Announcing NESTGRP.EXE (Shareware, $5.00, requires VBRUN300.DLL), the Windows program that lets you nest your Program Manager groups to better organize your programs and data. To use NESTGRP.EXE follow these steps. Copy NESTGRP.EXE to a directory that is accessible on your path. The Windows directory is a good place to put it. 1. Consider how you would like your desktop organized. On my computer, I have everything organized in 5 different groups in my Program Manager. These groups are named "Projects" where I keep all my development projects, another is "Tools" where I keep all my application programs such as Excel and Word for Windows, etc., another is Development Tools where I keep my C and VB tools, another group is called "Windows Stuff" where I have Main, Accessories, Startup, etc., and, of course, my last group is called "Fun Stuff" where I keep all my games. These are all standard Program Manager groups. But instead of having icons to run programs, they contain icons that open other groups. For example, when I double click on the VB group icon, another group shows up that contains icons to even more groups. In this case the other groups are groups for VB itself, my Microhelp tools, my sample programs, etc. There is no limit to the depth you can nest except that there is a limit to the number of groups that Windows will allow (sorry, I don't know that number). 2. Next, create groups that you want nested. Under Program Manager, click the "File" menu, click "New", then click Program Group, and then fill in the Dialog box with the name of the group (this is the caption that appears at the top of the group). Click OK and a new empty group will appear on your screen. 3. Put program icons (or icons to other groups -- see below) in this new group you created. Again click File New from Program manager, but this time choose Program Item instead of Program Group. Enter the path of the program you want to install in the Command Line field and enter a description. If you need a Working directory, add that too. Click OK, and the icon will appear in your group. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you have all your nested groups created and organized the way you want them. 4. Now create your main groups. On my computer, I've created these groups so that they are always displayed. I have them tiled together in Program Manager. Create your main groups the same way you did your nested groups in step 2. Instead of putting in program icons, though (as you did in step 3), you're going to install NESTGRP.EXE. Go to the "Program Item Properties" dialog box (the same dialog box you displayed in step 3), but, this time, enter "Nestgrp.exe" followed by the name of another group (the one you want displayed). For example, "Nestgrp Main" will cause the Main group to be displayed when you get done and then click on the group icon you just created. I suggest you put the name of the nested group in the Description field so you know which group this opens. 5. Click OK. A nested group icon now appears in your group. If you double click it like you do to run a program, the nested group will appear with all its icons. That's all there is to it. It will probably take you a while until you get everything organized to make your desktop more productive. I've been using it now for about 4 months (I created it back in August) and I really love it. It's made me much more efficient because it is easier to find the programs I want to run and the data I need to work with. If you like NESTGRP.EXE and want to use it on your computer, please send me your name and address and $5.00 and you'll be a licensed user. This license allows you to use NESTGRP on your computer only. You can not distribute it without permission from Fountainhead Software, Inc.. If you've ever done anything to help me on Compuserve with my programming projects or other projects, you don't need to send the $5.00. My address is: Rick Andrews Fountainhead Software, Inc. 33431 Stossel Creek Road Duvall, Washington 98019 CISID 75210,1347 NESTGRP.EXE is written entirely in Visual Basic 3.0. For an additional $25, a Self addressed stamped envelop, and a blank formatted diskette, I'll send you the source code. Copyright 1993 Fountainhead Software, Inc. - NESTGRP.EXE