Power Graph v1.0 for Windows Queries and Charting for ODBC Databases ======================================================================= DEMO Release README.TXT file Installing the Power Graph DEMO ------------------------------- To install the ODBC demo version of Power Graph for Windows, create a PGRAPH directory on your hard drive and change to it. From the DOS prompt, type: MD \PGRAPH CD \PGRAPH Then unzip the contents of PG-DEMO.ZIP into the PGRAPH directory with the following command: PKUNZIP PG-DEMO ... where PG-DEMO is the full path and file name of the ZIP file that you have downloaded. For example: PKUNZIP C:\QMODEM\PG-DEMO The demo version of Power Graph is now ready for you to run. Within Windows, select Run from the File menu, and specify \PGRAPH\PGRAPH.EXE. You can run the demo program from DOS by typing: WIN PGRAPH.EXE The remainder of this file contains a tutorial on building a query and creating a graph within Power Graph. Print this file in order to follow the tutorial. Order information can be found at the end of this file. ========================================================================== Building Your First Query ------------------------- Once Power Graph is loaded, select Create New Query from the File menu. This command takes you through the query creation process, so that the desired database data can be selected. Power Graph first asks for the ODBC data source to be connected to. With this DEMO version of Power Graph, the sample Xbase databases are the only databases that you can use. Next, you must select the table in the connected database that you wish to query. Select the SAMPLE1 table. You must then click on the type of query that you wish to create, a normal query or a statistical query. Click Generate Query, which issues a normal query upon the data, in order to view all the values contained in the database. A list of all the available columns will display. Click the Select All Columns button to include all columns in the query. No filters or sorts will be added at this time. By following these steps, the entire contents of the table will be displayed. Click Done to proceed to the query result window. A spreadsheet-like grid will be displayed, showing all the data contained in the SAMPLE1 database. Building Your First Graph ------------------------- Select the Define Graph button from the query result window to define the portions of your graph. This dialog box allows you to identify the desired chart type, data columns to graph and the legend column. The first combo box allows you to select any of the available graph types. Select the Bar Chart option. The second combo box lets you define the column to use for the chart legend. Select the STATE_NAME column. Next, click the Choose Graph Data button to select the columns you wish to graph. A window will display all the columns that are numeric in nature and can be graphed. Click the Add All button to highlight all of the graphable columns. This will give us 12 months of data to graph. Click the Done button to return to the Define Graph window. Click Done to return to the query result window. Selecting Rows to Graph ----------------------- To include a row in the graph, click on the row number, which will highlight that particular row. You can select up to 12 rows to graph. Click Create Graph to create the graph with the selected attributes. Manipulating Your Graph ----------------------- Now that the graph is displayed, you can modify the graph in any way. To change the graph data that is displayed, select the View Data menu option to return to the query result window. From there, you can modify the rows and columns that were graphed or the database query itself. To modify the query, click the Edit Query button. To modify the graph attributes such as the graph legend, graph data columns or graph type, click the Define Graph button to return to the graph setup window. To modify the rows being displayed, simply select new rows or unselect currently highlighted rows by clicking on a particular row's number. Clicking Create Graph will recreate the graph with the new data that you selected. Modifying Graph Text and Fonts ------------------------------ To modify the titles on the graph, select Graph Titles under the Text Labels menu. The main graph title, the X-axis and the Y-axis titles can be modified from this window. After making your changes, click Done to redraw the graph. To modify the data (X-axis) column labels, select Data Labels under the Text Labels menu. You can modify any of the data column labels from here. Click Done to redraw the graph with the new data labels. If you wish to change the legend texts, select Legend under the Text Labels menu. Change any legends you wish to, perhaps changing the full state names to an abbreviation. To change the font of any text displayed on the graph, select Set Font under the Text Labels menu. Power Graph allows you to use any font that you have installed in Windows. To add a date/time stamp to the lower left-hand corner of the graph, select User Options under the File menu. Enable the date/time stamp and click Done to continue. The current date and time will now be displayed on the graph. Changing Chart Styles --------------------- Each graph type has multiple styles that can be selected. To change the styles of the current graph type, select Bar Chart under the Chart Options menu. It will have a check mark next to it, indicating that it is the chart type of the graph currently being displayed. This displays a window of all different bar chart styles and attributes. Modify the chart any way you like, such as making it a 3D bar chart. Click Done to redisplay the graph with your new graph styles, or click Cancel to discard any changes. To display the graph using other graph types, simply choose that graph type from the Chart Options menu. Let's change our bar chart to an area chart by selecting Area Chart under the Chart Options menu. Select the area chart options, such as making it a 3D area chart. Click Done to redraw the graph in the new chart type. Using Your Graph ---------------- Once you are satisfied with the entire graph (data, text, chart type, and style), there are 3 ways to utilize your graph: you can print the graph, save the graph to disk, or copy the graph to the Windows Clipboard. None of these are operational in the DEMO version of Power Graph. If you wish to print the graph, select Print Graph under the File menu. This will allow you to print your graph to any printer set up in Windows. You can also setup the number of copies to print, as well as portrait or landscape printing orientation. If you wish to save the graph for future use or viewing, select Save Graph under the File menu. This will allow you to save the graph as a Windows bitmap file. The saved file can be directly inserted into any Windows word processor or painting program. If you wish to copy the graph to the Windows Clipboard, select Copy to Clipboard under the File menu. This will allow you to directly paste the graph into any other Windows application that supports graphics. Your query can be saved by clicking on the Save Query As... menu option under the File menu. Building Statistics ------------------- Now that you are familiar with building queries and the subsequent creation of a graph from that data, let's cover the other type of query possible, statistics. We will create a statistical query from the SAMPLE2 database, which looks like this: Column Name Description ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------ BUSINESS Area of business, broken down into several categories. ACTIVITY Activity of data, broken down into Sales, Marketing, and Profit. MO_JAN,MO_FEB,MO_MAR,MO_APR, MO_MAY,MO_JUN,MO_JUL,MO_AUG, Monthly data. MO_SEP,MO_OCT,MO_NOV,MO_DEC Select the Create New Query menu option to query a new database. This time select the SAMPLE2 table for the query. Click Generate Statistics to continue, in order to query statistical information from the database, such as the sum, average, minimum or maximum value for a particular column. This brings up the Build Statistics window. Let's generate the sum of all months grouped by their specific activity (Sales, Marketing or Profit). Select Sum of Column as the statical operation. Next, click the column you wish to generate the statistic from. Click the MO_JAN column, since it is the first column of data. Then, since we wish to group the data according to activity, select the ACTIVITY in the Group By column list. Click Add Statistic to add the statistic to the query. Add the rest of the month columns by clicking the appropriate column (MO_FEB...MO_DEC) and clicking Add Statistic to add the statistic to the query. You do not have to click the Group By column again, as once a Group By column is selected, it will affect all statistics generated in that query. Once all the statistics are entered, click Done to process the statistical query. Since we grouped our statistics by the ACTIVITY column, our result data will consist of three rows, with each column of monthly data being summarized by Marketing, Profit and Sales. A variety of other statistics can be generated, such as MAXIMUM, MINIMUM, AVERAGE, and COUNT. The result data can be graphed the same way as in the first example. ========================================================================== Power Graph is exclusively distributed by Mojahmbee Ltd. for $99.95 for the single user version, or $249.95 for a five user network version which allows concurrent database access. Site Licenses are available upon request. Prices are listed in US currency. Customization is possible on a case-by-case basis; contact Mojahmbee Ltd. for more information. Power Graph supports any database that has a "level 1" or higher compliant ODBC driver. Most PC and mainframe databases have ODBC drivers available from a variety of sources. Any application that uses these ODBC databases can utilize Power Graph. Contact Mojahmbee Ltd. to recieve a complete list of sources for available ODBC drivers and other available ODBC compliant applications. Thank you for trying the demo version of Power Graph. Please feel free to send all orders, questions or comments to: MOJAHMBEE LTD. (303)440-4105 voice / fax Software Development Internet email: 1630 30th Street #474 eashjm@netcom.com Boulder CO 80301 U.S.A. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corp.