" *****************************","12" " WHEEL OF MISFORTUNE! ","15" " *****************************","12" " SPIN AND SPELL! ","15" " *****************************","12" " ","14" " The object of Wheel of Misfortune is to pick letters and","15" " try to guess the hidden words. Word win values are determined","15" " by the number of letters in the word times the amount you spin","15" " on the wheel. ","15" " As you begin the game it asks which word list you wish to play ","15" " against (there are 5 lists of 60 words to pick from). This option","15" " will allow you to play against many possible words! The sysop ","15" " may also change the five word lists when ever he wishes. This","15" " means the amount of words in the game is limited only by the ","15" " amount in the English language!","15" " After you choose a word list, you enter the game and must","15" " spin the wheel to see how much each letter of your word will be","15" " worth. The dollar value is multiplied by the number of letters and","15" " a total word value is given. ","15" "@"," " " WHEEL OF MISFORTUNE (CONTINUED)","12" " -------------------------------","12" " A series of blocks with question marks in them will appear, each ","15" " block represents a letter in the word you are to guess.","15" " You may pick 9 consonants in your attempt to guess the word. You","15" " may also type QUIT to end the game, BUY to buy an A,E,I,O,or U ","15" " (Vowels), or type GUESS to make a guess at the word (you may ","15" " only make one guess per word!).","15" " The game will tell you if the letter you have chosen is in the","15" " word and the letter will appear in the block in place of the ?.","15" " It costs $20 to buy a vowel so use them sparingly!","15" " If you guess the word you win the value of the word! Players ","15" " compete against each other on a monthly basis and the top ten ","15" " players are written to a bulletin. The prior months champion ","15" " is also posted!","15" " HAVE FUN AND GOOD LUCK AT THE WHEEL OF MISFORTUNE!","15" " ","15" " "," "