INSTANT REGISTRATION FORM Just copy this file to your printer, fold, tape, and mail. Telephone orders also accepted (see below) The Starship Commander's Tactical Battle Simulator was acquired from: [ ] friend [ ] user group [ ] free BBS [ ] disk vendor [ ] pay BBS [ ] other Name of vendor, BBS, etc.:_____________________________________ SEND TO: WILLIAM D. HAUSE 2003 BALSAM DR. BOULDER CO 80304 Description Price Total +-----------------------------------------------------+--------+-------+ | The Starship Commander's Tactical Battle Simulator | | | | (Non-Shareware Version) | $14.95 | | | Printed Manual & 10 New Scenarios (Scenario Set #1) | | | +-----------------------------------------------------+--------+-------+ | Scenario Maker / Ship Designer Program | $9.95 | | | (Non-Shareware Tactical Battle Simulator Required) | | | +-----------------------------------------------------+--------+-------+ | 10 More New Scenarios (Scenario Set #2) | $9.95 | | | (Non-Shareware Tactical Battle Simulator Required) | | | +-----------------------------------------------------+--------+-------+ SHIPPING & HANDLING | $5.00 | +-------+ Total | | +-------+ Make checks payable to: William D. Hause (U.S. funds only) Disk Size: 3.5in (720k) Name: __________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ________________________________________________________ Comments, suggestions: TACTICAL BATTLE SIMULATOR +-----+ |Place| |Stamp| |Here!| +-----+ WILLIAM D. HAUSE P.O. BOX 5473 BRYAN TX 77805-5473