ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ v3.10: Sun 06-05-1994 at 12:50:45 am (File: 39,467 bytes) ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ * Added: You can now select if you would to allow High-Ascii characters to be entered in the prompts. Before, this was disabled so that it could filter line noise. Someone e-mailed me from another country and told me his side of the story. This is now optional in the SVSETUP.EXE program. * Improved: You will notice a speed difference when you display or list the available voting booths. As your voting booths get more votes the program will start to slow down just a little little little bit. But in the long run, it can start to make a difference. I plan to make things MUCH MUCH more faster in v4.0 of Super Vote. * Fixed: A breath of fresh air! The 'Deleting a Specified Booth' command has been fixed and is now working properly. This is the strangest error I have come across which led to chain reactions causing other errors in the program. Finally! * Fixed: Another Strange problem, but this time with deleting booths. I would like to thank Robert Morris for finding this one. If you were to delete a voting booth, after using the 'Vote on all Un-Voted Voting Booths Option' (A new option in v3.00), it would delete the VBI file and would remove the VSI file, but it would not remove it from the VOTE.LST file. Now it DOES remove it from the VOTE.LST file, but now it doesn't remove the VSI file! Not to worry, it will be fixed. :) * Fixed: Strange problem when listing booths. When I was improving the display of the 'List Available Voting Booths' command, it appears that is caused some problems. I wanted to improve the speed a bit, but also caused some problems. The error is fixed. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ v3.00: Sun 05-15-1994 at 8:45:38 pm (File Size: 38,753 bytes) ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ * Fixed. the editing booth section -> change topic of booth prompt. It wouldn't allow periods (.) to be entered. Also it will now display a field so that you can edit the previous topic. * Added. the option of viewing the results after voting on a voting booth. This is another popular required feature that I would have put in earlier. It's here! * Added. the use of the USERNET.XXX file. The program will now write to the usernet file so that when a user type WHO, they will see they are in another area. * Fixed. the END (non-continuous) prompt. Since it caused some confusion when not needed, I had it not display if there were only one page of options. This would make it easier too, so that the user doesn't have to always press the SPACE bar. Also, it gets the user's attention, so that when he or she has to press the SPACE bar, it means that there is another page of options. (this stuff is hard to explain in a text document, if this doesn't make sense, you know why. ). * Added. a (MORE) display at the end of the continuous prompts to inform the users that there was more if they pressed enter. Some of the regular END (non-continuous) prompts looked similar to the continuous which caused the users to prevent pressing ENTER for more..instead just pressing space. * Fixed. the CTRL-END keyboard command in my field routines. If you had a field that was longer and would slide, the CTRL-END would not display correctly after it had been used. * Fixed. the UNVOTED voting booths option. If you would execute it on a screed display other than the first, it would go crazy with file errors. It can now be executed from all Booth Display screens. * Added. an option that will allow the users to vote on all UNVOTED voting booths. This one was requested by a number of people. This is something I wanted to do earlier, but due to the special type of programming I used to make booths and options unlimited, it was little tricky. But it's finally here. * Fixed. the asterisks (*) display. If you had more than one screen full of voting booths, the first voting booth on the second, third, etc.. screen would not display even if you had already voted on it. * Fixed. the data file searching. The program searches a little faster than it used to. * Added. a specifiable security level for Custom Options. If a booth has the FLAG set for adding Custom Options and the Current User has a security level great-than or equal-to the specified security, the user will be able to add their own Custom Options. If you would like all users to have access to this option, simply put 0 for the security level. * Added. the display on which option had the most votes when viewing the results of booths. * Added. an arrow display that will show the user which option they voted on while they are viewing the results of booths. * Added. disabled colors to the menu options of the VOTE.PPE file. So if a user doesn't have access to a certain command, that certain command will be colored in low color, informing the user that the option can not be used. * Added. sliding field support to my field routines. You can now have edit up to 200 chars in the color configuration of CHKVOTE.??? and some of the other fields have been extended as well. * Fixed. some of the bugs in my field routines. Sometimes when you were to hit the backspace key, it would append a strange HIGH-ASCII character to the end of the field, it would depend on the location of the cursor. Also, if you used the DELete key, it would sometimes remove 2 chars instead of just one. Fixed. :) * Optimized. the SVSETUP.EXE program. It is now about 2k smaller then it was before without the additions. * Added. color support to the SVSTAT.EXE program. It will read the PCBSM.CLR color file just like SVSETUP.EXE will do. * Added. color support of the PCBSM.CLR file. SVSETUP.EXE will now read the PCBSM.CLR color file. This will match the colors in the PCBSETUP, PCBFILER, and PCBSM. * Fixed. the screen displays in the SVSETUP.EXE program. Screen displays are much, much, much, much, much, much more faster than before. Even in multi-taskers such as DESQview and Windows. * Fixed. the screen displays in the bulletin generating utility. Screen displays are almost instant, even in multi-taskers. * Changed. the layout of the SVSTAT.EXE program. The local screen display has a better looking and more informative display. * Fixed. the bulletin generating utility again. It was display YES or NO in the 'Booth Creator:' display. Once again, it was caused by the mis-reading of the data files. * Fixed. the new bulletin Gererating Utility. It was display the YES and NO parameters that were actually part of the configuration. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ v2.10: Sun 05-01-1994 at 11:11:08 am (File Size: 35,125 bytes) ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ - Added. a new Bulletin Generating Utility. The SVSTAT.EXE porgram will allow you to create bulletins out of the booth result information. - Fixed. screen displays in SVSETUP.EXE. Screen displays are much faster in multi-taskers such as DESQview and MS-Windows. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ v2.00: Sat 04-23-1994 at 7:18:47 pm (File Size: 35,555 bytes) ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ - Added. path configurations for the data path and the location of the CHKTEXT file. - Changed. the SETUP.EXE filename to SVSETUP.EXE. You can delete the old SETUP.EXE file and simply use the SVSETUP.EXE included with this archive. - Added. the text configuration for CHKVOTE.PPE back into the program again. This emulates MKPCBTXT.EXE. Couple improvements. :-) - Fixed. the layout of the SETUP.EXE program. It now emulates the PCBoard setup programs so you are familiar with the way things look. - Added. text configuration for the reminder. Total for 4 lines in the CHKTEXT file. I would recommend deleting your old one, and then just using the one that was included with the archive. - Added. a little reminder to the CHKVOTE.PPE. It will remind the user that he or she is still logging on to the system, since the program is executed at the logon screens. - Added. text configuration for the prompt. There are now 3 lines in the CHKTEXT file. - Added. prompting with the CHKVOTE.PPE. If there are any booths that the user hasn't voted on, not only will the PPE notify him or her, it will also prompt the user. - Added. multi-language support for the CHKVOTE.PPE. I renamed the text file to CHKTEXT instead of CHKVOTE.TXT, this way the PPE can then recognize the file extension to read which language is being used. - Added. the variable @NUMVOTE@ for the CHKVOTE.TXT file to reduce it to only 2 lines. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Super Vote v2.00 - PCBoard 15.1 [PPE] v2.00 Program ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ