Ed Clock Readme file Freeware: You may use the program as long as you want with no monetary payment to me. If you find this program useful, I would appreciate you letting me know, and passing on any comments. The usual disclaimer: if this program does anything good, bad, or indifferent, or if it fails to do anything good, bad, or indifferent, neither Kulai Software nor JC Pollman can be held liable. The goal of this program is to help children learn to read an analog clock. The program presents three clocks and askes the child to click on the one showing a particular time. There are three modes: every hour, every hour and half hour, and every five minutes. To change the mode, click on the appropriate button at the top. Modifying the voice files. There are several reasons why I decided to use multiple wave files for the voice. First, since they are wave files, you can modify them yourself. Second, it is almost criminal to make a child listen to my squeaky voice for any length of time. Third, not only can you modify the files so that as the child progresses he/she can be praised with other expressions, but it can be done in your voice. And lastly, not everyone speaks English, so you can change the language the program uses just by making a new wave file and saving it with the correct name in the correct directory. The wave files are: clickon1.wav Click on the clock showing (program selects one clickon2.wav of these three) clickon3.wav right1.wav Praise (program selects one of these three) right2.wav right3.wav wrong1.wav Clild selected wrong clock (program selects one wrong2.wav of these three) wrong3.wav start.wav Opening introduction oclock.wav O'Clock zero.wav 0 one.wav 1 two.wav 2 three.wav 3 four.wav 4 five.wav 5 six.wav 6 seven.wav 7 eight.wav 8 nine.wav 9 ten.wav 10 eleven.wav 11 twelve.wav 12 fifteen.wav 15 twenty.wav 20 tw_five.wav 25 thirty.wav 30 th_five.wav 35 fourty.wav 40 fo_five.wav 45 fifty.wav 50 fi_wav 55