The shareware concept allows authors to produce commercial-quality software at a fraction of the cost. But the authors will not continue to produce shareware unless users register! To register any piece of Alexi/Ware, please print out the ORDER.FRM file (or write the necessary information if you don't have a printer) and send it, along with your payment in US funds, to: Chad Nelson P. O. Box 5614 Hampton Park, MD, USA 20791 If you list your Fidonet address on the ORDER.FRM, your registration key and instructions for installing it will be sent by crash-netmail as soon as possible. Otherwise, you will receive a return letter within three weeks. Personal checks may require extra time to clear the banks; other forms of payment (money order, cashier's check, etc) will be processed immediately. All payments must be made in US funds, and drawn on a US bank. I don't recommend sending cash, but you may do so at your own risk. Unless otherwise noted in the program documentation, your key is valid for life (yours, mine, or the program's), and can be used on all current and future versions of that program.