SUBJECT VERSION 2.5 UPGRADE: - Be sure to change your SUBJECT.CFG file & configure it to the new options. - This version uses a new datafile called SUBDATA.ZIP Just copy the old datafile SUBJ10.ZIP to SUBDATA.ZIP. Then the old file, SUBJ10.ZIP, may be deleted. If this a first time installation then you already have SUBDATA.ZIP. - New feature: Line 7,8,9,10,11 of the configuration file holds the path for additional data directories. Before using be sure to copy the subject.key file into the new subdirectory. Then use the SET command to initialize the file descriptions. - The subject search command is no longer case sensitive. - New command option: 'O' will allow you to enter a DOS COMMAND - If the program aborts it will leave with an error code. If it can't find a needed file it will display a message.