Thanks for downloading these RIP's! I sure hope you enjoy them. These screens would not have been possible without the help of these guys: RIPscrip Graphics Protocol "Remote Imaging Protocol" is copyrighted by: Telegrafix Communications, Inc 16458 Bolsa Chica #15 Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Voice: (714) 379-2131 Fax : (714) 379-2132 Data : (714) 379-2133 Flatline Version 1.04 RIPscrip Generator is copyrighted by: The Thabes Company 1206 South Owyhee St. Suite B Boise, ID 83705 Data : (208) 338-5145 If you haven't tried any of the RIP drawing programs, try out Flatline v1.04. It is by far the easiest to learn out of the bunch and you don't have a hundred ICONS to try and remember what command they execute! If you want to be up and making RIP screens without weeks of flipping back and forth between your monitor and your printout of the DOC's, I suggest you try the other RIP drawers AFTER you check out Flatline. After all, I'M NO ARTIST AND LOOK WHAT I DID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To view these RIP screens just run the batch file SHOWRIPS.BAT. I have included some BBS menu screens and logon screens so that you sysops out there can see some of the techniques you can use to spice up those dead, plain,yawn....boring RIP screens I see on some of the boards around the country. Put in a little animation to wake your users up and make them say....OOOhhhhh....Coooool! That's about it so if you like these screens be sure to checkout my other batch of Rippers which you can hopefully find as MIKERIP.ZIP, TRIBBRIP.ZIP, and TRIBRIP3.ZIP. These are available for download on The Software Creations BBS 1-508-368-7036 among others. You may also leave me good/bad messages here as well. Now sit back and enjoy these RIP's!.............Mike Kubisiak 1994