IMPORTANT NOTE. IF YOU PLAN TO UPLOAD THE MILLIE.ZIP FILE TO A BBS PLEASE SEND THE MILLIE.ZIP THAT YOU RECEIVED. DO NOT RECOMPRESS THE FILES AFTER YOU HAVE UNZIPPED AND RUN THE PROGRAM AS YOUR DATA WILL BE INCLUDED. THANK YOU. Installation. The four files CMDIALOG.VBX, COMMDLG.DLL, MSAFINX.DLL and THREED.VBX must be copied into your Windows\System directory for the program to run. You will also require VBRUN300.DLL in the Windows directory. We have not supplied VBRUN300.dll in our archive file as it is available from most on-line sources (at no cost). Once these files have been placed , use the Windows file manager and choose the directory where you put the unarchived files. Click on the MILLIE.exe to run. Once loaded complete help is available through the Help directory.