Installation proceedures for ZIP RUNNER and READDX Just a couple of important notes. * ALWAYS EXzip before turning power off whether you are using READDX or ZR or ZR linked programs or you should reload the zipped file pressing n to ignore duplicate files and then EXzip to erase the redundant files (this program is meant to SAVE space by not having unnecessary files there) * Your compression and decompression programs must be in your DOS directory or one with a path set in AUTOEXEC.BAT * (ZR ONLY) RUNDX must be in the root directory of startup drive * For ZIP RUNNER to find its way home from RUNDX, it must be in the directory \DOS -THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!! * If your operating system does not call its DOS directory DOS you must create one and set a path for it in AUTOEXEC.BAT- see your owner's manual for details on how For most this is not neccessary as the DOS directory is named DOS -just type copy zrun.exe \DOS (AND HIT ENTER THEN TYPE...) copy rundx.exe \ (AND HIT ENTER AGAIN) -or for READDX copy readdx.exe \DOS That's about it folks, I'd have made an installation program but it hardly seemed worth a big program just for those two lines. This is a great program and well worth paying for if you think so too. (you will) (think so that is) :)