The BoardRoom BBS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- The BoardRoom BBS is operating on an IBM comp. 386-40mhz w/ 8 megs of Ram. The BBS software is EZyCom with a Portal of Power Frontend Mailer. The BoardRoom BBS is the USA Registration / Distribution Site for Usurper. USURP*.ZIP DND/RPG Monster Basher Magic name: USURPER USURBETA.ZIP Beta Testing Version Magic name: USURBETA (PASSWORD PROTECT) GAMEHELP.ZIP Help for setting up games Magic name: GAMEHELP This version of USURPER will work on both AT & XT Computers! The BoardRoom BBS is the USA Registration / Distribution Site for Prime Base Doors. AMAZE*.ZIP DND/RPG Maze Game Magic name: MAZE MURDR*.ZIP Murder/Detective Game Magic name: MURDER IRT*.ZIP I Remember That... Magic name: IRT PUTT*.ZIP BBS Putt Putt Golf Magic name: PUTT SR-*.ZIP Space Race Magic name: SPACE IMB*.ZIP In-Between Cards Magic name: CARDS WIMB*.ZIP Wager In-Between Cards Magic name: WAGER The BoardRoom BBS is a distribution site for Big State Doors. The Following files are availible for freq: LNP*.ZIP Lite Night Poker Magic name: POKER BSTRV*.ZIP Big State Trivia Magic name: TRIVIA TUNE*.ZIP Name That Tune Magic name: TUNE Also distributed: P06*.ZIP Portal of Power Magic name: POP or PORTAL EZY*.ZIP EZyCom BBS Software Magic name: EZY GAMESHO2.ZIP Trivia Game Show Game Magic name: GAME USAV53.ZIP Facts guild of the USA Magic name: USA VGA Graphics, Very Nice FidoNet - Node 1 1:138/137 and Node 2 1:138/237