SCRIPTURE SCREEN 1.1 REQUIRES: EGA OR BETTER GRAPHICS, IBM OR COMPATIBLE, AND MS-DOS 2.1 OR HIGHER. Scripture Screen is a non TSR screen saver. This means that it will not activate itself, nor can it be called by pressing a hot key. It must be activated by typing SCREEN at the prompt, or by invoking the SCREEN.EXE file from your menu if you are using one. There are advantages to non TSR screen savers. Many programs will not run properly while a TSR is running, and TSR screen savers can only activate within a program that is using the same screen mode as the screen saver. Scripture Screen is easy to use.Simply type Screen at the appropriate prompt and select a Bible verse. If you use Scripture Screen more than three times you must register by sending $5 to ATS Software, 435 Elm Street Harrodsburg, Ky. 40330. We are working on a TSR version of Scripture Screen. If you register we will send you a copy of the TSR version when it is ready. Feel free to make copies of Scripture Screen and give them to your friends, or upload it onto your favorite BBS. When making copies please include all files: SCREEN.EXE, VIEW.COM, HELP.BAT, and SCREEN.TXT. WARRANTY DISCLAIMER: This program is distributed as is without any warranty of any kind.