Well, This is thr first release of Help Launcher! 1.0 For Windows! You must register this product after 30 days or so, or else delete it from your system. To contact the author, here's how: 1. Write to him at: Richard Ratayczak 620 East Homer Street Suite 12 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53207-1651 2. EXEC-PC BBS - My name there is Richard Ratayczak 2400 baud 414-789-4210 9600 baud 414-789-4352 14.4Kbaud 414-789-4360 Subscriptions are $75 per year, with no other on-line connect charges, and no "extra" charges. If You need a reply, he will call you, or write you a note, or leave E-Mail at the above BBS. Registration is only $5 dollars, and I know there is hundreds of Shareware titles available to register, but just this once, I demand you to register! :) Registration entitles you to a guilt-free conscious life, Free Version Updates and bug fixes, Technical support, and A Hefty discount on Printing and Desktop Publishing needs! So register Today!