Thank you for trying out Ultimate Universe Power Macros for version 1.62. We hope you will find them useful in your game playing. Mark and I developed these macros as a tool to aid in our own game play. As Mark had previously released some of his earlier macros into the public realm and had elicited some interest, we've decided to release these publicly. Mark and I both subscribe to the ShareWare concept and this is how we intend to handle the cost of supporting this product. We are totally committed to supporting this project into Ultimate Universe v. 2.0. We released this version for v. 1.62b to show off it's capabilities and features. The macros for version 2.0 will have many of the features currently found in these macros and new features specific for the next version of Ultimate Universe. The current state of development in these macros improves with each cycle, making Ultimate Universe a much more accessible game. I've done some research into the legal mumbo-jumbo that seems to be required to sell product. We're going to keep this real simple. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY THIS SOFTWARE AND MANUAL ARE SOLD "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. BECAUSE OF THE VARIOUS HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENTS INTO WHICH THIS PROGRAM MAY BE PUT, NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS OFFERED. THE USER MUST ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK OF USING THE PROGRAM. ANY LIABILITY OF THE SELLER WILL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO PRODUCT REPLACEMENT OR REFUND OF THE PURCHASE PRICE. Copyright A copyright has been applied for, so all rights will be reserved. The basis of the ShareWare concept is that the user, you, has the opportunity to try out the software prior to purchase to see if it fulfills your needs. If you find you have no desire to use the software, just delete it, you incur no cost. Let's just say you do like what you see and find that you wish to use the software, well, you really need to register with us. There are several benefits from this action. One, you get priority support from us. You find a bug that cripples the macros, tell us and we'll fix it and get the fix to you immediately. Second, you have a pet macro you think would be useful to include with this package, suggest it to us, and if it has usefulness and is FEASIBLE to develop, we will develop it. Third, whenever we do an upgrade of the macros, you'll be the first to get them. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Ultimate Universe Power Macros single user registration ³ ³ ³ ³ name ____________________________ Single user license $10.00 ³ ³ address ____________________________ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ ____________________________ total $10.00 ³ ³ ____________________________ ³ ³ ³ ³ How did you obtain UU Power Macros? (If BBS, please give name and phone) ³ ³ ___________________________________________________________________________ ³ ³ What type of computer and modem do you use? ³ ³ ___________________________________________________________________________ ³ ³ Comments / Questions ³ ³ ___________________________________________________________________________ ³ ³ ___________________________________________________________________________ ³ ³ ___________________________________________________________________________ ³ ³ ___________________________________________________________________________ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The cost of registering is just $10.00 U.S. dollars. Fill out the order form and send a check or money order made out to Kenneth Pang, and send it to the following mailing address. Kenneth Pang 1312 Grove St. Redlands, CA 92374 LICENSE When you register, you and your family members who live with you will be licensed to use the software. Family members are those related by blood, adoption or marriage. As mentioned earlier, we welcome any suggestion to improve or add new functionality to this tool, so don't be afraid to drop us a line or two. We can be contacted several ways, one is through the RIME net conference for TradeWars or Ultimate Universe. Mark is the moderator for the TradeWars conference, and allows discussion of ALL TradeWars type games, of which Ultimate Universe is a type. We both monitor the Ultimate Universe conference, so if a message is posted there for us, we'll get it. Snail mail us at my address, Kenneth Pang 1312 Grove St. Redlands, CA 92374