PagePlus Intro - "Freeware" Windows DTP SPREAD THE WORD!!! This ZIP archive contains PagePlus Intro from Serif... a little brother to PagePlus 2.0 our hot new Windows DTP package -- a high-end publisher with a low-end price! PagePlus 2.0 is already Windows Magazine Recommended (9/93 Pick a Publishing Powerhouse) and a Compute Choice Award Finalist. PagePlus Intro gives you a full featured desktop publisher for Windows 3.1 -- and it only needs 2mb ram to run, and works with all Windows fonts and printers. It's real neat. And the best part? PagePlus Intro is a fully functioning publisher (NOT a demo) yet REGISTRATION is FREE for home and personal use. PagePlus Intro makes most commercial Windows DTP packages look real sad -- you'll be amazed! Check out PagePlus Intro... Then give your friends a copy, and help us spread the word! To install: just download the ZIP file, unzip to disk, then run INSTALL from within Windows. Easy!