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These Echoes are very often the source of the most often asked Questions and Answers about Clipper. Other material, which is fully signed or abbreviated is the copyright of the appropriate persons. The publisher is not responsible for other authors submissions.... Published material is not necessarily the opinion of the publisher. Redaction: Publisher...................................Daniel Docekal Chief editor ...............................Daniel Docekal Language editor .................................Dave Wall Table of Contents 1. ARTICLES .............................................................. 1 5.0 FOCUS: Linking tips for saving time - PLL's ....................... 1 4DOS 4.0, final version what MS DOS 5.0 should be ..................... 4 2. SOFTWARE .............................................................. 8 QEMM 6.0 and troubles coming with STEALTH options ..................... 8 3. Q&A ................................................................... 15 Q&A: Hard drive is slower under Desqview that without ................. 15 Q&A: Exception 13 with Lantastic and Desqiew/QEMM ..................... 15 Q&A: Desqview is hanging when used PrtScr ............................. 15 Q&A: Getting additional RAM for Desqview .............................. 15 Q&A: Desqview is slowing or stopping when used Communication program .. 16 4. ANOMALIES ............................................................. 17 ANOMALIES reports and commets ......................................... 17 REPLACE and BEGIN SEQUENCE anomaly .................................... 17 SELECT misunderstanding rather than bug ............................... 18 TBDEMO.PRG file bug ................................................... 19 5. CLIPPER NET ........................................................... 20 Index of described files in Clipper BBS Magazine ...................... 20 ClipperNet - PAT2-4.ARJ ............................................... 21 CLIPBBS 1-15 Table of Contents (...) 3 Dec 1991 ClipperNet - SNAP50.ARJ ............................................... 21 ClipperNet - SHOWANSI.ARJ ............................................. 22 ClipperNet - ZIP2BAR.ARJ .............................................. 22 ClipperNet - CLIPFPCX.ARJ ............................................. 22 ClipperNet - SEGUE.ARJ ................................................ 23 6. CLIPBBS ............................................................... 24 CLIPBBS distribution .................................................. 24 CLIPBBS, how to write an article!!! ................................... 26 - - - - - CLIPBBS 1-15 Page 1 3 Dec 1991 ============================================================================== ARTICLES ============================================================================== 5.0 FOCUS: Linking tips for saving time - PLL's by Roger Donnay You know, I really enjoy writing articles about linking. Only a year ago, if I had written this article, it probably wouldn't received as much as a glance, but now with the new popularity of third-party linkers, the Clipper community has found a new area of interest. Sure, linking technology may not be as exciting as OOPS or code-blocks, but may I suggest that if you aren't keeping up with the latest in linking techniques, you may find yourself wasting valuable time or valuable memory. This article will show you how you can use Pre-Linked Libraries to save time linking with Clipper-5.0. WHAT ARE PRE-LINKED LIBRARIES? Prelink-libraries (now commonly referred to as PLL's) were first introduced to the Clipper community in 1988 in the generic version of RTLINK which was a linking system for all languages. Pre-linked libraries are .PLL files which are built from object files and libraries into and .EXEcutable format. The only step remaining is the "fixing-up" of any references made by the code in the pre-linked library to those in the rest of the application. Unlike an .EXEcutable program, a pre-linked library cannot be run from dos, but instead is used in conjunction with another .EXEcutable program. RTLINK developed their .PLL (prelinked-library) system with the intent of saving disk-space for applications which use common routines. For example, every Summer 87 Clipper application links in about 150k of code from the CLIPPER.LIB library into the .EXE program. If you have 10 Clipper .EXE programs, then this code redundancy will use up 1.5megs of disk space. RTLINK allows you to build a .PLL file which pre-links this "common" code. The .PLL file is then referenced when you create the .EXE program with all the "unique" code. When you run your .EXE program the pre-linked .PLL file will be "fixed-up" to the rest of your application code each time you startup your program. The only disadvantage I have found with .PLL files is that they cannot contain static reloadable overlays, so PLLs will not allow the overlaying of the Clipper library modules. See my article entitled "5.0 FOCUS: Memory Management, Overlay Reloading #1" for more information about this RTLINK feature. USING PLL's TO SPEED-UP LINKING You may be wondering how I could write about "Speed-Linking" and not mention "Incremental Linking" - the technology that was developed CLIPBBS 1-15 Page 2 3 Dec 1991 specifically for this purpose. Well, the incremental linking feature of RTLINK is definately NOT one of it's strong points. Warplink, Blinker and dCLIP are superior in this area, but that discussion is for another article. The objective of this article is to focus on how to be more productive with RTLINK - the linker that comes with Clipper-5.0. The Clipper-5.0 distribution includes a BASE50.LNK script file to create a BASE50.PLL file which contains about 277k of code from the Clipper libraries which is common to most Clipper applications. When creating applications with RTLINK/CLIPPER-5.0 the command /PLL:BASE50 can be inserted into your .LNK response file, thereby telling RTLINK to use the BASE50.PLL file with with .EXE file containing the custom application code. You must be sure to distribute the BASE50.PLL file with your application. How do PLL's speed up linking? Well, once the base code has been "pre-linked" into BASE50.PLL, then only the "application" code needs to be linked when it is changed. For example, linking a "hello world" test program will take about 10 seconds on a 386 machine as compared to 30 seconds on the same machine without BASE50.PLL. Since "hello world" is not a practical Clipper application, I thought that a small program which uses a database, index, and a few GETs would be a better method of demonstrating this feature. A regular "full-link" of my test program took exactly 60 seconds without using a BASE50.PLL. The same test program linked with BASE50.PLL took only 20 seconds, thereby saving 40 seconds each time I made changes to the program - a two-thirds savings. USING FULLBASE.PLL FOR EVEN FASTER LINKING I consider my time very valuable, so I am always looking for new ways to save time. I discovered during linking that BASE50.PLL doesn't include all the code in the Clipper libraries, so while linking some test code the libraries had to be accessed to link in code which was not in the base PLL, for example - the supporting code for TBROWSE when using the DBEDIT() function. This took extra unnecessary time, so I decided to create a base PLL ( I named it FULLBASE.PLL ) which includes every bit of code in all 4 Clipper 5.0 libraries. Now, when linking test applications using FULLBASE.PLL, the libraries are not used at all during linking, thereby saving an additional 10 seconds. The same application test code that linked in 60 seconds with NO PLL and 20 seconds with BASE50.PLL, now links in only 10 seconds with FULLBASE.PLL. Here is the FULLBASE.LNK script file for creating FULLBASE.PLL: # FULLBASE.LNK prelink output FULLBASE verbose LIB \CLIPPER5\LIB\extend LIB \CLIPPER5\LIB\clipper LIB \CLIPPER5\LIB\terminal LIB \CLIPPER5\LIB\dbfntx CLIPBBS 1-15 Page 3 3 Dec 1991 refer _main refer _VOPS, _VMACRO, _VDB, _VDBF, _VDBFNTX refer _VTERM, _VPICT, _VGETSYS refer _VDBG refer __MSAVE,__MRELEASE,__SETCENTU,MEMORY,FIELDBLOCK,__INPUT refer __SETFUNCT,__ATPROMPT,__DOJOINLI,__DBCONTIN,__DBCREATE refer __DBCOPY,__DBJOIN,__DBSORT,__DBTOTAL,__DBUPDATE,__FLEDIT refer __DBLIST,_SDFINIT,_VSDF,__DBAPPSDF,_DLMINIT,_VDELIM,__DBAPPDEL refer __DIR,__COPYFILE,__TYPEFILE,__FRMLOAD,__REPORTFO,__LBLLOAD refer __LABELFOR refer achoice,acopy,adel,adir,afields,afill,ains refer ascan,asort,bin2i,bin2l,bin2w refer curdir,dbedit,dbfilter,descend,diskspace,doserror refer dbrelation,dbrselect,readinsert,setcancel,readexit refer errorlevel,fclose,fcreate,ferror,fopen,fread,freadstr refer fseek,fwrite,gete,hardcr,header,i2bin,isalpha refer indexext,indexord,islower,isupper,isprinter refer l2bin,lupdate,memoedit,memoline,memoread,memotran refer memowrit,mlcount,mlpos,neterr,nextkey,left refer rat,savescreen,scroll,recsize refer setcolor,setprc,soundex,strtran,stuff,tone refer aclone,aeval,array,asize,dbcreate,dbeval refer dbstruct,directory,errorblock,ferase refer frename,isdigit,maxcol,maxrow,padl,padc,padr,qout,qqout refer readmodal,setcursor,setkey,beginpaint,endpaint refer getnew,tbrowsenew,tbrowsedb,browse,setmode,setblink,fieldput refer fieldget,dbf,getenv,version,__get,__wait ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-15 Page 4 3 Dec 1991 4DOS 4.0, final version what MS DOS 5.0 should be 4DOS 4.0 released just few days ago is something what is exactly missed in MS DOS 5.0 version. This final replacement of COMMAND.COM is something recommended for EVERYBODY at EVERY place where is used something unclever called COMMAND.COM. First, for them who doesn't know what 4DOS is will follow short introduction to name of 4DOS. 4DOS is absolutely unbelievable replacement of COMMAND.COM. In previous version it was offering great way of using computer memory with saving several KBs with comparation to command.com, extended BATCH language with possibilities to write complete programs including processing of environmental variables as strings and also numeric values, command line editor with complete history, command aliases, pushing keys into keyboard buffer, integrated help, complete compatibility with standard DOS versions including all external commands which are coming with different DOS versions, extend file descriptions included in DIR command of MS DOS, extension into CD command allowing to maintain Directory Stack (that's real great), multiple command per one line. Extended wilcards, global command for working through directories, selection command to apply any program on several files. For them who know NDOS replacement of COMMAND.COM coming from Symantec with Norton Utilities is needed to say that NDOS is just another version of previous 4DOS..... It's hard to continue because it is so much things. Actually, i had not idea to write article about old 4DOS, but wanted to write about NEWS in new release of 4DOS. But my final recommendation which i will present NOW: ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ» ºTAKE IMMEDIATELY 4DOS and IF NOTHING ELSE, ONLY TRY IT. IT'Sº ºSOMETHING INCREDIBLE AND REALLY NEEDED. IT'S SAVING MEMORY, º ºTIME, DISK, PROGRAMS, PATIENCE... º ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ OK, finally, for all of you who know old version, or are just interested in what 4DOS 4.0 has as special features, see. Old way handling of replace of COMMAND.COM with 2different files, one loader and second main replacement (machine dependent for 8088 and others) is now replaced with just one 4DOS.COM file. Very good idea of setting startup options for 4DOS.COM in special text file called 4DOS.INI is creating good example how to setup options of COMMAND.COM replacement. Easy, readable. Elimination of KEYSTACK.SYS and change into KSTACK.COM was very good step because it's saving problems caused by malfunction of .SYS version because of loading another keyboard drivers AFTER needed .SYS driver. Now can be KSTACK loaded as LAST in many keyboard interrupt hooking programs and can work properly. As DOS 5.0 command.com can 4DOS load it's resident portions into UMB blocks with compatibility to DOS 5.0 UMB created and ALSO (what is not CLIPBBS 1-15 Page 5 3 Dec 1991 true for DOS 5.0) working without ANY problems with QRAM (QEMM is working of course for both the same). Secondary shell has also special section of settings in 4DOS.INI file which is allowing to use different 'command.com' settings for second copies of 4DOS.COM. BBS operation is supported by nice /F switch for ignoring Fatal errors in DOS whose normally reguiring user intervence for "Abort, Retry, Ignoer". Improvement of searching speed of PATH. Memory requirement for SECOND copy of shell is ONLY 1.7K, primary shell requires just 3KB of your memory (compare it with COMMAND.COM). DIR command can be colorized with using of special COLORDIR command. It can be nice for higlihting of important or interesting files. Extended (again) wild card using. Not only just *a*.* (all files with "a" character inside of name), but just *.txt;*.doc (all *.txt and all *.doc files), also new is [ac-e]*.txt (all .txt files which are starting with "a", "c", "d" or "e". Starting of shell is first invoking 4START file, ending of copy of shell is invoking 4EXIT batch file. It's allowing to do some tasks for this job. Executable extensions (4DOS is allowing to tell, that let say extension .WP file when written on keyboard [as DOCUMENT.WP ] should be used as WP file.WP) are now allowing to use wild cards (as .WP?=C:\WP51\WP.EXE) Command grouping known from OS/2 is noe also part of 4DOS. Microsoft's command processor based message processing scheme is supported in 4DOS,therefore all "Extended error xxx" messages are expanded into real error messages. Command line history is now allowing to be viewed in popup WINDOW. New feature called "automatic directory change" is elimination need of CD command (CD \DANIEL can be just used as DANIEL\) New HELP program and contents are supporting fact of existence of DOS 5.0, help is command sensitive. Many new variable functions about memory, disk and MENUING, decimal places extension into numeric variables (YES, DOS which is directly supporting numeric with decimal places). Improvement of SPEED of executing of .BAT files ATTRIB command has new switch allowing execute this command in subdirectories of current directory also. COPY, MOVE and DEL command are expanded for executing in subdirectories, CLIPBBS 1-15 Page 6 3 Dec 1991 do nothing (for testing), acting on Hidden or Read Only files. Support of \\server\directory descriptions in DIR commands. DIR also supports DOS 5.0 switches and adding some new. Access of MASTER environment when changing environmental variables (including powerfull EDITOR of environmental variables). Direct support of DOS 5.0 load capabilities with new LH and LOADHIGH commands. New REBOOT command for cold or warm boot with optional verification. Three available timers for use as stop watch or measurement. Displaying of true name of file called TRUENAME is accesing expanding file name to full form service in DOS. Possibility to install new internal DOS command via new programming interface. Improved ANSI detection is reducing some older problems, NDOS.INI file parameter is allowing to force ON that ANSI is installed if is not correctly recognized. 4DOS is more compatible with DR-DOS, Novell Netware compatibility is now improved and not causing any problems with swapping. Windows 3.x is detected and 4DOS is configured according them. 4DOS.COM is possible to COMPRESS with PKLITE or any other .EXE/.COM compressor and it will work... That was a list of direct news. It's quite a lot, isn't? For some better knowing of 4DOS now i will do scan through supplied manuel (900KBs of ASCII text) for some interesting things and will pickup them out. When 4DOS is used with loading of everything HIGH, then final use of conventional memory is just only 256 bytes.... .BTM files which are new version of .BAT are 5 to 10 times faster than usual .BAT files in any DOS version. 4DOS includes over 80 commands, many of them are unique to 4DOS and are not in any existing DOS. All of them are included in ONLINE help with set of very good examples about use. Complete using of EMS, XMS memory for swapping and loading high or left from common memory parts of 4DOS including environment, resident portion of DOS, overlays. This is saving great parts of memory. All possible also as DOS swapping. Direct command function keys enhacement to access command queue, file names (like writing FIL and pressing appropriate function key and get immediate first file matching needs, second press will get CLIPBBS 1-15 Page 7 3 Dec 1991 next file from directory matching needs). Definable keys with assigned complete commands or 'batch' commands. Internal timer is allowing to watch execution time of commands or complete programs. 4DOS log file is allowing to log ALL commands executed by 4DOS with command for writing user mesages into log. (somewhere next, continuing)... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-15 Page 8 3 Dec 1991 ============================================================================== SOFTWARE ============================================================================== QEMM 6.0 and troubles coming with STEALTH options This document discusses how to diagnose and cure problems occasioned by the use of the Stealth feature of QEMM-386, version 6. All users should review the readq.me file that comes with QEMM-386, version 6 for additional information. FIRST STEP The first step is to ascertain whether Stealth is involved with the problem. Remove the Stealth parameter (ST:M or ST:F) from the QEMM-386 line of the config.sys. Reboot the computer and try to duplicate the problem. If the problem still happens then Stealth is not causing the problem and you must address the problem by the means explained in the troubleshooting section of the QEMM-386 manual. SECTION 1 SECOND STEP If Stealth is involved in the problem restore the Stealth parameter (ST:M) and add XST=F000. Reboot the computer. If this works, go to the third step; if this does not work, go to Section Two. On this step the QEMM-386 line of the config.sys should look something like: device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram st:m xst=f000 THIRD STEP If XST=F000 solves your problem replace it with X=F000-FFFF, reboot and try again. The QEMM-386 line of the config.sys should look something like: device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram st:m x=f000-ffff If this works, add the parameter FSTC to the qemm line, thusly: device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram st:m x=f000-ffff fstc and reboot. If this works continue; if this does not work (and FSTC may not work in all circumstances) then remove the FSTC parameter and reboot with the previous QEMM-386 line. See the section about FSTC below for an explanation of FSTC. In either case, enter Manifest and look at the QEMM- 386/Analysis screen. Look at the last line: It should look something like this: Fn00 IIII IIII IIII IIOO The portions of the address space with the O in them are being accessed directly. Some program or piece of hardware is trying to read the contents of the ROM here directly, not merely access them through interrupts. This portion of the address space must be CLIPBBS 1-15 Page 9 3 Dec 1991 allowed to be accessed directly. This is done by excluding QEMM-386 from mapping this area. In this case the target region is FE00- FFFF. The appropriate Exclude is X=FE00-FEFF. The correct QEMM- 386.SYS line of the config.sys is: device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram st:m x=fe00-ffff This Exclude allows Stealth to do its job and costs you only 8K of high address space. FOURTH STEP If XST=F000 solves your problem while X=F000-FFFF does not then you should try using ST:F instead of ST:M. You may get more high ram with ST:F than with ST:M XST=F000. SECTION TWO This section is only for users with video ROM. Hercules-compatible monochrome and CGA systems do not have video ROM and thus this section does not apply. Some machines have their video ROM elsewhere, usually E000-E7FF. Such users should use E000 (or wherever their video ROM begins) instead of C000. FIFTH STEP If XST=F000 does not solve your problem then try XST=C000. The QEMM-386 line of the config.sys should look like: device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram st:m xst=c000 If XST=C000 does not work, go to Section Three. If XST=C000 does work, go to the next step. SIXTH STEP If XST=C000 solves the problem then try placing the page frame at C000. Do this only if the entire C segment is available to put the page frame in. The QEMM-386 line of the config.sys should look like: device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram st:m fr=c000 If this works then this may be acceptable solution. All the address space in which high ram can be created is being used in this configuration. If this step does not work or, if you cannot put the page frame at C000, go to the seventh step. SEVENTH STEP If XST=C000 solves the problem but you do not want to (or cannot) put the page frame at C000 then try the parameter FASTINT10:N, where "N" tells QEMM-386 to allow the video ROM's own code to be used. By default QEMM-386 replaces some of the video ROM's code with its own video code. This parameter tells QEMM to use the ROM's code. The QEMM-386 line of the config.sys should look like: device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram st:m fastint10:n CLIPBBS 1-15 Page 10 3 Dec 1991 If this works then all ROMs are being Stealthed. You may choose to try the eighth step as an alternative though. If this does not work, go to the next step. There is a further discussion of FASTINT10 below. EIGHTH STEP If XST=C000 solves the problem but FR=C000 or FASTINT10:N does not (or you cannot put the page frame at C000 or do not want to use FASTINT10:N) then replace XST=C000 with X=C000-C7FF. The QEMM-386 line of the config.sys should look like: device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram st:m x=c000-c7ff If this works, add the parameter FSTC to the QEMM-386 line, thusly: device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram st:m x=c000-c7ff fstc and reboot. If this works continue; if this does not work (and FSTC may not work in all circumstances) then remove the FSTC parameter and reboot with the previous QEMM-386 line. See the section about FSTC below for an explanation. In either case, enter Manifest, go to the QEMM-386/Analysis screen, and look at the Cn00 line. It should look something like this: Cn00 OIII IIII OOOO OOOO This indicates that the first 4K region of the C segment, in the video ROM, is being accessed directly. This portion of the address space must be Excluded when QEMM-386 is Stealthing. The appropriate QEMM-386 line in the config.sys is: device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram st:m x=c000-c0ff SECTION THREE NINTH STEP On some machines there are other ROMs that can be Stealthed; often these are disk ROMs. The same procedure: trying XST=??00, then replacing it with the appropriate Exclude of the old kind (X=??00-!!FF) to see if the problem is related to Stealthing or just not having some portion of the ROM's address space directly accessible, can be used. The trick of making the page frame begin at the beginning of the disk ROM may also work here as well. If XST=??00 solves your problem, try replacing it with FR=??00, presuming that there is a 64K portion of the address space free beginning at ??00 and that ?? is a multiple of 16. If some portion of the address space must be Excluded for Stealth to work you should check Analysis with the FSTC and X=??00-!!FF parameters on the QEMM line. TENTH STEP Use XST=F000, XST=C000, XST=??00, and simultaneously for all ROMs being Stealthed. Then replace the XSTs one by one with the appropriate regular Exclude (X=F000-FFFF, X=C000-C7FF, X=??00- !!FF...), look at the QEMM-386/Analysis screen of Manifest and CLIPBBS 1-15 Page 11 3 Dec 1991 discover what portions of the address space need to be directly available. ELEVENTH STEP If ST:M does not work try ST:F instead. If ST:F does not work you should try ST:F XST=C000 (and XST=??00) for other Stealthed ROMs other than the one(s) overlain by the page frame. TWELFTH STEP If none of these steps solve the problem please pin down exactly what program is failing (and at what point), and file a report with Quarterdeck. INTERESTING QUESTIONS WHAT IS FASTINT10:N? QEMM-386, when Stealthing a video ROM, replaces some of the video ROM's code with replacement code written by Quarterdeck. This replacement code is suitable for most video cards. The FASTINT10:N (which may be abbreviated F10:N) parameter tells QEMM-386 not to use its own replacement code but the literal code of the video ROM. This in no way limits the amount of high RAM Stealth creates and may be acceptable solution for those users who need it. It should only be necessary on unusual video cards. If placing the page frame at the beginning of the video card's ROM works or if a small regular Exclude also solves the problem you may choose to use this solution instead. WHAT IS FSTC? The purpose of the FSTC parameter is to make the Analysis procedure accurate. Some system and video ROMs may not function properly with the FSTC parameter. If this is the case on your system you will have to perform the Analysis procedure without the FSTC parameter. However, you should be aware in this case that some of the Exclude statements that Analysis prompts you to use may not be necessary. You can try reducing these Excludes on a trial-and-error basis if you wish. When QEMM-386 Stealths a ROM certain tables may have to be stored by QEMM-386 in its own data area. This uses a few kilobytes of high RAM. When a ROM is being Stealthed but the address in which the ROM resides is Excluded (as with X=C000-C7FF) then QEMM-386 cleverly figures out that it does not need to make copies of these tables in its own data area so it saves this memory by not making copies of the tables. This means that when you do Exclude the portion(s) of the ROM where these tables are stored the ROM will be accessed directly though it would not be if it were not Excluded. This will cause Analysis to report that a portion of the address space is OK when Excluded even though it would not be accessed directly were it not Excluded. FSTC (FORCESTEALTHTABLECOPY) forces QEMM-386 to make copies of these tables so that inappropriate Excludes are not recommended for the above reason. FSTC should only be used when you are testing a portion of a ROMs address space for direct access by Excluding the whole ROM. It is not an appropriate parameter for a final configuration. WHAT ARE ADVANCED DISK FEATURES? The BIOS has a set of function calls intended for use by multitasking programs. These are Int 15, functions 90 and 91. The system ROM or disk ROM may issue the Int 15, fn 90 call while it is CLIPBBS 1-15 Page 12 3 Dec 1991 waiting for the disk controller to read or write a sector, allowing other programs to execute during this wait. When the sector is ready, the disk interrupt handler issues an Int 15, Fn 91, signaling the multitasking program that the disk information is ready to be processed by the system or disk ROM. Some disk caches hook this call to allow your system to go ahead and execute your current program while the system or disk ROM is waiting for its requested sector. Whereas these caches preserve the stack and register state for the BIOS and the application when doing this pseudo-multitasking, they do not preserve the mapping of the page frame. Therefore, if the BIOS uses the page frame itself (as does Stealth), this could generate conflicts and system failures. Since no known disk cache does the proper page frame preservation, QEMM automatically suppresses INT 15, function 90 calls from the BIOS, effectively disabling advanced disk features. Caches that save and restore the page frame when using advanced disk features can use a programming interface to QEMM-386 to reenable advanced disk features. You may defeat QEMM-386's defeating of this feature with the VIRTUALHDIRQ:N (VHI:N) parameter on the QEMM-386 line of the config.sys. If your cache has these "Advanced Features" and does not save and restore the page frame you will crash or corrupt data on the cached drive(s). WHAT IF I LOAD A DRIVER THAT USES ROM BEFORE QEMM-386? If you want to load a device driver before QEMM-386 and it uses a ROM then QEMM-386 can still Stealth this ROM if you load the driver HOOKROM.SYS before this driver. Here is an example: device=c:\qemm\hookrom.sys device=c:\????????.sys device=c:\qemm\qemm386.sys ram st:m WHY DOES MY SYSTEM SETUP NO LONGER COME UP WITH ST:M? On machines with a built-in system setup program in the BIOS ROM that can be popped up at any time Stealth may make this feature inaccessible after you have booted. This is because the setup program accesses the ROM directly. In order for it to work after QEMM-386 has been loaded you must Exclude the portion of the address space where it is stored. On most machines this is in F000-F7FF or thereabouts. You may decide that it is better to use the system setup only on boot and be able to use this portion of the address space for high RAM when you are running. This is the way many systems are these days and you must reboot to implement the changes anyway so you may consider this a fair trade. Machines with a setup program that loads as a regular program may not present this problem. WHAT IS GOING ON? With ST:M Stealth is moving out of the address space all ROMs accessed by means of interrupts (you can see what interrupts are being handled by what ROMs in the First Meg/Interrupts screen of Manifest when you are not Stealthing.) When these interrupts are asserted, QEMM-386 puts the ROM code that services the interrupt into the page frame. With ST:F Stealth is allowing the page frame to share the address space used by the ROM, making the underlying ROM code available in the page frame when an interrupt pointing into the ROM is asserted. CLIPBBS 1-15 Page 13 3 Dec 1991 HOW CAN IT FAIL? The Stealth technology relies on the practice of using the code in ROMs only by means of interrupts. With the exceptions listed below when the code in a ROM is accessed directly the program or hardware using this code (or information) will find high RAM there instead with ST:M and will malfunction. Although this is not common it does happen. Sometimes programs look for identification information: For video cards this usually happens in the bottom 4K; for system BIOSes this usually happens in FE00-FEFF. Most users for whom Stealth fails can recover almost all the high RAM Stealth can create with small Excludes of this kind. Exceptions: 1) QEMM-386 does not map High RAM into the last 64 bytes of the system BIOS ROM because they are commonly accessed directly. Accesses here do not cause Stealth a problem. 2) When a ROM accesses itself directly then it should work IF the page frame begins at this ROM's beginning address. There are some video cards and disk controllers that fail because the video ROM (disk ROM) does not tolerate relocation. The ready cure for this symptom is to put the page frame at C000 (or whatever is the beginning of the appropriate video or disk ROM) so that when an interrupt that points into the video ROM (disk ROM) is asserted, and QEMM restores the contents of the video ROM (disk ROM) into the page frame, the ROM code can access itself where it expects to find itself; this is the purpose of step 6 of this method. 3) Direct accesses of one ROM to another work with ST:F. Disk caches that write directly to and read directly from the page frame cause Stealth to fail unless the DISKBUFFRAME=?? (DBF=??) is used. Stealth relies on there being interrupts pointing into a ROM in order to make it a target for Stealthing. If there is a ROM in the address space that QEMM-386 cannot detect as being used then it will not be Stealthed. This may happen for some disk ROMs and for devices that use the ROM only upon initialization. If there is a ROM without an interrupt pointing into it it is a suspect for being unused. You should use the Analysis feature of QEMM-386 to discover if this ROM is being used at all. If it is not then the address space it occupies may be reclaimed with an INCLUDE. SUMMARY The Stealth technology has been exhaustively tested but the wide variety of software and hardware in the PC world has surprises in it for every program. The actual Stealthing of interrupts is very successful. The most common failure is due to programs (or other ROMs) trying to access a portion of the ROM directly, rather than by means of interrupt. For this to work the target region of this access must be in the address space at the time of access. This can be achieved by an appropriate exclude of the old kind, usually at a cost of only 4K or 8K of the additional high RAM Stealth is creating; see steps 3 through 11 for a procedure to figure these Excludes out. If the video ROM or adaptor ROM is the target ROM of a problem then placing the page frame over the video ROM or adaptor ROM may work; see step 6. The "Advanced disk features" that some disk caches use are incompatible with Stealth. CLIPBBS 1-15 Page 14 3 Dec 1991 QEMM-386 disables these by default whenever possible if Stealth is used. Some disk caches write directly to the page frame. Such caches should be told to use extended memory or the DISKBUFFRAME=?? (DBF=??) should be used with QEMM-386; see step 2. If you have a problem intractable by any of these means Quarterdeck would like to hear about it. This technical note may be copied and distributed freely as long as it is distributed in its entirety and it is not distributed for profit. Copyright (C) 1991 by Quarterdeck Office Systems ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-15 Page 15 3 Dec 1991 ============================================================================== Q&A ============================================================================== PROBLEM: Hard-drive transfer rate much slower within DesqView. SYMPTOMS: Transfer rates for hard disk drives are much slower when using DesqView than when running without DesqView. Benchmarks may show as much as a 6:1 difference. SOLUTION: The solution to this problem can usually be found in DesqView Advanced Setup. If you are not running on a network, set DOS BUFFER for EMS to "0". This should increase your transfer rate substantially. If this does not work, try to increase the number until you notice an improvement. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROBLEM: Exception 13 errors when using DesqView and LANtastic. SYMPTOMS: Exception 12 and Exception 13 error messages occur when running DesqView under LANtastic. You may also get a string space corrupt error message. SOLUTION: Check the setting of DOS Buffers for EMS in DesqView Advanced Setup. This must NOT be set to 0 since you are running on a network. The default is 2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROBLEM: When I do a print screen in DesqView 2.26, my computer hangs. SYMPTOMS: Pressing the print screen key while using DesqView 2.26, part of the screen will print and then the computer hangs up. Even CTRL- ALT-DEL will not reset the machine. SOLUTION: DesqView 2.26 uses a different method to do a printscreen. There is a patch available to change back to the old way of doing it. Patch your program and the problem will go away. NOTE 1: It was not necessary to patch DesqView 2.31 on my system. Perhaps Quarterdeck returned to the old way of handling a printscreen. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROBLEM: I can't seem to get enough high ram to load all the things I want to load high. SYMPTOMS: Insufficient high ram available to load applications. SOLUTION: If you have a color system (EGA/VGA) and never use monochrome, use CLIPBBS 1-15 Page 16 3 Dec 1991 the I=B000-B7FF switch on QEMM to include the monochrome video area. This will gain you 32K of high ram. NOTE 1: If you have a monochrome system and never use color, you may use the I=B800-BFFF switch on QEMM to include the color video area. This too will gain you 32K of high ram. NOTE 2: Newer versions of QEMM are better at automatically including these unused video areas. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PROBLEM: Other DesqView windows operations grind to a halt when using a communications program in the foreground. SYMPTOMS: Severe performance degradation when using a communications program in another window. SOLUTION: Use Tame on your communications program to make it release the clock-ticks it doesn't need. It made about 400 cps difference on my system. NOTE 1: Tame 2.30 has its defaults set differently than 2.20. This means that you may have to fine tune it to work correctly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-15 Page 17 3 Dec 1991 ============================================================================== ANOMALIES ============================================================================== ANOMALIES and their comments This part of Clipper BBS Magazine is dedicated to all discovered anomalies and comments about them in Clipper products. Because Nantucket is still unable to give own bug and anomalies reports (as actually did in past with Summer 87 version) is very handy to have results of many investigations done on many user places. I'm also doing my own investigatings, because i'm always very good when someting has hidden problems. Everything what i buy will first show all problems and then all normal things. This amazing part of my live is sometime making me crazy, but for testing of programs it's great . Daniel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ REPLACE and BEGIN SEQUENCE anomaly It's hard to decide WHAT is going wrong in case of coincidence of using BEGIN SEQUENCE for trapping errors of replacing Field values in database. What's the problem? Try to set up BEGIN SEQUENCE trapper of error when NOT LOCKED record is used for replacing any field in this record. Sample is here: (originally submitted by someone in Fidonet Clipper echo) DoError() Function Doerror local errobj ErrorBlock( {|e| MyError(e)} ) // or Break(e) if you like use test shared // test1 is Char 10 long BEGIN SEQUENCE // This line causes odd error behaviour as described TEST->test1 := 'changeme' // replace in unlocked record, eg 38 ? 'This line is then executed as if the replace worked!' ? 'However, this line is not. ' // Control proceeds to the RECOVER clause // BUT with NO error object passed! RECOVER USING errobj ? 'Errobj type is "'+valtype(errobj)+'"' // "U" if valtype(errobj) = 'O' ? 'Recovered from ',errobj:description ? else ? "How did we get here without an error object?" ? CLIPBBS 1-15 Page 18 3 Dec 1991 endif END SEQUENCE ? "Execution proceeds normally" ? "And finally returns" return (NIL) static func MyError(e) break e return (e) Have to say, that i was trying MANY changes to see if something is not going wrong. But it's just wrong in Clipper. In case that replacement of field in TEST is changed for example to line "? 10/0", then correctly is trapped error "Division by zero" without any problems. What is main problem? 1) MyError() is called with correct set of variable e to correct information 2) Break (e) is executed, but _NOT_ into RECOVER statement it's continuing in line AFTER replace statement (:=) 3) ONE line after is executed and _THEN_ is execution going to RECOVER USING 4) BUT (another anomaly) errobj which has to be set to correct value (equivalent to _e_ from point 1] ) is UNDEFINED at ALL What to say for end? Thank you Nantucket for _GOOD_ beta testing... Cheers Daniel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SELECT misunderstanding rather than bug Problem: USE TEST NEW ?SELECT('TEST') && returns 1, expected 1 ?SELECT('ABC') && retunrs 0, expected 0 ?SELECT('F:ABC') && returns 6, expected 0 Answer: Well, it's mostly misunderstanding between way how something should work. NANTUCKET as usual is leaving something not done and latest SELEC() is returning 6 because of "A"=1 "B"=2 "C"=3 "D"=4 "E"=5 and "F"=6. (Aliases coming from dBASE times). SELECT() has not in any case parameters as FILE DESCRIPTION, therefore case of 'F:ABC' is wrong at all when looking to valid argument, but and but, NAN can expect things like this and test correctly everything . Daniel ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-15 Page 19 3 Dec 1991 TBDEMO.PRG file bug There is a bug in the 'tbdemo.prg' file that comes with Clipper 5.01 which affect operations that involve appending new records. I discovered the bug when I tried to redefine the K_INS (insert) key to go to the bottom of the file and append a new record. To fix the bug, replace all instances of '(b)' with '(browse)' in the code fragment below: --------------START of NANTUCKET TBDEMO.PRG---------------- #define TURN_ON_APPEND_MODE(b) (b:cargo := .T.) #define TURN_OFF_APPEND_MODE(b) (b:cargo := .F.) #define IS_APPEND_MODE(b) (b:cargo) -----------------------END--------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-15 Page 20 3 Dec 1991 ============================================================================== CLIPPER NET ============================================================================== Following is COMPLETE list of all published file descriptions in Clipper BBS magazine in previous numbers. Purpose of this index list is to allow anybody find needed file descriptions in growing number of described files. Short description after name will give first possible close image about file. Number enclosed in "[]" will mean number of Clipper BBS magazine. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³FileName ³Src ³Description ³Where ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ACCESS.ARJ ³Cln ³Source of speed testing program ³[1-06]³ ³ACH2TB.ARJ ³Cln ³Convert ACHOICE to TBROWSE ³[1-05]³ ³ACHOO2.ARJ ³Cln ³Replacement of ACHOICE with GET possibilites ³[1-06]³ ³ADHOC302.ARJ ³Cln ³Summer 87 inteligent report program ³[1-04]³ ³ASCPOS.ARJ ³Cln ³replacement of ASC(substr(cString,nPosition,1)) ³[1-11]³ ³CALC14.ARJ ³Cln ³PoPup Calculator ³[1-08]³ ³CL5103.ARJ ³Cln ³Report of 5.01 anomaly number 3 ³[1-04]³ ³CL5REP6.ARJ ³Cln ³5.01 replacement of REPORT command ³[1-04]³ ³CLIP110.ARJ ³Cln ³Clipper Documentor program ³[1-05]³ ³CLIPLINK.ARJ ³Cbs ³Complete text of R.Donnay about linkers ³[1-04]³ ³CLIPSQL.ARJ ³Cln ³Demo of complete SQL library for CLipper ³[1-05]³ ³CLIPWARN.AJ ³Cln ³Semaphore for convert WARNING: into ERRORLEVEL ³[1-11]³ ³CLPFON.ARJ ³Cln ³Set of fonts for EXPAND.LIB from author ³[1-03]³ ³COND.ARJ ³Cln ³Builder of conditional indexes like SUBNTX ³[1-03]³ ³DBSCN2.ARJ ³Cln ³Screen designer generator ³[1-05]³ ³DIAL.CLN ³Cln ³Dialer with using of FOPEN() ³[1-07]³ ³DOC111.ARJ ³Cln ³Documentor, newer version ³[1-08]³ ³ENDADD.ARJ ³Cln ³replacement of incrementing last char of string ³[1-11]³ ³GETKEY.ARJ ³Cln ³Input oriented library, wordprocessing ³[1-12]³ ³GSR151.ARJ ³Cln ³Global Search and replace for programmers ³[1-07]³ ³HGLASS.ZIP ³Cln ³Hour glass for indication of index progression ³[1-04]³ ³INDXSL.ARJ ³Cln ³User Fields selection builder for index generate³[1-03]³ ³IOBASYS9.ARJ ³Cln ³Demo of S87 library and calling Clipper from C ³[1-03]³ ³IS.ARJ ³Cln ³Several c sources of ISxxxx functions ³[1-11]³ ³JG2.ARJ ³Cln ³Jumping between GET statements in READ ³[1-08]³ ³KF_LOKUP.ARJ ³Cln ³Set of program for database relations ³[1-07]³ ³LUTLIB.ARJ ³Cln ³Another Clipper library ³[1-08]³ ³MK30.ARJ ³Cln ³Mouse library demo version ³[1-03]³ ³MOVEGETS.ARJ ³Cln ³GETSYS change for moving between gets via VALID ³[1-03]³ ³NFDESC2.ARJ ³Cln ³NanForum library description list ³[1-06]³ ³NFLIB2.ARJ ³Cln ³NanForum library main file ³[1-06]³ ³NFSRC2.ARJ ³Cln ³NanForum library Source files ³[1-06]³ ³NOTATION.ARJ ³Cln ³Complete text of article about hungarian notat. ³[1-04]³ ³OCLIP.ARJ ³Cln ³Object extension, real (not #define/command) ³[1-12]³ ³OOPSCL5.ARJ ³Cln ³Another version of pseudo objects ³[1-07]³ ³PACKUP.ARJ ³Cln ³ASM source of PACK/UNPACK replacement SCRSAVE.. ³[1-04]³ ³PARTIDX3.ARJ ³Cln ³Partial indexing ³[1-12]³ ³PAT1.ARJ ³Cln ³CIX NanForum Libraryy PATCH ³[1-07]³ ³POPUPCAL.ARJ ³Cln ³Popup calender ³[1-05]³ ³POWER10.ARJ ³Cln ³French library ³[1-07]³ ³PRINTSUP.AJR ³Cln ³Low level BIOS routines for printing ³[1-11]³ CLIPBBS 1-15 Page 21 3 Dec 1991 ³QS20F.ARJ ³Cln ³Screen designer, demo, looks very good ³[1-11]³ ³READPW.ARJ ³Cln ³GETSYS change for password invisible reader ³[1-03]³ ³SCANCODE.ARJ ³Cln ³Database with scan codes ³[1-07]³ ³SCRSAVE.ARJ ³Cln ³Screen AntiBurning utility (inactivity snake) ³[1-05]³ ³SHELP50A.ARJ ³Cln ³SuperHelp for Clipper ³[1-07]³ ³SNAP497.ARJ ³Cln ³Beta version of SNAP, partially compatible to 5 ³[1-12]³ ³SOUND.ARJ ³Cln ³Multiple TONE() used as one SOUND function ³[1-06]³ ³STATUS.ARJ ³Cln ³Timer interrupt hooked status indicator ³[1-12]³ ³SYMBOL.ARJ ³Cln ³Dumper of symbol tables of Summer87 .EXE ³[1-03]³ ³TBUNIQUE.ARJ ³Cln ³Browsing unique without unique index ³[1-12]³ ³TBWHL4.ARJ ³Cln ³WHILE browsing using TBROWSE, well commented ³[1-06]³ ³TICKER.ARJ ³Cln ³Real Time Clock, interrupt driven on screen ³[1-12]³ ³VSIX711.ARJ ³Cln ³Vernon Six Clipper utilities and library ³[1-05]³ ³VSIX800.ARJ ³Cln ³Vernon's library, lot of functions ³[1-12]³ ³WIPEV11.EXE ³Cln ³VERY good screen manipulation library ³[1-11]³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Src can be: Cln File is accesible on ClipperNet Cbs File is accesible in HQ BBS of CLipper BBS Magazine ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClipperNet - PAT2-4.ARJ File Name: PAT2-4.ARJ Other Names: File Size: 6,432 bytes File Contents: PEGS.PRG 8910 PEGS.OBJ 4604 PAT4.DOC 1217 FT_PEGS() function fix for not calling err_msg() with too long message. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClipperNet - SNAP50.ARJ File Name: SNAP50.ARJ Other Names: File Size: 276,876 bytes File Contents: SNAP.HLP 56578 ARTFUL.KEY 4049 SNAP.MSG 28774 BREEZE.KEY 1127 SNAP.OVR 301326 CLIPPER.KEY 1427 SNAPPRT.SNP 1900 CLIPPER5.KEY 1233 STRALEY.KEY 6409 CLIPTOOL.KEY 5305 SWASYNC.KEY 1565 CLIRMA.KEY 1999 VENDOR.DOC 1954 DB2WORDS.SNP 1039 BLINKER.KEY 3782 DB3WORDS.SNP 6543 CLIPBBS 1-15 Page 22 3 Dec 1991 CFTS102.KEY 4343 DB4WORDS.SNP 4639 FLEXFILE.KEY 4270 DGE.KEY 4159 ESCAPE.KEY 3915 PERSONAL.KEY 49 FOXPRO.KEY 2253 PROCLIP.KEY 6136 FUNCKY.KEY 8025 QSILVER.KEY 3075 GETIT.KEY 3756 RETTIG.KEY 4258 GRUMP.KEY 3954 SMARTMEM.KEY 1151 NETLIB.KEY 5240 SNAP.DOC 179622 SNAP.EXE 107360 Another version of SNAP. Snap is great documentor program for dBASE compatible languages. It works like a charm for dBASE, FOXBase, Clipper Summer. This is first version which is more compatible with Clipper 5.01, but still it's only little, therefore NO ONE from my projects can be documented with this program. Problem mostly is, that SNAP is not yet using all new things coming in Clipper 5.01. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClipperNet - SHOWANSI.ARJ File Name: SHOWANSI.ARJ Other Names: File Size: 1788 bytes File Contents: SHOWANSI.PRG 20316 Function with text as parameter. Result is, that all ANSI codes used in text are correctly displayed WITHOUT ANSI.SYS loaded and only with using of standard Clipper I/O functions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClipperNet - ZIP2BAR.ARJ File Name: ZIP2BAR.ARJ Other Names: File Size: 1,171 bytes File Contents: BARCODE.PRG 11113 Function for printing BarCode (USPS) on EPSON printer. Probably written for Clipper Summer 87. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClipperNet - CLIPFPCX.ARJ File Name: CLIPFPCX.ARJ Other Names: CLIPBBS 1-15 Page 23 3 Dec 1991 File Size: 35,149 bytes File Contents: BART.PCX 39366 CLFPCX.DOC 3890 CLFPCX50.LIB 4096 CLFPCX50.PRG 2786 CLFPCX87.LIB 4096 CLFPCX87.PRG 2761 MINDSCAP.PCX 4777 MJTITLE.PCX 25963 PCX50.PRG 1253 PCX87.PRG 1256 Clipper Summer and 5.01 functions for displaying PCX files one EGA/VGA screens. It's VERY fast displayer with use for small (around 50KB) big PCX files. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ClipperNet - SEGUE.ARJ File Name: SEGUE.ARJ Other Names: File Size: 402,410 bytes File Contents: SEGUE_NC.EXE 539648 BD.OVL 20480 NBANNER.PRG 1241 FL.OVL 7168 PR_SUP_N.DOC 1086 MG.OVL 4096 SUPVRLST.EXE 278528 DR.OVL 19456 CT_DEMO.PRG 5082 CT.OVL 5120 BD_DEMO.PRG 16835 NPRINTER.PRG 1512 SEG_TECH.TXT 2402 NCLASS.PRG 1423 DEMO.DBF 220 NCOPIES.PRG 1480 SUPVRLST.LNK 94 NSPLLPT.PRG 1336 SUPVRLST.PRG 1977 NSPLFRM.PRG 1346 SEG_SUBS.LST 14664 NSPLQUE.PRG 1577 README.1ST 792 NSPLSRV.PRG 1945 SS_DEMO.PRG 2606 NSPLTABS.PRG 1279 WE.OVL 5120 NSPLTMO.PRG 1373 CTSUP.OVL 3072 NSPOOL.PRG 1640 FS.OVL 25600 TT.OVL 3072 PR.OVL 9216 SZ.OVL 11264 BDSUP.OVL 9216 Demo version of Novell Netware Clipper interface library. I hadn't time to test it, but it seems like good one. Only one is coming to my mind, 530K big .EXE file distributed as demo... it's too much. maybe BASE50.PLL can solve this.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-15 Page 24 3 Dec 1991 ============================================================================== CLIPBBS ============================================================================== CLIPBBS Distribution CLIPBBS is special magazine about CLIPPER and CLIPPERing (or about another related problems and xBASE languages). This magazine is for free and articles aren't honored. Nobody can make a profit from the distribution of this magazine. CLIPBBS can be freely downloaded and uploaded to any BBS or any other public system without changes of original contents or number of files in original archive (kind of archive can be changed, but we are sup- porting ARJ archive because is best and smallest). If you are interested in CLIPBBS and would like to become a DISTRIBUTION site, contact publisher on 2:285/608@fidonet or 27:1331/4412@signet or just call to 31-10-4157141 (BBS, working 18:00->08:00, top is V32b) or voice to 31-10-4843870 in both cases asking for DANIEL (Docekal). Distribution sites: Clipper BBS Home system ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ NETCONSULT BBS, SYSOP Daniel Docekal, phone 31-10-4157141 Daily 18:00 till 08:00 (GMT+1), sat+sun whole day Modem speed 1200, 2400, 9600, 12000, 14400 (V32b) United Kingdom ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Welsh Wizard, SYSOP Dave Wall, phone 44-656-79477 Daily whole day, modem speed HST United States of America ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The Southern Clipper, SYSOP Jerry Pults, phone 1-405-789-2078 Daily whole day, modem speed HST The New Way BBS, SYSOP Tom Held, phone, 1-602-459-2412 Daily 24hours, 1:309/1@Fidonet, 8:902/6@RBBS-Net Canada ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ SYSOP Gordon Kennet, phone 1-604-599-4451 Daily 24houts, 2400bps V42b, 1:153/931@fidonet WORLDWIDE ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Clipper File Distrubution Network (ClipperNet, area CL-DOC) Various systems around whole world Programmers Distribution Network (PDN, area PDNDBASE) Various systems around whole world CLIPBBS 1-15 Page 25 3 Dec 1991 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CLIPBBS 1-15 Page 26 3 Dec 1991 How to write articles in CLIPBBS? Submission of articles to CLIPBBS is really easy: Maximum of 78 characters per line, as long or as short as you like ASCII text. Choose from the list of extension which most describes your text, or just name it .ART as ARTicle and send it to publisher or to any distribution site via modem to BBS or with mailer as file attach. Article will come automatically appear in the next free issue. Extensions are: Articles (anything) .ART Software .SOF News .NEW Question and Answers .Q&A ANOMALIES and their comments .ANO Letters to editors .LET Advertisement .ADV Wanted .WAN Comments .CMS DUMP from conferences .DMP Clipper Net .CLN That's all at the moment, there will probably be changes later, as the magazine evolves. If you have any ideas for a new section of CLIPBBS, please tell us, or just write an article about it. Daniel, publisher ------------------------------------------------------------------------------