Hello! Thank You, for using PCBBBL16.ZIP, but your trial period has expired. I made this generic, so that your users who use and enjoy this program will help you register it. If they do, thier name will appear in a registration screen as shown below: ** This Program Was Registered By ** ** Your Name Here ** A lot of time and effort went into this PPE. So, please support shareware if you enjoy using it and if it meets your needs. If it dosn't, then give me a call--and i'll see what I can do for you. Registration is only $25.00, which entitles you to free upgrades and support from my BBS, a key file and custom copies to suit your own needs. Thank you for your support! Please send your check or money order to: Richard Stewart 167 Hanson Drive Springfield, MA 01128 Call: The North Shore Bulletin Board System -- At (413)783-2802