LooKSee (tm) is a Windows (3.0+) program. Install it using the normal procedure for installing Program Items. See your Windows manual for more information. LooKSee is a quick, convenient method of finding files you have lost track of, or can't remember the exact names of. You can also use this program to search for text within files. LookSee is different from other search programs ... there is no need to remember exactly what you called a file, or exactly how you worded a particular passage of text within a file. LooKSee will find anything close to what you search for, without the need for wildcards. For example, if you look for JANDATA.CAL, LooKSee might find a file called JANUARY.DAT. LooKSee is intuitive ... there is no need for a manual. LooKSee is shareware. The registration fee is $9.00. Please send registration to JackRabbit Software, Ltd. P.O. Box 12 Peterborough, N.H. 03458