There are obviously a few policies which I must state here regarding the operation of ComNet. All policies are fixed unless changed through a 2/3 majority vote of the nodes currently within ComNet. Each node gets only one vote. EchoMail Policies ------------------- 1) All echo mail areas must be present on each system. 2) New echo mail areas must be added, but the addition of new areas may be delayed up to one week of their appearance. A note to all sysops will appear in the sysops echo informing all nodes of any new echo areas. 3) New echo mail areas may be proposed, but again must be voted through by a 2/3 majority of the nodes or accepted by the Coordinator (currently Douglas M. James of Solaris VII 7:100/1). 4) All echo areas must be configured as per the areas.txt file and must follow all restrictions of that file. 5) Only sysops may delete messages from an echo, and this can ONLY be done to save disk space. 6) Off-topic messages may either be deleted by the sysop at will or moved to the appropriate area. 7) The sysop echo area should allow file attaches, but since these files will be echoed across the net, only small sysop related files should be sent. Examples include new nodelists, .ANS, .ASC files, etc. NetMail Policies ------------------ 1) There should exist a ComNet: Netmail area. 2) This area should be configured as per the areas.txt file and must follow the restrictions of that file. 3) Sysops should refrain from looking at these private messages, as per the privacy laws, unless it is required for system maintenance. 4) Crash mail should only be an option for the sysop/co-sysops of the system. No users should be able to send crash mail. 5) All netmail should be kept for 21 days. 6) File attaches are only allowed within the netmail area, but should be limited to no more than 100k if possible (note: I have found no easy way to do this, but please keep the option available). ComNet General Policies ------------------------- 1) Flaming will not be tolerated, for any reason 2) Currently, because of the small size of ComNet, mail will be processed basically on a crash basis. However, as ComNet grows, I may decide to set a time for mail processing each day. 3) Applications for membership may be approved either by the Net Coordinator, or by a 2/3 majority of the nodes currently in ComNet. 4) Automatic file requests are currently not supported. But they may be added later once the need and knowledge becomes available to ComNet (as I currently don't know how to set this up, nor have the time to do any serious investigation of it).