboard (Velbert - FRG) | | | | | |241/4512 BS-1 (Bad Salzuflen - FRG) | | | | | |241/4511 MICOS BS (Bad Salzuflen - FRG) | | | | | |241/4501 Life-Box (Osnabrueck - FRG) | | | |241/5303 NEPTUN Box (Bonn - FRG) | | | | | |243/93 Piano-Bar (Urbar - FRG) | | | |241/5608 Pit's BBS (Wermelskirchen - FRG) | NC 241 |241/7605 Baden Area (Offenburg - FRG) | | | |241/7000 Popey-Box (Donaueschingen - FRG) | |241/8501 Avalon BBS (Roethenbach - FRG) |242/47 Dungeon of Despair (Aachen - FRG) | NC 243 |243/29 Clipper Ship (Nieder Olm - FRG) | | | |247/31 Tritech BBS (Seelzen - FRG) | | | CLIPBBS 1-11 Page 20 5 Nov 1991 | | |247/9 Wildbox (Heidelberg - FRG) | | | | | |247/1 Schawott-Host (Brensbach - FRG) | | | |249/29 Guenter's Mailbox (Mainz - FRG) | NC 245 |245/60 Bonny's (Dortmund - FRG) | | | |241/4152 Quick!-Box (Meerbusch - FRG) | | | | | |242/92 Skyhigh Mailsystem (Krefeld - FRG) | | | | | |242/66 MINDY (Moenchengladbach - FRG) | | | |245/9 MANNY'S BBS (Essen - FRG) | | | | | |245/102 WiInf_BBS (Essen - FRG) | | | |245/36 SoftStream (Dortmund - FRG) | NC 246 |246/15 MagicBox Munich (Muenchen - FRG) | | | |241/8007 Merlin BBS (Nuernberg - FRG) | |246/5 PERI-BBS (Kassel - FRG) | |246/10 Beta-System (Muenchen - FRG) | |246/26 AGS-Box (Leutkirch - FRG) | |246/32 Aischgrund Mailboxsystem (Gerhardshofen - FRG) | | | |246/12 AlphaSoft Network (Fuerth/Stadeln - FRG) | RC 28 |285/610 Lobster BBS (Schiedam - NL) | | | |282/510 New Age RAccess (Groningen - NL) | |285/402 AllTime Board (Koudekerke - NL) >>>THERE I'M>>>:-) | |285/608 NETCONSULT BBS (Rotterdam - NL) | |500/223 HEKOM BBS (Harmelen - NL) | | | | | |283/314 KISS Software Support (Almelo - NL) | | | |500/236 Touch-One (Den Haag - NL) | |512/43 Flash BBS (Utrecht - NL) | RC 29 |296/10 BBS D.C.V.V. (Maaseik - B) | | RC 20 | |201/254 Clipper(Sweden) BBS (Vallingby - S) | | | | | |200/306 Lanthandelen (Kalmar - S) | | | |294/5 CIS BBS (Antwerpen - B) | RC 30 |302/801 Gepard's Oracle (Zuerich - CH) | | | |302/807 SENECA (Zuerich - CH) | | | | | |302/804 Triton (Zuerich - CH) | | CLIPBBS 1-11 Page 21 5 Nov 1991 RC 32 | |321/100 Cyrielle (Montargis - F) | | RC 33 | |331/110 DB-Line (Biandronno - I) | RC 31 |313/9 EuroSoft Net 2 (Wien - A) | RC 34 |341/25 Clipper U.C.P. (Majadahonda - E) | |341/8 AlpaSoft (Madrid - E) |341/14 Rafa_STD-1 (Madrid - E) | |344/3 Daniel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClipperNet - ASCPOS.ARJ File Name: ASCPOS.ARJ Other Names: File Size: 1,693 bytes File Contents: ASCPOS.C 1558 ASCPOS.OBJ 519 Source and .OBJ file of functional equivalent of: ASC(substr(cString,nPosition,1)) .C code is for MicroSoft C, with offered way for correct linking. Reason of existence of this functional equivalent is, that it will be much faster becasue of very easy way of using. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClipperNet - CLIPWARN.ARJ File Name: CLIPWARN.ARJ Other Names: File Size: 13,316 bytes File Contents: CLIPWARN.DOC 5497 CLIPWARN.EXE 15047 CLIPWARN.C 5866 This .EXE file is offering to solve one problematic moment in Clipper compiler. Any WARNING produced during compiling are ignored from point of view NON GENERATING any errorlevel when ending CLIPPER.EXE. For someone who is using for example /W switch is very difficult to trap out some WARNINGS about variables (mostly wrong names) in RMAKE files. CLIPBBS 1-11 Page 22 5 Nov 1991 Offered solution is, that all CLIPPER.EXE calls will be replaced with call to CLIPWARN.EXE with exactly the same parameters as for CLIPPER.EXE. CLIPWARN will pass parameters to CLIPPER.EXE and on way back will supply all WARNINGS (if they were) as ERRORLEVEL number 2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClipperNet - ENDADD.ARJ File Name: ENDADD.ARJ Other Names: File Size: 2,508 bytes File Contents: ENDADD.C 3410 ENDADD.OBJ 466 Another .C source of some replacement of Clipper sometime used functions which can slow down. At this time it's equivalent of: EFT(cString,LEN(cString) - 1) + CHR(ASC(RIGHT(cString,1)) + 1) It means precisely, INCREASING last character in string into NEXT one in Character (ASCII) table. Use of this functional construction can be expected in some browsing or trying to find LAST occurence of some string. Complete CLIPPER expression for this is of course slow because of involving a much functions, .C replacement is very fast then. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClipperNet - IS.ARJ File Name: IS.ARJ Other Names: File Size: 8,045 bytes File Contents: CHR_IN.C 327 CHR_IN.OBJ 289 ISACCENT.C 1746 ISACCENT.OBJ 612 ISALPHA.C 1904 ISALPHA.OBJ 743 ISDIGIT.C 1679 ISDIGIT.OBJ 561 ISLOWER.C 2055 ISLOWER.OBJ 748 ISUPPER.C 2037 ISUPPER.OBJ 710 Serie of Clipper .C writen additional functions. Unfortunately it's totally sometime missing any documentation. CHR_IN.C is little equivalent of AT function. ISACCENT.C testing character at given position is foregign character. ISALPHA.C testing character at hiven position is alpha character, foreign characters included ISDIGIT.C testing character at given position is numeric ISLOWER.C and ISUPPER.C are doing what they are named and are including foreing characters ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-11 Page 23 5 Nov 1991 ClipperNet - PRINTSUP.ARJ File Name: PRINTSUP.ARJ Other Names: File Size: 5,626 bytes File Contents: PRINTSUP.DOC 4224 PRINTSUP.ASM 7936 PRINTSUP.OBJ 855 It's quite interesting fact, that author of nice routines for interfacing directly with BIOS printing routines, is writing: "Due to the fact that i could not get CLipper 5.0 to print to printer other than LPT1:; i wrote the following routines". Remember, that SET PRINTER TO is working for ANYTHING what is supported on MS DOS level (includinge \\SERVER\@PRINTER specs from DOS based network). But anyway, those routines can be sometime handy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-11 Page 24 5 Nov 1991 ============================================================================== CLIPBBS ============================================================================== CLIPBBS Distribution CLIPBBS is special magazine about CLIPPER and CLIPPERing (or about another related problems and xBASE languages). This magazine is for free and articles aren't honored. Nobody can make a profit from the distribution of this magazine. CLIPBBS can be freely downloaded and uploaded to any BBS or any other public system without changes of original contents or number of files in original archive (kind of archive can be changed, but we are sup- porting ARJ archive because is best and smallest). If you are interested in CLIPBBS and would like to become a DISTRIBUTION site, contact publisher on 2:285/608@fidonet or 27:1331/4412@signet or just call to 31-10-4157141 (BBS, working 18:00->08:00, 2400bps) or voice to 31-10-4843870 in both cases asking for DANIEL (Docekal). Distribution sites: United Kingdom Welsh Wizard, SYSOP Dave Wall, phone 44-656-79477 United States of America The Southern Clipper, SYSOP Jerry Pults, phone 1-405-789-2078 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-11 Page 25 5 Nov 1991 How to write articles in CLIPBBS? Submission of articles to CLIPBBS is really easy: Maximum of 78 characters per line, as long or as short as you like ASCII text. Choose from the list of extension which most describes your text, or just name it .ART as ARTicle and send it to publisher or to any distribution site via modem to BBS or with mailer as file attach. Article will come automatically appear in the next free issue. Extensions are: Articles (anything) .ART Software .SOF News .NEW Question and Answers .Q&A ANOMALIES and their comments .ANO Letters to editors .LET Advertisement .ADV Wanted .WAN Comments .CMS DUMP from conferences .DMP Clipper Net .CLN That's all at the moment, there will probably be changes later, as the magazine evolves. If you have any ideas for a new section of CLIPBBS, please tell us, or just write an article about it. Daniel, publisher ------------------------------------------------------------------------------