PLANET EARTH HERBS **************************************************************************** ORDER FORM SHIP TO: NAME:________________________________________DATE:_____________ STREET AND/OR PO BOX:______________________________________________________ CITY:___________________________ STATE:___________ ZIP:________________ ---------- CHECK HERE FOR INFORMATION ON BECOMING A DISTRIBUTOR OF HERBS AND SEEDS. YES, PLEASE SEND ME, ALONG WITH MY ORDER,INFORMATION ON HOW I CAN HAVE MY OWN BUSINESS AS AN HERB AND SEED DISTRIBUTOR. INFORMATION CAN ALSO BE ACQUIRED BY SENDING YOUR LETTER TO COMPUSERVE ADDRESS 75210,1654. ........................................................................... DESCRIPTION OF ITEM | QUANTITY | PRICE/ EACH | TOTAL | ........................................................................... __________________________________|______1______|___FREE GIFT___|_____0____ __________________________________|_____________|_______________|__________ __________________________________|_____________|_______________|__________ __________________________________|_____________|_______________|__________ __________________________________|_____________|_______________|__________ __________________________________|_____________|_______________|__________ __________________________________|_____________|_______________|__________ __________________________________|_____________|_______________|__________ __________________________________|_____________|_______________|__________ __________________________________|_____________|_______________|__________ __________________________________|_____________|_______________|__________ __________________________________|_____________|_______________|__________ REGISTRATION FOR DISK_____________|_____1_______|__$_14.95______|____14.95_ Merchandise total ----------------------------------------------____________ Florida residents add 6% sales tax ----------------------------____________ Shipping Charges -----------------------------------------------____________ Order Total Add ----------- --- Up to $21.00 $ 4.50 $ 22.00 to $ 35.00 $ 4.90 $ 36.00 to $ 50.00 $ 5.25 $ 51.00 to $ 75.00 $ 5.75 $ Over 75.00 $ 9.85 For all orders sent in with the disk registration, we pay all shipping charges. When you register your disk, will will send to you, your free 1/4 lb. of herb and it's seeds, with the shipping prepaid by Planet Earth Herbs. This shareware is from Planet Earth Herbs. You are invited to copy and share the material on this disk,provided all files remain unchanged. If you paid a few dollars for this disk, it was for the distributor, for providing a copy. The authors have yet to be paid. If you have benefited from this disk, please send $ 14.95 to: PLANET EARTH HERBS 4521 P.G.A. Blvd. Suite 134 Palm Beach Gardens,Fl 33418 We will promptly send you your FREE 1/4 lb. of the herb you selected, along with it's seeds, and send you periodic updates of additional products. Thank you.