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Now go to the first level. When Aero appears, pause the game and Press UP, C, DOWN, B, LEFT, A, RIGHT and B. Now, in Pause mode hold the A and C buttons. Keep holding these buttons until the Cheat Mode appears. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Arcus Odyssey ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Here's the codes for all the characters in the game to start at the specified level! Bead Shia Erin Gashuna ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Act 2: FA2HAIADRR Act 2: HJIAAIAABB Act 3: FI4IAIAESB Act 3: HIIYAIAGC3 Act 4: HK3CDIILDO Act 4: HIIAQQIKDK Act 5: HL0DAQIPMX Act 5: HIKAQYIOUZ Act 6: HN0DE5IQVR Act 6: HIKEQYIRVC Act 7: HN0DE5IVWZ Act 7: HIKEQYIVOH Act 8: KR0DE2IZX5 Act 8: HJKBQYIZPK Diane Fireya Jedda Chef ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Act 2: GJEIACRT Act 2: GDHAAIAABZ Act 3: GJWZAIAEKM Act 3: GIEIAAAECA Act 4: GIRCTQIJ1X Act 4: GJECAIIL1Q Act 5: IISDUXIPUI Act 5: IJCECJIOU0 Act 6: IIUHUZMRNZ Act 6: KICBEPIQ3F Act 7: IIXBUYIUGW Act 7: KICBHIIVWG Act 8: IJXBU2J0HB Act 8: KJCBHNTYXR ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Afterburner II ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Extra Missles - To get extra missles in each round, hold down the following combinations while you're refueling. Round 3 - Left and B Round 5 - Right and B Round 9 - B button Round 11 - Right and B Round 13 - Left and B Round 16 - Right and B Round 19 - B button Round 21 - Right and B Level Select - You can begin the game up to stage 20 by holding down A, B, and C and press Start during the title screen. The words "Select Stage" will appear in the middle of the screen, and you can select a stage by pressing the directional controls to the left or right. Reverse Controls - To reverse your plane's controls, hold down both A and B on controller 2 and press Start on controller 1. Secret Continue - Play the game and die. When the title screen appears, press Left 3 times, press the B button 3 times, then the A button three times. Then press Start. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Air Diver ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Special Stage Select and Invincibility - As soon as the map screen appears, leave the plane out over the ocean and hold down Start. While holding it down, press A, B, C, B, A, A, B, C, B, A. Now release Start and use one of the following for the desired effect: Start at mothership - Hold B Go to the last boss - Hold C Fight the ace pilot - Hold A Invincibility - Hold Start Continue to hold down the button(s) until you leave the hanger. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Alien 3 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Shortcut, Extra Weapons and Useful Items - Play the game to stage 4 and jump through the first ventilation shaft you reach. You will find a short cut to the end of the level. Also, if you jump though the the wall on the far right of the corrridor, you will find clips for your pulse rifle, hand grenades, rifle fired grenades, a fuel tank for your flamethrower, med kits, and batteries for your motion tracker. Stage Select - When the title screen comes up, choose "OPTIONS" and press START. While you are in the OPTIONS MODEM enter these commands on the controller pluged in the the second port: C, UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, A, RIGHT, DOWN You will hear a tone if you did it correctly. Start the game and while you are in the level, press C, A, and then B. You will see a row of small green dots all across the screen. Press the START button to skip to the next level. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Defeat the Gorilla - You can defeat the Gorilla in Janken by using the following signs - Paper, Paper, Scissors, Rock, Rock, Sissors, Scissors, Paper. This set of signs will not work for the Wizard, Bear, or Queen. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Alien Storm ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stay alive after you die - To use this trick, you must have enough energy to do your extra move, and you must be the robot, Scooter. If you die while using Scooter, use his special attack and you won't die. You will have do build your live back up, but it does avoid losing one life. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Altered Beast ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Continues - When you die, hold down the A button and press Start repeatedly until you appear on the screen on which you died. Options - Hold down B and press Start during the title screen for a set of options. Select the Beast - Change into the beast you want on each stage by pressing down and left while holding all three buttons during the title screen. Round Select - Choose your round on the option screen and then hold down A and Start on the Title Screen. Sound Test - To hear all the sounds and music in the game, press up and right while holding down A and C. Attack the Credit Screen - When you rescue Athena and the credits appear, kick or punch them to scroll them downwards. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Arcus Odyssey ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Enter the second room in Act 3 for bonus chests. In Act 4, watch for the shadows on the floor. There's a pack of dragons waiting to attack! Spring Fureya from the prison deep within Act 2 to help you. Her guided energy missles destroy enemies with ease! Get Keyami to join you in Act 5. His awesome firepower pumps up your defenses! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Arnold Palmer Tournament Golf ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Secret Game - Hit the ball over 100 times on any hole, and you will get a 'Game Over' message. Press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A. Special Password: Use this password in competition play to start in match play: QhVaTzouio'ABBh96iVCoVskmBgAcgIzl3XHQ Secret Tournament - To begin a new tournament with a more experienced caddy, enter this password: ffffffffffffffffff999999999999999999 Winning Password - To enter the final tournament with twice as much cash as your nearest opponent, enter this password: F1nLvJoNaAFA+SqzQ3AoDG6Wi3wFIKENIG9+ Even if you don't win the tournament, you'll win the game! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Arrow Flash ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Invincibility - At the option mode, change Arrow Flash from Stock to Charge. Wait for the play demo (after the story demo), then hit Start until the game begins. Now, each time you press C for 3-5 seconds, you will become invincible for 10 minutes! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Back To The Future 3 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Skip Stages - To skip stages in Back To The Future 3, pause the game at any point and simultaneously press these buttons together in this order: UP and A, DOWN and A, LEFT and A, RIGHT and A. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Bart Simpson Vs. The Space Mutants ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Extra Money - At the end of the level, stand under the last window of the retirement home and blow the whistle to get some extra money. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Battletoads and Double Dragon ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stage Selects, Extra Lives, and Mega Warp: This trick will give you a level select and 10 lives for the team-up of the century. To do this trick, go to the Character Select Screen and do the following: Press DOWN, UP, UP, DOWN, C, A, B, and the press START. A screen will appear allowing you to go to any stage in the game. However, you will not get "REAL" ending should you beat the game using this trick. Super Warp: Select up to the fifth stage and get five lives. Go to the charcter select screen, and enter the following: B, A, DOWN, C, A, DOWN, and then press START. You will then encounter a Super Warp screen allowing you to pick your level. Standard Warp: At the charcter select screen do the following: Hold UP+A+B and then press START. You will start at the first level, but you will have 5 (five) lives instead of 3 (three). Beat the Dark Queen and the Shadow Boss using this trick and you should get the normal game ending. ÄÄÄÄÄÄ Batman ÄÄÄÄÄÄ Unlimited Men - In level 3, at the far-right end of the museum's first level is a 1-up; grab it and jump onto the rising platforms. When you reach the third platform or until the screen starts to scroll up, jump back down and the 1-Up should be there again. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Batman: Return Of The Joker ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Select - Here is a slick little trick that will allow you to start on any level of this great game. Press START at the title screen and then move the bat to the "Passcode" option. Press START and then enter code: 5227. Press the A button and then a bunch of symbols that look like mushrooms will appear at the bottom of the screen. Move the D-Pad to the LEFT and you will now be able to enter codes for every level. For example enter code 6300 to start at level 6-3. The first two numbers are the level and section. Level Passwords - Here are the level passwords for Return of the Joker: 2-2 - NWKL 3-1 - LGZQ 3-2 - GPTW 4-1 - GNKF 4-2 - KHCN 5-1 - QGVN 5-2 - WBZT 6-1 - FFHG 6-1 - CKQG 7-1 - GPZT ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Belle's Quest ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Select: At the second title screen enter the following with controller one: B, UP, B, B, A, UP, RIGHT, A, B, A, DOWN, LEFT, A, and DOWN. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Biohazard Battle ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Select - Wait until the SEGA logo appears, and press and hold the C button. While still holding the C button, press these directions on the D pad in this order: UP, DIAGONALLY UP-RIGHT, RIGHT, DIAGONALLY DOWN-RIGHT, DOWN, DIAGONALLY DOWN-LEFT, LEFT, DIAGONALLY UP-LEFT, and UP. An easier way to do it is to just start from the top of the pad and make a clockwise circle all the way around back to the top. Press START and the Stage Select should appear. ÄÄÄÄÄÄ B.O.B. ÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Passwords: -------------- -------------- -------------- Goth: Anciena: Ultraworld: -------------- -------------- -------------- Area 2: 171058 Area 1: 672451 Area 1: 743690 Area 3: 950745 Area 2: 272578 Area 2: 103928 Area 4: 472149 Area 3: 652074 Area 3: 144895 Area 4: 265648 Area 4: 775092 Area 5: 462893 Area 5: 481376 Area 6: 583172 Area 7: 743690 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Bram Stoker's Dracula ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stage Select - When the battlefield scrolls, Press DOWN, RIGHT, A, C, UP, LEFT and A. In the game use the Start button to Pause and the press Up to change levels. ÄÄÄÄÄ Bubsy ÄÄÄÄÄ Here are the chapter passwords for Bubsy: Chapter 01 - JSSCTS Chapter 09 - DBKRRB Chapter 02 - CKBGMM Chapter 10 - MSFCTS Chapter 03 - SCTWMN Chapter 11 - KMGRBS Chapter 04 - MKBRLN Chapter 12 - SLJMBG Chapter 05 - LBLNRD Chapter 13 - TGRTVN Chapter 06 - JMDKRK Chapter 14 - CCLDSL Chapter 07 - STGRTN Chapter 15 - BTCLMB Chapter 08 - SBBSHC Chapter 16 - STCJDH ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Budokan ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ To defeat Tetsuo Okabe (Match 5) and Miyuki Hirose (Match 8), select the Bo as your weapon. When the match begins, press A, B, or C and hold Left. You will block all of your opponent's attacks. Wait until you have maximum Ki, then strike your opponent. One hit will win you the match. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Bulls Vs. Lakers ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Ending Password - Now you can see the end of the game without even playing it! On the Password screen enter: JXWP6BBQ You will be the Chicago Bulls winning the World Championship. Championship Passwords - Use these passwords to bring you to the final Championship game: Bulls Vs. Blazers - CXOCGBB4 Knicks Vs. Blazers - GJOGBBBF Blazers Vs. Hawks - OBOBLBBY Beat The Computer - Here is a quick tip that will help you beat the computer in this great game. Press the C button while displaying your team's statistics. After pressing the C button, the screen will change showing the computer's line up. Replace all of the strong players with the computers worst players. The computer will attempt to make substitutions between quarters. Repeat the sequence keeping the computer with its worst players. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Burning Force ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 10 Lives Per Continue - Press Start on the title screen so that START/OPTION appears. Press B, A, B, A, A, C, A, A, and Start. When you continue, you'll get 10 men! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ California Games ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Roller Skating Hint - Spinning while jumping will increase your points many times, but it also means you stay in the air longer. Surfing Hint - Turn to ride up a wave then turn in mid air to come back down at the same angle. Foot Bag Hint - Perform two jesters and the bag will flash red, now all stunts are worth double. Half-Pipe (Skateboarding) Hint - Press Down on the way down the half-pipe and press up on your way up on the half-pipe to get more speed and a higher jump. BMX Hint - The best trick to do is the backward flip, as this gives you the most points. Get to the end with 40,000 or more points for a new bike. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Castlevania Bloodlines ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Expert Level: For those who have mastered the diffcult level of this game, have a real challenge with the Expert Level. At the title screen, use the "Trademark Konami Code" on control pad one: UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, B, A, and START. You should then hear a quick chime if the code was entered correctly. The go into the options menu and cycle through, the Game Level Settings, and a new one should appear labeled EXPERT, To see the real full ending of the game, finish it on this level of difficulty. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Centurion - Defender of Rome ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Passwords - Enter this code on the save game screen to have control of many ancient countries and 1 fleet of ships. BN4Q AUIV W6IQ ZCA5 555S 73IJ This code starts the game at one of the most powerful levels with 11 consular legions and 35,000 talents. TAGY V6P5 QAAA AH3K VKVA MIES Here's a code to own the world! QDUA YQ25 5555 55NK VKXW IPJI Use these codes to get give the correct responses to the ambassadors when you are negotiating with other countries for alliances: Country Minimum Rank Legion Size Response Code ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sicilia Centurion Infantry F, N, A Dalmatia Tribune Calvary N, A Germania Legatus Cavalry N, F, F, A Gaul General Cavalry N, FR, F, A Hispania General Cavalry F, N, A Thracia Consul Consular F, F, A Macedonia Consul Consular F, F, A Armenia Consul Consular F, F, A Mesop. ProConsul Consular F, F, A Arabia ProConsul Consular F, N, A Aegyptus ProConsul Consular FR, FR, A (Cleopatra Seduction: W, G, AC) Mauretania ProConsul Consular F, N, A Legend: F=Formal FR=Friendly N=Nasty A=Offer Alliance W=Warm G=Gentle AC=Accept For all of these, answer 'LOW' when asked what tribute you require. ÄÄÄÄÄÄ Chakan ÄÄÄÄÄÄ Skip The First Four Stages - You can do this trick in the practice, easy, or hard mode. It is suggested that you use the practice mode because it gives you unlimited potions. So, choose the practice mode at the title screen. Start the game, then walk right and down the stairs onto the platform. Continue right until you reach a small floating platform. Jump onto the platform and use the potion for a portal. It is the only potion you can use from the choices. When you use the potion, it will make a thunderous sound. Once you do this, you will have access to all of the weapons, and be able to go into every level, even the last four stages. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Chuck Rock ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Advance - While the band plays, press ABRACADABRA and the guitarist will smile. Press A, B, and C together, start the game, press UP while holding A to advance one level. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Columns ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Extra Magic Jewels - There is a way to trick the game into giving your a second magic jewel. To do this you must set up the screen in a certain way. Have one row of the normal jewels stacked up almost to the top of the playfield. There must be vertical space for only two of the three jewels in the next block to come on the screen. Watch the 'next block preview' box. When you see that the magic jewel block is next, get ready to quickly move it on top of your prepared stack. After the magic jewel eliminates the 'touching' color jewels, all of the remaining jewels will drop down as will the one magic jewel that was off the screen. This magic jewel will drop down and eliminate another group of colored jewels! Extra 10,000 Point Bonus - To get a fast and easy 10,000 bonus points, have one vertical column empty all the way to teh bottom of the playfield. When you get the block with the three magic jewels, position it so that it falls down this column, all the way to the bottom. Since you don't get to use it to eliminate any colored jewels, the game gives you 10,000 points instead. Instant Magic Jewel - Use this trick to make the Magic Jewel appear in Columns. Select ARCADE and the EASY mode. When you begin to loose, fill the far left or far right two columns as high as possible with jewels. When you've completed the column, the magic jewel will appear. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Cool Spot ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Skip - In any level of this game, press the START button to pause the game and do this trick on controller 1: A, B, C, B, A, C, A, B, C, B, A, and C. After this is done you will hear a tone that indicates that the trick has worked, Immediately afterwards, you will see the "Level Completed" screen. Soon thereafter, you will advance to the next level. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Crue Ball ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Select - This code will help you reach all of those higher boards on this game. Go to the Music Demo screen and select the tune "Twisted Flipper", Press A, C, A, B then push the Start button. Begin your game and wait for the ball to appear. When it does, hold UP on the D-Pad and press the B button to rotate through the diffrent levels. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Cyberball ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Select any team for the CyuberBowl - Take the first letter or number and place it in the first blank, with the second letter/number going into the second blank. For example, to play as Atlanta against Boston, the code would be T5BB B5PS IH6X. CYBER BOWL I with team funds of $999,000: _5BB B5PS IH_X ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Atlanta T-6 Boston Boston 5-D Washington Chicago C-P Boston Cleveland 7-U Boston Dallas L-4 Boston Denver 8-G Boston Detroit H-7 Washington Indianapolis K-3 Boston Las Vegas S-8 Atlanta Los Angeles 6-A Washington Miami M-J Boston Minnesota P-E Washington New England N-R Washington New Orleans A-9 Washington Philadelphia G-S Washington Phoenix 9-N Washington Pittsburgh E-5 Washington San Diego D-F Boston San Francisco U-H Boston Tampa Bay R-T Boston Washington F-C Boston _5BB B5PS IB_X ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Buffalo J-6 Tampa Bay Houston 4-A Las Vegas St. Louis 3-Y Tampa Bay _5BB B5PS IB_I ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Cincinnati 2-V Tampa Bay New York O-B Las Vegas Portland Z-X Las Vegas Seattle Y-I Tampa Bay Some easy scores on offense: 1. Axle Grind: To score quick TD's throw to the left wide receiver. 2. Sunday Ride: For quick yardage to cross the 50 yard line throw to the left running back. 3. Zig-Zag: For quick yardage or for scoring inside the 10 yard line throw to the left running back. 4. Suicide: To score extra points after TD's or for scoring inside the 10 yard line throw to the left running back. Some defensive moves to stop the computer cold: 1. Prevent: For the sack, blitz your linebacker around the left side of the offensive line. 2. 3-4 Defense: When the computer is inside your 10 yard line, blitz your linebacker around either side. Be sure to use your powerbooster to get to the QB. To score on kick returns, run between the two men on the right and then run up the sideline. If you do this correctly, you'll score everytime! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Darius 2 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Select - On the intro screen press C,A,C,B,C,A,B,A,C,A,C for the level select option to appear. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ David Robinson's Supreme Court ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ These codes will take you into the final games as you play against the computer. Once you win one of these games you can then play against "Robinson's All Stars". Use these codes on the password screen. L.A. Vs. Detroit - CABCDEA1F Chicago Vs. New York - ASTURBQ1E New York Vs. Detroit - FMJCLJY1B Detroit Vs. L.A. - WYBCDEAYU ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Deadly Moves ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Final Match Code - If you can't seem to finish this game because you have not been to the last oppoent, this code will help you out. The code is for the final match against the infamous Ranker! Start a one-player game on the password screen, and enter the following code: EYV G9DG 2Q7 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Decapattack ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Airwalk and Life Refill - Here are methods that you may use together. The first is the airwalk. This may be done by rapidly pressing on the C button after you jump. Most of you konw that the red poles in the game can throw you long distances, but did you know that they can be used to give you extra hearts? Use the airwalk to position yourself over one of the poles and then proceed to drop straight down to it. Each time you do this you will gain a hald of your heart back and one of the segments on the pole will turn white. Bypass the Boss - There is a way to bypass the second round boss in Decapattack. As you approach the last fall before Toady, the second boss, float to the ledge on your left and then jump from ledge to ledge until you see the sign that says you have cleared the round. Be careful, though, you must get the special item before you leave the level. If you fail to do this, you will have to go back to the level and find the item, plus you will run into the second round boss! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Desert Strike ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Rescue MIA Co-Pilot Jake - Jake is hidden in the upper right hand corner of level 2. (By the F15 Plane Crash) You will be told that you rescued him at the beginning of level 3. (Destroy the F15 after picking him up. You will score bonus points for protecting the F15's technology.) Start With 4 Lives - If you think that you need just a little extra help, you can start the game with four lives instead of 3 by using the password: TQQQLOM Start With 10 Lives - If you think that you need need some extra help with your missions, this trick is for you. To achive the awesome power of 10 lives, enter this code on the password screen. BQQQAEZ Once entered you will notice that your lives have been increased from the usual 3 to an incredible 10! Passwords - Level 2: EQJJHJY (In order to maintain 10 lives you Level 3: BLJEEJO must enter BQQQAEZ first and then Level 4: JTKKOME press START and then enter the password for the level you want) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Devilish ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 99 Balls - To achieve the ultimate trick in devilish, just use this code. When the title screen comes up, press the START button. Now hold A,C and LEFT on the control pad, and then press START. Once you do this, you will see that your stock has been increased to 99. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Dragon Fury ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Play Final Stage - To start your game with 999,999,900 points and 13 balls, select a one player game and enter this password: 6RENAXUEMW This will bring you to the final stage once the ball hits an object. If you need help beating the final stage, then select a two player game and enter the password: 6RENAXUEMW6RENAXUEMW This will give you 26 balls to work with. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Dynamite Duke ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Super-Option Mode - During the title screen, press Start for the option mode to appear. Press C ten times and the Start button to enter the option screen. You'll now be able to choose from new selections! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Earnest Evans ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Select - Select from any level you wish with this great trick! First, go into the game and during play, press START to pause the game. The next step is to press UP, A, DOWN, B, LEFT, A, RIGHT, B. When you press START again to un-pause the game you will be automatically transported to the next level. You can use this trick as often as you want. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Ecco The Dolphin ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Passwords: The Machine - NNNNNNNN Undercaves - AAAAAAAA Origin Beach - AAAANNNN Island Zone - NNNNAAAA Hardwater - ANANANAN or NANANANA Darkwater - NNAANNAA The Vents - AANNAANN Deep City - AANNNNAA ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ El Viento ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Instant Magic - This trick will allow you to collect every magic power without picking up any items. Pause the game during play and press Up, Left, Right, Down and C. You will get one magic each time you do this. Repeat this for all five magic powers. Slow Motion - Start the game and pause it any time during game play. While the game is still paused, press Up, Left, Right, Down, and the A button. You should be able to move in slow motion with the sound effects still active. Clear Scene - At any time during play, pause the game and press Up, Left, Right, Down and the B button. You will now skip the stage you were in and will go to the next one. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ E-S.W.A.T. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Select - When 'The End' game over screen is displayed, press and hold the D-Button down and left while pressing all three buttons, then press Start until the music repeats. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Ex-Mutants ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Cheater Mode - Go to the Options from the title screen. Set the music to 05, and the Sound FX to 21. With those numbers in place highlight the Exit option. Now press and hold A, B, and C and then Press START. You will hear Shannon say "Too Easy." Now you will be in the Cheater, Cheater Mode. This will allow you to start from any level. It will also allow you to use certain cheats like maximum lives and full energy. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ F22 Interceptor ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Codes - Now, you can jump ahead to the end of any level you could possibly want. IRAQ - GT8C4A USA - 6O0A4A KOREA - BH0B8K RUSSIA - KS6A49 After you have entered all four of these codes, all you have to do is land the plane and you will get a great ending with Saddam crying! For an added challenge, enter the following code to go to the start of the Aces mission that pits you against four enemy Aces! ACES - MGG1GJ Here is a quick password to get the Saddam ending by just landing the plane without doing all of the fighting. GTGAUO ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Faery Tale Adventure ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Leave the swan on the outskirts of the Plain of Grief before attempting the Citadel of Doom. Visit the Sorceress when you're low on luck. She'll give you 5 Luck points (which equal one life), until you are maxed. Stock up on inventory items by repeating this move. When you find something you need, grab it and then save and restore your game. Low on keys? Save the game before you use one, open a door, and restore the game. You'll keep the key, and the door stays open! You can ignore the 'Julian is starving' message when you have over 100 Vitality points. Play End Game - To play the end game, use the password 7R2KUL6RSZXSK6NHGSDCB720663RI2HO785P. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Fantasia ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Max Out Your Lives and Magic - You can max out your lives in the water stage. First fight your way to the second stage to the point where there are platforms that go up. Once you get there you have to jump up the platforms to the top and you'll get a 1-up. Next fight through the level until you get to the point where you're right before the magic book. Take the magic book and keep moving to the right until you see a treasure chest. Go into the chest and you'll come out just past the platforms. Go to the left and jump back up the platforms. Do this trick as many times as you would like! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Fatal Fury ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Unlimited Continues - After losing, the continue screen will come up with your number of credits shown in the bottom left-hand corner. Hold UP on the controller 1 and press A, B, and C simultaneously. Let go of A, B, and C and press them at the same time again. Your credits will go up by 1 each time you do this method. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Ferrari Grand Prix Challenge ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Race Select - You have a choice of many races when you enter these codes on the password screen. Belgian GP Spanish GP ----------- ---------- W4N6L:PHMX6 WSXWF:3FRDQ 61KPR:HML2M ZBXLR:HML2M NXG32:1FDFN NSSGB:2TCQJ Italian GP Japanese GP ----------- ----------- QVVWD:HJZ2F 1WRRT:BMSRJ THPN6:WWL2M JF3K4:NKMVX NDXH3:BNCFK KQCSS:VJDJH Portuguese GP Australian GP ------------- ------------- 3WLN6:5FF6K VGFCG:BNX6P GVSMC:RG51T 1R6J4:LR4HR K15DT:6QCSP MWCSK:VNBTC ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Flintstones, The ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stage Select - This trick will let you choose any level you wish to start from. To do this, go to the title screen and hold these buttons: LEFT, A, B, and C. With all of these buttons held, press the START button. The Stage Select screen will appear. You can then choose any level from here. Press the START button once you have made your selection. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Fire Shark ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Two Extra Lives - Fully power up your weapons, then grab three more power ups and destroy either a General Porter or Yonemaru for two extra lives. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Flashback ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Passwords - Her are all of the passwords for Flashback on all three levels. At the title screen, highlight the Password option. Press START to go into it. Enter the following passwords to reach higher levels: ÄÄÄÄ Easy ÄÄÄÄ Level 1 - Jungle Stage - PIXEL Level 2 - New Washington - BESTY Level 3 - Death Tower - PANCHO Level 4 - Earth Stage #1 - STUDIO Level 5 - Earth Stage #2 - TOHO Level 6 - Alien Planet #1 - AKANE Level 7 - Alien Planet #2 - INCBIN ÄÄÄÄÄÄ Normal ÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level 1 - Jungle Stage - FALCON Level 2 - New Washington - DATA Level 3 - Death Tower - MILORD Level 4 - Earth Stage #1 - QUICKY Level 5 - Earth Stage #2 - BIJOU Level 6 - Alien Planet #1 - BUBBLE Level 7 - Alien Planet #2 - CLIP ÄÄÄÄÄÄ Expert ÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level 1 - Jungle Stage - CLIO Level 2 - New Washington - ACRTC Level 3 - Death Tower - BLOB Level 4 - Earth Stage #1 - STUN Level 5 - Earth Stage #2 - MIMOLO Level 6 - Alien Planet #1 - HECTOR Level 7 - Alien Planet #2 - KALIMA Ending Password - Here is the Password so you can see the end of the game. Enter the Password screen and enter the Password: CYGNUS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Forgotten Worlds ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Unlimited Continues - When playing the two player game, you can always continue as long as one person is still alive. By pressing Start on the second controller before the game ends, a single player can keep a game going for as long as is needed. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Gaiares ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Secret Invincibility - Pause the game, then press and hold buttons A & C. While holding A and C press LEFT, the screen should freeze for a second. UNPause, and you are invincible. This trick must be done at the beginning of each level. Stage Select - Go to the configuration mode by holding down A, B, and C, and pressing Start. Place the sound test at 18. Hold down A on the second controller and exit the configuration mode. Press Start on the first controller to go to the Stage Select. Weapon Power-Up - Enter the Stage Select mode, then begin the game. Pause the game and hold Up while pressing A twice. Resume the game and shoot the TOZ to power up your weapon. Weapon Select - Enter the stage select mode, then begin the game. Pause the game and hold Up while pressing A to select your weapon. Ultimate Weapon - Fire the TOZ unit into nothing six times, then capture an enemy ship that would normally give you a weapon and you'll get the all powerful T-Braster. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Gain Ground ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Select - Go to the option screen. Move the arrow to the Level selection. Press A, C, B, and C. Round select will appear below Sound Test. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Galahad ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ World Passwords - This eye-pleaser will test your playing skills to the max! Unfortunately, you have to get pretty far in the game to receive a password. But, never fear! Here are the passwords for the second and third worlds. Choose the options screen and you will access a screen in which you can change your password. Enter the code: ZXSP to start off on the second world. To start your journey at the beginning of the third world enter this code: LVFT. Unlimited Lives & Level Skip - This code will allow you to have unlimited lives and skip levels. To accomplish this, select the options and enter the starting world as LTUS. Once you do this, start your game and go through the level. Even if you die, you will be able to come back with the same amount of lives you started with. If you would like to instantly complete a level press the A button and the START button simultaneously. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ General Chaos ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Win By Chucking - In General Chaos, choose a team with a "chucker". In the game, have the chucker toss one of his grenades. While it is up in the air, press the START button to pause the game. The grenade will keep going and land on someone because they are still froze. Destroy the other team like this. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ GhostBusters ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Lots of Cash - To get plenty of extra cash for better weapons and equipment, go to the high-rise building. There's a safe just inside, and it's full of money. Take the money, leave the building, then re-enter. The safe reappears each time! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Ghouls 'n' Ghosts ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Invincibility: Turn on the system and press reset four times. When the title screen appears, press A four times. Then press the directional pad up, down, left, and right. You should hear a chime. Press start to hear another chime, then hold down B and press start. The invincibility doesn't work when you fall into a chasm, get grabbed by a green hand in level 4, or get stamped by Loki's feet. If this invincibility doesn't work, try using Up, B, Down, B, Left, B, Right, and B until you hear the tone. Then hold B and press Start until the game begins. Change Game Colors - Select invincibility and choose level 5. Pass the three Minstral Winds and the Cyclops on the wall, climb the ladders, and stand on the highest block. Walk to the edge facing the pit, turn around, and walk to the other end of the block. The game should automatically reset (if it doesn't, repeat the back and forth walking). Repeat the invincibility code, choose level 5 again, and repeat the pacing on the wall until the game resets again. Press Start on the title screen, and notice how strange the colors have become! Secret Bonus Points - At the end of each stage you can grab the key and receive a bonus 5,000 points. Have the key on your left side, stand close to it, and jump towards the left. It takes a bit of practice to get the timing down. If you get the key as you begin your jump you should see the message 'Nice Catch!' and receive 5,000 extra points. Slow Motion - To play the game in slow motion, enter this code during the title screen: Up, A, Down, A, Left, A, Right, A. If you've done it correctly, you'll hear a tone. Press Start until Arthur appears, then pause the game and press B. You should be able to move Arthur now. Level Select: On the title screen, wait for the words "Ghouls and Ghosts" to float down from the top of the screen. Then press up, down, left, and right. You should hear a short harplike sound. At this point, there are several different codes to enter to take you where you want to go: The Execution Place - Start The Floating Island on the Lake - A and Start The Villiage of Decay - Up and Start The Town of Fire - Up, A, and Start Baron Rankle's Tower - Down and Start Horrible Faced Mountain - Down, A, and Start The Crystal Forest - Left and Start The Ice Slopes - Left, A, and Start Beginning of Castle - Right and Start Middle of Castle - Right, A, and Start Loki (final boss) - Down, Right, and Start You can add the A button to the end of any of these codes to start in the middle, rather than the beginning, of the level. Japanese Mode - Select Option from the opening screen. Choose 26 for Music and 56 for Sound. Hold left on the control pad while pressing all three buttons and Start. ÄÄÄÄ Gods ÄÄÄÄ Level Passwords - These are the codes for each level of this magnificent game. When the title screen appears, move the pointer to the Enter Password option. On the code screen, form the password of your choice for access to these levels: Level 2 - NASHWAN Level 3 - COYOTE Level 4 - FOXX Once you start a new level using one of these passwords, there will be enough money for you to buy new weapons and potions. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Golden Axe ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Select - Choose Arcade Mode, then when you reach the character select screen, hold down Left, B, and Start simultaneously. A "1" should appear in the upper left corner of the screen. Use the directional pad to rotate this number to any game level. Extra Continues - To get extra continues in the arcade mode, go to the character selection screen. Press and hold down-left on the control pad. The characters should spin continuously. As you do this, press A and C. Now let all the buttons go and press Start. You should have 9 credits instead of 3. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Golden Axe II ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Select - Jump ahead to the level you want with this amazing trick! At the opening, press A,B and C and Hit START. Move the cursor to Option, Keep holding A and hit B and C again. Move to Exit, keep holding A and hit B and C until you get to character select. Hold A and UP and hit B and C one last time. Now pick your level!! Over 200 Magic Units - Get powered-up with this magic code for Golden Axe II! Press and hold the A button when fignting the Boss on any stage. Do not let go of the button until you defeat the Boss and enter the bonus stage. Now release the A button, but do not hit any of the wizards or take any magic books. Wait until the next stage, and you will be able to use magic spells whenever you want. Round Select - Now you can choose your starting level with this cool code! When the game starts, hold A, B and C buttons and press START. Release the B and C buttons, but keep holding the A. Go to the options screen and press B and C at the same time to enter it. Without releasing the A button, move the cursor down to exit and press B with C again. Keep holding the A button, press B and C together to make your choice of one or two players and press again to choose a normal game. Select your character and without releasing the A button, hold UP on the directional pad and press B, C and START simultaneously. Select your round with the A and the B buttons. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Granada ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Flying Tank Trick - To fly around in your tank here's what you must do. Play until you are on stage 2, then wait for the timer to go to 000. At the exact same moment your timer runs out, drive your take off the edge. When you do this, your tank will explode and your timer will be renewed. When your new tank appears you will be able to fly around and attack from outside the ship. The only lasts until your timer runs out again. Hidden Power Ups - A hidden power-ups lies on the second level. When you get to the tip of the left wing, move down past the last pipe and wait. A head icon will appear that gives a super cannon blast! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Grind Stormer ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Unlimited Continues: Finding this great shooter too hard? Try this to get unlimited continues. Do the following: At the title screen, press A, B, C simultaneously, then go to the options screen while still holding A, B, and C, PRESS START quickly 100 times. Then go to the Options Screen and go down to the Credit Limit and select a new option titled FREE PLAY. This will allow you to play with unlimited continues and it will work both versions of game play. (Grind Stormer and V-V) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Hardball! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Each of the following passwords launches you into the World Series with a commanding lead of three games to none. Boston vs. Texas: iAAEIGbe California vs. Baltimore: kcB3GIDi Chicago (AL) vs. Chicago (NL): 2cA2cADi Chicago (NL) vs. Chicago (AL): 2AAGGAbf Cincinatti vs. New York (AL): dcA2FHD8 Cleveland vs. Houston: KcD0acDK Detroit vs. Milwaukee: acA7HJD2 Houston vs. Boston: ccA7EGD6 Kansas City vs. Cleveland: 0cA7IKDa Milwaukee vs. Kansas City: 0AAE Minnesota vs. Cleveland: 1cB5IKDa Montreal vs. San Diego: gAAEGEbk New York (AL) vs. New York (NL): FAIeBHbf New York (NL) vs. Atlanta: hAAEHFbh Oakland vs. New York (AL): jcA2FHD2 Philadelphia vs. Los Angeles: eAAEECb5 Pittsburgh vs. San Francisco: fAAEFDb2 St. Louis vs. Cincinatti: dAAEDBb7 San Diego vs. Cleveland: gcA7HKDg San Francisco vs. Boston: fcA7EGD3 Seattle vs. Toronto: 3cC6JbDE Texas vs. Los Angeles: eAAjFbbA ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Hard Drivin' ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Beat the Phantom on the Speed Track - If you can't beat the Phantom Photom on the stunt track then beat him on the speed track. In the championship lap turn right instead of going straight ahead. You'll pass over the turn signs and find yourself battling the Phantom on the speed track! Traffic on the Practice Track - Play a regular game. When you finish and return to the title screen, press C to enter the Options screen and set the game to Practice. Hit B and C, then press Start to exit the menu and start the game. You'll be practicing with the traffic of the regular game! Hit the Cow - When you're just coming onto the Stunt Track, aim for the cow on the side of the barn. Hit it, and you'll hear a hysterical moo! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Hellfire ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 99 Continues - To get 99 continues on Hellfire, go to the options screen. Select sound test 8. When the music stops you will automatically play on "Yeah, Right" level (very hard) with 99 continues. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Herzog Zwei ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Select Passwords - Enter these codes at the password screen to begin with all levels completed previous to and inclusive of the level you selected. Abgrund Vulkan Loch Strand ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Type A ³ GOGHCACACNI GAGJGAGPKME GIGECDCDCNL GMGPGGGJKLD Type B ³ FLHGGFGJEME HAGCGKHEMMJ FNHAGGGKEMG HMGOGMHCMLB Type C ³ CBGJGACAGNP GHGCHKGOOLH CHGPGGCDGMK Type D ³ EGEAEPCBIND ELGGHBHJAMM EAEGEJCHIND Stadt Eisfrei Waldung Case ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Type A ³ Type B ³ Type C ³ Type D ³ JLJOIGNAOKL JLJOIGBAOLH ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Hit The Ice ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Here are some passwords for Hit The Ice: 2nd Round Blue: 1QQ3 3rd Round Pink: 2A13 4th Round Yellow: 2R93 5th Round Purple: 3AH3 6th Round Green: 3RQ3 7th Round Gray: 4B13 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Immortal ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Passcodes - These codes take you to the beginning of the level with the appropriate equipment. Level 2 cddff10006f70 Level 3 f47ef21000e10 Level 4 8fdfe31001eb0 Level 5 94bfb43000eb0 Level 6 563ff53010ac1 Level 7 c250f63010ac1 Level 8 e011f730178c1 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Insector X ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Unlimited Continues - After the 'Game Over' and 'Press Start Button to Continue' message appears, push and hold the D-Button Left and Up, then press C. With every press of button C, the number of continues increases by one. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ James "Buster" Douglas Knockout Boxing ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Continue Fight - To have a rematch against any boxer, press Up, B, and Start together. This allows one rematch against each boxer. Sound Test - To listen to all the sounds and music in the game, press Start on controller 2 at the Game Select screen. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ James Pond ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Warps to higher missions: In the first mission you must save all the lobster for two known warps to open. The first is located in the seaweed to the left of the entrance pipe next to a white rock. Position Double Bubble Seven over the seaweed and push down. This will take you to mission 6. Also on Mission 1 is a warp that will take you to Mission 11. Once you have saved the lobster, go to the far left, and jump out of the water onto the ledge. Move to the edge and push down. You can find a warp in Mission 2 that will take you to Mission 10. Save all the fish from the toxic waste, then move to the right of the entrance pipe at the start of teh flat ground and push down. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ James Pond II: Codename RoboCod ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ New Level - RoboCod contains a secret level. To find this one in level 1, proceed right as far right as far as possible and climb the building. Land on the far right roof and then walk left through the wall. You'll be warped to a wierd area inside the factory. Level Select - On the title screen hold Down-Left and A and C and then press START for the Level Select. Infinite Lives - On the sports level, collect items in this order: lips, ice-cream, violin, earth, and snowman for infinite lives. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Joe Montana 2: Sportstalk Football ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Codes for All Games - This is a list of all codes for Joe Montana 2. Go to the options screen and pick and league game. Next, pick the password option and enter this code as follows: _00_XXXXAX Note that the 0's are zeros. The letter that goes into the first blank space in this code stands for the team and the 4th space is the week that they will play. For example, the code C00TXXXXAX means that Chicago will play L.A. in the Sega Bowl. A - Atlanta vs. Buffalo B - Buffalo vs. N.Y. - National C - Chicago vs. L.A. - American D - Cincinnati vs. N.Y. - National E - Cleveland vs. N.Y. - National F - Dallas vs. L.A. - American G - Denver vs. N.Y. - National H - Detroit vs. Cincinnati I - Green Bay vs. Cincinnati J - Indianapolis vs. N.Y. - National K - Kansas City vs. N.Y. - National L - Houston vs. N.Y. - National M - Los Angeles - American vs. N.Y. - National N - Los Angeles - National vs. Los Angeles - American O - Miami vs. N.Y. - National P - Minnesota vs. Cincinnati Q - New Orleans vs. Buffalo R - New England vs. N.Y. - National S - New York - National vs. Cincinnati T - New York - American vs. N.Y. - National U - Philadelphia vs. Kansas City V - Phoenix vs. Cincinnati W - Pittsburgh vs. N.Y. - National X - San Diego vs. N.Y. - National Y - Seattle vs. N.Y. - National Z - San Francisco vs. Seattle 0 - Tampa Bay vs. L.A. - American 1 - Washington vs. Cincinnati B - Week 1 L - Week 11 C - Week 2 M - Week 12 D - Week 3 N - Week 13 E - Week 4 O - Week 14 F - Week 5 P - Week 15 G - Week 6 Q - Week 16 H - Week 7 R - Playoff Round 1 I - Week 8 S - Playoff Round 2 J - Week 9 T - Sega Bowl K - Week 10 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ John Madden Football ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Passwords: With these passwords, you can play in tournament play as either of the two teams mentioned. New York at Washington - 0700100 New England at Buffalo - 0600100 Los Angeles at Chicago - 6504500 Atlanta at Chicago - 5002300 Stop opponent from making extra points - While your opponent is trying to kick a field goal, keep going offside until the ball is on the goal line. When your opponent tries to kick the ball, it will be too low. If you are kicking off, here's how you can recover the ball. Make sure the indication arrow is on the kicker, then press C repeatedly. When the kicker is about to make contact with the ball, press A. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ John Madden Football '92 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Super Bowl Codes - Now you can play in the Super Bowl as your favorite team! Here is a list of codes, one for each team. In the list below your team will be the team that appears to the left side. Altanta Vs. San Diego - CG1PYFTM Minnesota Vs. Buffalo - BTDWO9BN Buffalo Vs. San Francisco - BXMMC6M1 New England Vs. Washington - B9M3YDIP Chicago Vs. Denver - CG8JYLC1 New Jersey Vs. New York - C235TOZD Cincinnati Vs. San Francisco - BOXWLRM8 New Orleans Vs. Kansas City - B27O9V41 Cleveland Vs. Philadelphia - D5C5N11G New York Vs. Buffalo - D42HGN2K Dallas Vs. Miami - BDNT6NX7 Oakland Vs. Washington - CDLLB7LM Denver Vs. Philadelphia - C5ZWM8BZ Philadelphia Vs. Houston - CSWV7Z76 Detroit Vs. Buffalo - CZYZYZS8 Phoenix Vs. Buffalo - CSSXHF4P Green Bay Vs. Cincinnati - DSBK3W5W Pittsburgh Vs. Chicago - CZ97W14F Houston Vs. New York - DSRTMLVY San Diego Vs. San Francisco - D8L3T4XY Indianapolis Vs. Phoenix - BD1X612H San Francisco Vs. Denver - B3DFNO5K Kansas City Vs. Alanta - CLG7Y8FF Seattle Vs. San Francisco - BLTJXL6Z Los Angeles Vs. Miami - CNYGOYHL Tampa Bay Vs. Denver - CK5HHPYP Miami Vs. San Francisco - B6KKGYOL Washington Vs. Oakland - CZSK2TMR ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Jungle Strike ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Passwords - Here are the passwords for all eight (8) levels for Jungle Strike which is the sequel to the great game Desert Strike: Level 2: RLSGYKBX6GG Level 3: 9V6PBRV76GP Level 4: XTMCJBXTSPH Level 5: VNHDWMGZBVY Level 6: WSDRXL6HDBS Level 7: THGDXL6MHZY Level 8: 7GBV4GJFDB6 Level 9: N4SF3X7NLMS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Jurassic Park ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Here are the codes for every diffuculty level of Jurassic Park: Dr. Grant --------- Easy Normal Hard -------- -------- -------- Level 1: 0HHNSIDK 0RJTRMA6 08BI9UR7 Level 2: 2BINHKE9 277166RO 2QMH7DB2 Level 3: 4LBVGIIN 4BFP64V0 4SNP67FC Level 4: 66RHEH2P 64DHCDEF 6QLNTNRR Level 5: 8KN0SHUU 85BGLNTH 8DCIDDR8 Level 6: A717MUP6 AH745EJC A6C8EDJI Level 7: CPLPHMMG C7UBL67U C7DH56B7 Raptor ------ Easy Normal Hard -------- -------- -------- Level 1: G21G0014 G21G0025 G21G0036 level 2: I21G0016 I21G0027 I21G0038 Level 3: K21G0018 K21G0029 K21G003A Level 4: M21G001A M21G002B M21G003C Level 5: O21G001C O21G002D O21G003E ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Kid Chaneleon ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Warp To The Last Boss - At the end of the Blue Lake Woods II don't touch the flag. Climb on the last block, Press DOWN-RIGHT while holding the jump button and special to warp to the last boss in the game. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ King's Bounty ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ See Ending Screen - Use this code to see the end screen: XYZ-YZ-VZC JAH-DO-MBP YRO-PB-6HW 276-3W-PNT 3YW-X7-5QG VVR-TQ-PON DA9-64-8RC After typing the code in, go to these coordinates on the continentia: X=21, Y=38. Fly to the coordinates, since your entire army is composed of flying creatures. Choose the Search The Area option and prepare for the ending! ÄÄÄÄ Klax ÄÄÄÄ Increase Diffculty - To make this game even harder, Press Up and Left, A, B, and C buttons and then START, on the title screen. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Krusty's Super Funhouse ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Here are all of the passwords needed to finish Krusty's Super Funhouse. At the title screen, enter the following codes to get to higher levels. Level 2: WHOAMAMA Level 3: FLANDERS Level 4: BROCKMAN Level 5: SIDESHOW ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Lakers vs. Celtics ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Finals Password - To get into the finals with the Celtics, enter JGQ CGK. Other Passwords - Celtics vs. Spurs CZ2 QKT Lakers vs. Bulls LLQ RJK Suns vs. Celtics RP2 HJT Blazers vs. Celtics TY6 HJK Spurs vs. 76ers 8W2 QJS 76ers vs. Spurs H12 QJT Bulls vs. Trailblazers 6RQ QJJ Pistons vs. Lakers G72 Q0J ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Last Battle ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Continue - After a game has ended, press and hold A, B, and C, and then press Start when the screen reads "Legend of the Final Hero." This code only works for levels 2 and above. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Lemmings ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level codes - If you want to skop ahead in this fun addictive game, try these codes to get to all of the "FUN" levels! Level 2 - GDHJT Level 16 - NRHGY Level 3 - NHAAA Level 17 - NAFTL Level 4 - FTCVI Level 18 - FMHOU Level 5 - LFFLP Level 19 - QBAFB Level 6 - WBHCX Level 20 - LEHKT Level 7 - CYFKP Level 21 - OZFPQ Level 8 - JJHCX Level 22 - ZCHDX Level 9 - DXFSL Level 23 - BHFQQ Level 10 - KLXNU Level 24 - CECPM Level 11 - UZFRL Level 25 - GBFXM Level 12 - QDHJT Level 26 - NMHOU Level 13 - FOAXE Level 27 - YBAFB Level 14 - BSCOM Level 28 - FNCWI Level 15 - KYFKP Level 29 - ASFLP Level 30 - TLCPM ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ LHX Attack Chopper ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Passwords - Chop up the skies in LHX with these passwords: Libya: Central Europe: Majestic Tweleve--:CQAAAFA Domino Mirror------:CSIEIYE Anterior Nova-----:CQAAIEA Chess--------------:CSIEQ6E Reindeer FLotilla-:CQAAQHA Arc Lite-----------:CSIEY4E Phoenix-----------:CQAATGA Anterior Nova------:CSIEBJC Rainbow Veil------:CQAAAVC Reindeer Flotillla-:CSIEJIC Chess-------------:CQAAIUC Hop Toad-----------:CSIERLC Lobster Quadrille-:CQAAQXC Olympic Torch------:CSIEZKC Hen House---------:CQAATWC Lobster Quadrille--:CSIEBZA Desert Two--------:CQAABFE Grand Theft Hokum--:CSIEJYA Flaming Arrow-----:CQAAJEE Flaming Arrow------:CSIER6A Plain Aria--------:CQIERDG Vietnam: Lobster Quadrille--:CQIEZCG Reindeer Floatilla-:CQIEBRE Flaming Arrow------:CQIEJQE Hen House----------:CQIERTE Lava Lamp----------:CSIEZSA Anterior Nova------:CSIEAJG Gemini-------------:CSIEIIG Chess--------------:CSIEQL6 Binary Rainstorm---:CSIEYKG Freedom Trail------:CSIEAZE ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Lightening Force ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 99 Ships - 99 can help get you though this challenging shooter! Wait for the intro screen to pass and when the title screen says, "Press Start" press the A button and START togeather to pull up the configuration menu screen. Highlight the number of ships and set the number to 0 (Zero). Start the game and when you do, you will notice that you have 99 ships. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Lotus Turbo Challenge ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Passwords - If you are having trouble reaching the higher levels in this great driving game use the passwords below to reach some of the higher levels. Level / Password ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Night - SLEEPERS Fog - HERBERT Snow - BUSINESS Desert - APPLEPIE Interstate - STANDISH Marsh - MALLOW Storm - TEA CUP ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Lost Vikings, The ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Here are all of the level passwords for this game: (This game is still missing passwords for levels 35 to 43) Level 02: TLPT | Level 16: JMNN | Level 30: WK99 Level 03: GRND | Level 17: SNDS | Level 31: CMB0 Level 04: LLMO | Level 18: TMPL | Level 32: 8BLL Level 05: FLOT | Level 19: TTRS | Level 33: TRDR Level 06: TRSS | Level 20: JLLY | Level 34: FNTM Level 07: PRKS | Level 21: PLNG | Level 35: Level 08: CVRN | Level 22: BTRY | Level 36: Level 09: BBLS | Level 23: JNKR | Level 37: Level 10: TR33 | Level 24: RVTS | Level 38: Level 11: VLCN | Level 25: CBLT | Level 39: Level 12: QCKS | Level 26: H0PP | Level 40: Level 13: PHR0 | Level 27: SMRT | Level 41: Level 14: CIR0 | Level 28: V8TR | Level 42: Level 15: SPKS | Level 29: NFL8 | Level 43: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Mario Lemieux Hockey ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Final Password - Skate to Mario's final round with this password: E7BE MBD2 EJFC ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Marvel Land ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stage Select - When in Normal Mode, enter the password screen and use the code ARDE. If you want to play in Digest Mode use the code GIL AND KI. Once this is done you will be transported to a level select screen where you are offered the round of your choice! Max out your lives - On level 2-7, go up the spike filled passage. When you get to four falling platforms, a medusa head, and two chests, break the chests open and get the flying power plus the weapon. Then go down and to the left into two rooms that have movable blocks. Get past these and go through the door. Once inside, wait for the flying power to wear off. Use small leaps to open the two chests which contain 1-ups. Collecting the rest of the things in the room will give you points. Exit the room and go down, and to the right of the arrow should be another 1-up chest. Complete the level and when you are pumping up balloon in the game room, lose intentionally. You will be thrown to the beginning of the level, but you will have only lost one life. All of the items will be in the exact same place, so you can go through and get the 1-ups again. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Mazin Saga ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Play Only Against The Bosses: This trick will allow you to play in large form only against the bosses. To do this, go to the Title Screen and move the cursor to "Options". Press START In the Options menu, set the sound test to 18 and the S.E. test to 72. Exit the Sound Test and go back to the title screen. Start you game. Now, you will play in large form and battle every one of the Bosses in order for victory! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ McDonald's Treasureland Adventure ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stage Select - Enter the following code at the title screen on the first controller: LEFT, RIGHT, A, B, and C. You should hear a sound lettting you know the code has been accepted. Press START and you go to the Stage Select Screen. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Mega Turrican ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Find The Secret Hidden Level - Make sure you have double zeros in your score to get this trick to work. Collect all of the Diamonds in Stage one. Make Sure your Score has double zeros in it. Once you reach the bottom get to the elevator that travles down, don't shoot any enemies or your score will change and the trick will not work. Once you reach the bottom, just run to the right and you will have access to a hidden stage! ÄÄÄÄÄ Mercs ÄÄÄÄÄ Faster Enemies - To enter a really challenging game, go to the original mode and press A, B, and C at the same time. While holding these down, press Start and you will enter a tough battle, as your enemies are now faster (as well as more intelligent). Use your military skills to outwit this new force of power and corruption. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Micheal Jackson's Moonwalker ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stage Select-Hold UP & LEFT and button A on controller 2 while you turn the game on. While holding these buttons, press Start on controller 2. Then push start on controller 1 and select a one player game. After pushing start, you will see the words "Round 1". Simply hit left or right to select the levels and push Start. Become the Mechanical Robot - By rescuing the children in the correct order, you can become the mechanical robot: In round 2-1, if you rescue the girl in the window located in the upper left first, a shooting star will appear. Jump to get the star and become the robot. In Level 2-2, go to the top of the garage and rescue the only child up there. In Level 2-3, get in the elevator and go up one floor. Now rescue the child on that floor to get the shooting star. In round 3-2, rescue the first girl, located behind the rock. In level 3-3 go to the left side of the waterfall. Look straight up and rescue the child above you. In all of these cases, the child hostage noted must be the first one rescued when you reach that level. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Mickey Mouse: Castle of Illusion ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Secret Passageways: Level 1-1: To find Level One's secret passage jump down from the second angled ledge and go underground. The first passageway to the left has a false wall which Mickey can pass through. At the end of the passageway there's a variety of bonus goodies. Level 1-2: Go to the cliff by the 4th rope and drop off the left side while holding to the right and you'll get ten apples! Level 1-4: Jump into the hole by the 5th tree and walk to the left through the rocks to find a room with a free mouse and two stars. Level 3-1: There's an identical secret passageway, just before you go underground. Proceed just as in Level 1-1 and you'll find another false wall and goody room. Level 4-3: When you find a tea cup just jump in for a swim and you'll find all types of power-ups. Be careful of the sugar cubes! Ghost Mickey - Hold down A, B, and C, then press Start. You will now be able to fly through the air, walls, enemies, and items! Repeat to return to normal. Max out your marbles - At the end of the second level in Toyland, you'll come across a bag of marbles. If you pick the bag up and proceed to the right far enough, when you go back to the left, the bag will reappear. Each time you pick the bag up, you'll receive 1,000 points and extra marbles (up to 30). Max out your points - As long as you are on the vines in the second part of level 1-1, you're invincible so you can swing on the vine and get all the points you want and up to ten men. You'll average about 95,000 points an hour. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Midnight Resistance ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stage Select - On the Title Screen, hold down C and press Start. When you begin the game, press Start to pause, and then hit A to advance one level. You can repeat this trick endlessly to skip to any level. ÄÄÄÄÄÄ MiG-29 ÄÄÄÄÄÄ Password for all Missions: This password will allow you to play all five missions from Training to Iron Hand. WEXBJOISGIITES ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Might and Magic ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Free Food - This trick will enable you to never buy food again! In your list of commands, select Share and then Food. Do this several times and your entire party's food supply will increase. You may also go beyond the limit of 40 units with this trick! Secret Treasure - Place two hirelings in your party, and go out to get attacked by the enemy. After beating the enemy, dismiss one of the hirelings and search for the treasure chest. When you open the chest, you'll find some really nice treasure inside! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Mike Ditka's Power Football ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Atlanta vs. San Diego - x6AGMh Chicago vs. Cleveland - BaK2Mw Detroit vs. Buffalo - nkN42K New York vs. Denver - wbD0E6 Washington vs. Detroit - ZuG4Ex Buffalo in the Finals - FyC42u ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Mortal Kombat ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Master Code - Press START at the title screen. At the screen where you can choose Game Start or Options, do this code with controller 1: DOWN, UP, LEFT, LEFT, A, RIGHT, DOWN - Now a third option will appear on the screen that says, "Cheat Enabled" Highlight this new option. Test them! Here is a listing of what the flags all do: Flag 0: - One Hit Can Kill The Second Player Flag 1: - One Hit Can Kill The First Player Flag 2: - Shadow moves across moon on Pit Stage Flag 3: - Makes a head float in Pit Stage Backround Flag 4: - Reptile gives you clues before every match Flag 5: - Unlimited Continues Flag 6: - Computer does its Fatality when it wins Flag 7: - Keep same backround every match This is also where the "Enable Blood Option" is located. Hidden Enemy: To fight a hidden character, do this trick: Enter the dullard code: (DOWN, UP, LEFT, LEFT, A, RIGHT, DOWN), go to the option screen and turn Plan Base to three (3), turn flags 0, 2, and 3 on, and make the 1st map on the Pit. Fight up to the second Endurance Match. Defeat both opponets flawlessly (without blocking) and you will go to the Pit and fight Reptile. After defeating him, a new fighter will appear. If the 2nd Endurance isn't at the Pit, keep losing until the stage is the Pit, and a new fighter will appear. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ M.U.S.H.A. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Special Power Up Codes - Pause the game, and type in the desired code for different effects. They can all be used together by doing each one separately. Full Power Cannons Pause, B, B, C, B, B, C, Up, Down, A. 20 Options Pause, U, U, U, D, D, D, L, L, L, R, R, R, C, C, B, A. 5 Extra Ships Pause, R, D, R, D, L, U, L, U, B, C, A. Round Select - To start on any round in this amazing shooter just hit RESET ten times, then hold Down and Left and go to the option mode and you will get a round select mode. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Mutant League Football ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Passwords - Here are some passwords for the Mutant League Football playoffs and the Mutant Bowl: Divisional Playoffs: H1B111111J League Playoffs : H1G1111111 Mutant Bowl : H1L1111114 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ NBA Jam ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Hidden Players: Now you can play as three hidden players in NBA Jam - including the President and Vice-President! To play as President Bill Clinton, do the following: At the screen asking for you to enter your initals, enter AR, move the cusor on the K, then press the A button and START simultaneously. You should hear the announcer say "It's a blow-out!" To play as Vice-President Al Gore, do the same for Clinton, except enter NET and Press START and the B button simultaneously on the last letter. To have them on the same team, enter the Gore code on the second controller with the Sega Multitap adapter after entering the Clinton code on controller one. To Play as the game's designer Mark Turmell, do the same as the Clinton code, except use the initals MJT and Press START and the A Button on the last letter. Additional Hidden Players - Oh, boy have we found some additional hidden players for NBA Jam! Use the same method as the Clinton/ Gore System to access these players: Kabuki: Enter QB and move to the _ and press the START button and A at the same time. (Note- the _ is actually shown as a blank space [Empty Box] on the Inital Screen.) Weasel: Enter SA and move to the X, Then Press START and C at the same time. Scruff: Enter RO and move to the D, Then Press START and B at the same time. Warren Moon: Enter UW and move to the _ Then Press START and A at the same time. (See note about the _ charcter on Kabuki above!) P Funk: Enter DI and move onto S, Then Press START and C at the same time. More Tricks -- Here are some additional codes and tricks for NBA Jam: Power-Up Turbo - At the Tonight's Match-Up Screen, press any button five (5) times and press and hold A, B, and C buttons until tip off. Power-Up Fire - At the Tonight's Match-Up Screen, press the B button seven (7) times, Then press and hold UP, B and C until tip off. Juice Mode - At The Tonight's Match-Up Screen, QUICKLY press any button 13 times and press and hold the B & C Buttons until tip off. Power-Up Dunks - At the Tonight's Match-Up Screen rotate the control pad clockwise. While doing this press any button 13 times. On the 13th time hold the button while continuing to rotate the D pad in a clockwise motion until tip off occurs. (Hard Trick To Master!!) Power-Up Interception - At the Tonight's Match-Up Screen, rotate the D pad in a clockwise motion, while doing this press one of the buttons until tip off. Shot Precentage - At the Tonight's Match-Up Screen press any button once, The Press and Hold DOWN, A and B at the same time until tip off. Power-Up Defence - At the tonight's match up screen press and hold A, B, and C until tip off. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ NFL Sportstalk Football '93 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Weekly and Superball Codes - These codes will take the 49ers all the way to the Super Bowl. Week 2 - 45TDCBBBBL Week 11 - 45TP??BBL Week 3 - 45TFFBBBBL Week 12 - 45TQ??CBBL Week 4 - 45TGKBBBBL Week 13 - 45TR??FBBL Week 5 - 45THTBBBBL Week 14 - 45T5??KBBL Week 6 - 45TJ?BBBBL Week 15 - 45TT??TBBL Week 7 - 45T?CBBBBL Week 16 - 45TV???BBL Week 8 - 45TL?FBBBL Week 17 - 45TW???CBL Week 9 - 45TM?KBBBL Week 18 - 45TX???FBL Week 10 - 45TN?TBBBL Super Bowl - 45TY???KBL ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ NHL Hockey ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Here's some Stanley Cup passwords: Boston vs. Vancouver: H5MNCCBX4L4H73Z7 Los Angeles vs. Buffalo: G757ZSVP2WF8VWO2 Los Angeles vs. New York: HZ3ODK6Y14X54DWR Los Angeles vs. Pittsburgh: GBS5T44NWWXFXRKM Los Angeles vs. Hartford: D7W8R4ZGWYZ86OSW Final of Best of Seven - Two Teammates (3-0) Kings vs. Bruins: D444M8HZV86KZZMT North Stars vs. Bruins: BLDWLRNF1XCVOPYH Canucks vs. Penguins: G5GG16PHX7CFNBLW Final of Best of Seven - One Player (3-0) Kings vs. Penguins: H2V6F3Y5Z4ZVHW98 Penguins vs. Blues: BLHP7M21P76Y29JT Flames vs. Bruins: BZDL33G58PG9PTTB Bruins vs. Flames: BZD8RK355WFWHH8C Canadians vs. Blues: C2BFCW4HSZYC9LD9 Here are the Stanley Cup Passwords for all 22 teams: Chicago - HFJ3V79RM4ZVHW2P St. Louis - C4Z3S8NMFJG3JMK0 Calgary - H5L19CYS9FPZPT22 Hartford - FZV795XCZ344SNSM Pittsburgh - BN7Y34ZSP46D1T4R Vancouver - B14J9L0YLTCP9LDS Buffalo - BN6YXDK951C0YVX8 San Jose - G75X97V90T0M6MNY Toronto - DHYLKFDGB0B4O2SP Washington - FZX6MY7TXMXKRKDG Quebec - C42Z8MN44Y4YLG39 Winnipeg - HFNB55PZ9WLTMZSN NY Islanders - HRFYV9X5CJNWCT9M Montreal - HL61CRJ3NX49PT3K Minnesota - HZ2B48N9HY55MK8W NY Rangers - B17F5MF0ZG238V8F LosAngles - GDS4KOGHC1SJL698 Philadelphia - HTPTRGHGWB79VHZP Boston - HFPY7KLT9VX7CFV1 Detroit - FFB1LC1K10YVWOV2 New Jersey - HL7CMPMG5WKZZSJ4 Edmonton - BYPYPDL9VCSJL7BC ÄÄÄÄÄÄ OutRun ÄÄÄÄÄÄ New Difficulty Level - To give this race game a lot more challenge, press the C button 10 times before selecting the options screen. Now when you select the options screen, you will discover a new difficulty level. After "Pro" there will be a level called "Hyper". You will be able to accelerate faster if you choose this option! Game Ending - Go to the password screen and enter "ENDING" as the password to see the ending of the game. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Pat Riley's Basketball ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Free Freethrow - Bring the ball down the court. Stand & don't move inside the opponents 3 point line. He will draw a pushing foul! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Phantasy Star II ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Slow Motion - While traveling the countryside, pause the game by hitting Start and holding down B. While B is held down, you'll move around normally but in slow motion. Avoid Dungeon Enemies - While exploring dungeons, continually move the menu screen up and down as rapidly as possible. Move around as your normally would while doing this. Bring Nei back to Life - Even though Nei will be killed by Neifirst while fighting alone, it is possible to bring her back to life while the three remaining characters are fighting. Before going to Climatrol have Shir steal some Moon Dew. Give it to one of the characters, excepting Nei. After Nei is killed and during the fight with Neifirst, use Moon Dew to bring Nei back to life. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Phelios ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Extra Continues - During the Chapter 1 introduction screen press C, A, B, A, C, A, B, A. This brings the total number of continues up to 9. Expert Mode - After you finish the game in Advanced move, return to the options screen. There should be an Expert Mode added to the list! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Pit Fighter ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Extra Continues - To get extra continues, play your favorite character to level 8, where you will fight Mad Miles for the second time. Pause the game, plug in the second controller, and unpause the game and press Start on the second controller. Next select your fighter and you will start out with three extra continues. The next step is to beat up your former fighter and use your current fighter to take you through the remaining matches. Mercy - Two players can now go at it in a game of "Mercy". Press the A button when the title screen comes up and go to the options screen. While in the options screen, choose "Practice" mode and then choose your fighters. Once in the arena, move your fighters to stand facing each other and then push buttons A and B simultaneously on both controllers. Your fighters will be holding hands, trying to push each other down. The two plays will have to push buttons A, B, and C rapidly and faster than each other in order to win. Whoever loses will fall and get a knockdown! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Populous ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stage Select - To select stages without a password, first select "New Game" and wait for the password prompt. Now hold down B and press Up and Down on the control pad. You should see numbers appearing instead of letters. It will take some experimenting, but by entering these numbers you'll begin selecting new levels. Try multiplying the number of the level you want to reach by 5. For example, enter 500 to play on world 100. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Powerball ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Play 4 New Teams - In the first player league, pause the game. Then press B,B,C,B,B,C buttons. You will hear a bell. At this point, push down on the controller and you will be able to select four teams that are normally not revealed. Sound Test - Go into the League Continue Mode and select China as your team. Enter the password KWGEN and hit Start. Here are some passwords to use with the U.K. Pirates - AALOI ONZAQ UAKHM HMLUI ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Predator 2 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Passwords - If you are having trouble with some of the rounds in this game, try these passwords. At the title screen, press START to get to the options. Go to the password mode and press START. You will then be given a password entry screen. Use these passwords for the following levels: Level 2 - KILLERS Level 5 - SUB TERROR Level 3 - CAMOUFLAGE Level 6 - TOTAL BODY Level 4 - LOS ANGELES ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Prince Of Persia ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Here are all of the PASSWORDS for this difficult game: Level 2: QYZUSR Level 3: QYZHRM Level 4: QYZUPH Level 5: QYZHOC Level 6: QYZUMX Level 7: QYZHLS Level 8: QYZUJN Level 9: QYZHII Level 10: QYZUGD Level 11: XOPCHS Level 12: EUUTAA Level 13: QYZHCO ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ QuackShot ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Unlimited Donalds - Here's how to rack up a tons of ducks in QuackShot. Grab the Bubble Gum Blaster in Duckburg, and enter Dracula's castle. Proceed until you reach the first stack of barrels. Blast the last barrel on the second row to reveal a 1-Up. Now leave the castle, return, and get the 1-Up again. Repeat this process as often as necessary, and refill your Bubble Bum Blaster ammo in Duckburg if you run out. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Quad Challenge ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Passwords for Quad Challenge: Races Hard Level Races ÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 5 9F2J 2 LTR9 6 13RB 3 693F 7 PNF5 4 VJSU 8 CR11 5 TENF 9 5JE8 6 ERU7 10 8SWG 7 DH2F 11 HGLY 8 YZ25 12 Q44E 9 AGT3 13 WHCM 10 PB4V 14 TVGZ 15 SNDN 16 B16A ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Ranger X ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Skip - Now a way has been found to skip levels in this great game. First, pause the game in the middle of any level with the START button. Now press these buttons in this exact order with controller one: UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, C, B, A, RIGHT, and LEFT. At this point the music will begin to play again. Now press the B button and the screen will fade away and then start into the next level. You can do this trick on any level, all the way to the end of the game. Slow Motion - Pause the game in the middle of any level and enter the following on controller one: UP, DOWN, UP, DOWN, C, B, A, RIGHT, LEFT If entered correctly, the music should begin again. Now press the A button, all of the action on the screen will be in slow motion when you move the control pad or press the fire button. To engage the normal mode just press the START button. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ R.B.I. 3 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sound Test - On the main menu screen, choose the options mode and press Start. Choose to continue and press Start again. You will now be in the sound test mode and you will be able to choose your sound by pressing up and down on the control pad. Press the A button to hear the current sound and press B or C to stop. Press Start to exit the sound test. Shutout/No Hitter - It is easy to strike out every batter you face in RBI 3. Stand on the mound opposite the batter and throw to the outside of the plate. The batter will swing at every pitch and will always miss! Level Select - Normally, to play the Tengen All-Stars, you must beat every other team in the league. Yet, this code will allow you to go straight to the top against this exceptional team. Go to the password screen and enter the following: AAQNLHPL9D After entering this code you will be set to play as Los Angeles Vs. the Tengen All-Stars. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ R.B.I. 4 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Secret of Eternal Life - To get a secret message and a new password in the game R.B.I. 4, go to the password screen and enter the following code: RBIBASEBALL4 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Revenge of Shinobi ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Unlimited Men - In round 4-2, there are many power-ups hidden that are revealed only by shooting them. On the first platform, jump and shoot and you'll reveal a 2-up on the platform across your position. Get it, die, and repeat! There's another 2-up on level 3-2 - go to the second elevator and locate the crates that are in the middle of the screen (on the second level). Then shoot the bottom-left crate until the 2-up appears. Infinite number of shurikins - In the option screen, set the number of shurikins to 0 and wait about 20 seconds. The 0 will turn into an infinity symbol, giving you an unlimited number of shurikins. Special Bonus - Finish any level with enough shurikins to equal 11 times the number of lives remaining, and you will receive 30,000 bonus points. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Road Rash ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Try these level passwords to give you a top bike and a large sum of money for each level. Note the difference between the 'O' and the zero (0). Level 1 00000 07DJ1 Level 2 00000 07O71 12G9A 1786E 13IJJ 2N7SR Level 3 00000 07QF0 Level 4 00000 083O0 03JS3 37GL5 12NIK 473FC Level 5 00000 083S1 12K38 5782A Unlimited Money - This password will start you on the fourth level with over 7 million dollars in your credit account! - 34441 01MS0 NV8UC 3QJ8R Money Trick - Here is a way to skip to the third level in Road Rash with an amazing $31 million dollars! Enter the following code: 010B0 01DB5 UQP06 37UN9 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Road Rash II ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Diablo Nitro Password - This password will give you the Diablo 1000 Nitro on Level 4 with some money to work with: 0K4M 4I04 Wild Thing Bike Password - Here are some passwords for the "Wild Thing" which is an unlisted secret bike that is even better than the Diablo Nitro bike. Level 1: 01C8 1V0L - w/$1000 Level 1: EBC9 1U0D - w/$300,520 Level 5: EBC9 5U0H - w/$300,520 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Roar Of The Beast ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Select - At the second title screen do the following on controller one: UP, RIGHT, A, B, A, DOWN, LEFT, A, DOWN, B, UP, B B, and A. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Rocket Knight Adventures ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Make Your Own Demo - Now, you can make your own demo! To do this play the game for a while, then press START to pause the game. Now, press UP on the controller seven (7) times, DOWN once, LEFT three (3) times, and RIGHT once. If the word pause on the screen flips mirror style, then the trick has worked. Now press the RESET button on the Genesis and then wait till the demo comes up. Don't touch anything and you should now see about 60 seconds of the game you just played. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Rolling Thunder 2 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Passwords - Here are the level codes for the rounds one through six. The codes that appear in parenthesis are for a much higher level of difficulty. 1. (ROLLING PROGRAM SMASHED THE GENIUS) 2. A MAGICAL THUNDER LEARNED THE SECRET (A CURIOUS RAINBOW LEARNED THE FUTURE) 3. A NATURAL FIGHTER CREATED THE GENIUS (A MAGICAL ISOTOPE BLASTED THE DEVICE) 4. A ROLLING NUCLEUS SMASHED THE NEURON (A PRIVATE LEOPARD PUNCHED THE NEURON) 5. A CURIOUS PROGRAM PUNCHED THE POWDER (A SLENDER FIGHTER ELECTED THE GENIUS) 6. A LOGICAL LEOPARD BLASTED THE SECRET (A DIGITAL RAINBOW MUFFLED THE SECRET) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Rolling Thunder 3 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Select - You can start at any stage you wish right from the start, whether you have the password or not! Simply put in REIGN at the Password Entry screen, and you'll reach the end in no time! Play As Ellen - This code will allow you to play as the heroine, Ellen. At the title screen, access the password option. When you are on the Password Screen, enter the password "GREED". Go back to the title screen and choose Game Start and now you can play as Ellen. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Rolo To The Rescue ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1-Up Loop - This trick will get you as many lives as you want for this cute game. On the very first level of the game, take Rolo and go to the man who holds the keys to the cages and jump on his head and rescue the rabbit in the cage. Press START and then transfer control to the rabbit. Hop left, to the beginning of the level and jump straight up to collect the 1-Up. Press START and go to the map. Repeat the process as many times as you like for as many 1-Up(s) as you need. ÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sagaia ÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sound Test - To get the sound test, just get into the high scores and type in ZZT for your initials. Play Data - To get the play data screen, press A, B, C, A, B, C, A, B, C, A, B, C at the title screen. Special Mode - To make this tough game even harder, simply press the C button 12 times at the title screen. Unlimited Continues - At the title screen, press B, B, B, C, A, A, A, B, B, C, C, C. The words 'FREE PLAY' should be at the bottom of the screen and when you lose your last ship you'll have unlimited continues. Stage Select - Press C, A, C, B, C, A, B, A, B, C, A, C at the title screen and the words 'Zone Select' will appear. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Saint Sword ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level select passwords: Level 3-1 IQW1EL Level 4-2 KWWKQQ Level 6-1 S2YY2Y Level 6-2 S0GZAL Level 3-1, Second Quest I0FUSM Level 4-1, Second Quest K2J0CK Level 4-2, Second Quest O2VNW5 Level 5-1, Second Quest Q2XWG2 Level 5-2, Second Quest QW10C2 Level 6-1, Second Quest RWEFAQ Level 6-2, Second Quest VYWMU7 Level 7-1, Second Quest Y3XKWJ Level 7-2, Second Quest XXKSIS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Shadow Blasters ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Beat Ashura - There is an easy way to beat Ashura, the final boss in Shadow Blasters. When you reach Ashura start spinning in circles and blast him when you get the chance. You'll take some hits but if your ship is high you'll blow Ashura away in no time at all. Invincibility - During a two-player game, both players must press Start simultaneously just as one of the characters runs out of energy. This invincibility works as long as you don't fall through a crack or into a pit. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Shadow Dancer - Legend of Shinobi ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stage Select - At the title screen, press and hold the A, B, and C buttons, and press Start. This level select works only for practice mode. Free 1ups - At the bonus round, don't hit any of the ninjas. You will then be awarded a 1up for doing absolutely nothing! Of course, hit them all and you will receive three extra men for your skill! 50,000 Point Bonus - If you use the non-shuriken mode (in stage select) you get 50,000 points! Hidden Extra Men - Here's where you can find some hidden extra men: Stage 2-2 - Where the fence starts for the second time, you can jump and shoot a 1-Up. Stage 3-1 - On the third floor, walk to the far right. There's a man on the two boxes. Shoot him with a power shuriken, go to the next level and you'll be able to jump down and retrieve a 2-Up. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Shadow Of The Beast ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Immortality - Here is a great trick that will keep you alive thoughout the whole game (if you are careful). First, play the game normally and then die. When the game asks you to put in you initals, enter ZQX. Then press and hold A, B, C, and START at the same time. Once you start back into the game, you will still lose hit points, but when you reach 0, the counter will reset itself to 11 or 12. A word of warning though: if you fall into a pit, you will be stuck and die and then you will be forced to reset the game. You will not be invincible until you do this method again after that. Easy Extra Life - Here is an easy way to get a quick extra life. Drop a coin down the well and you will get an extra life. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Shinobi III ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Invincibility - Are you having trouble with this game? This trick should help you out. It will give you invincibility from damage. At the title screen, move the cursor to options and press START. In the Options, move to the music option and play these songs with the B button, in this order: HE RUNS, JAPONESQUE, SHINOBI WALK, SAKURA, and GETFU. Exit the Options screen and start your game. You will not have invincibility from damage. Unlimited Shurikins - Here's a way to get unlimited shurikins. At the title screen, choose the Options Menu. At the Options screen move down to the S. E. command and set the sound to shurikin. Now, move back up to the command shurikin and set them to 00. Stay on this option and wait until it turns into an infinte symbol. You now have unlimited shurikins. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Shove It! The Warehouse Game ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Codes - With these codes, you can begin the game at different difficulty levels. Level 2 - MARINA!! Level 14 - FIGUEROA Level 3 - MALIBU Level 15 - SUNSET Level 4 - SANPEDRO Level 16 - ORANGE Level 5 - VENTURA? Level 17 - HARBOT Level 6 - SANDIEGO Level 18 - CENTRAL Level 7 - PASADENA Level 19 - WESTERN/ Level 8 - /BEVERLY Level 20 - ?VALLEY? Level 9 - MELROSE Level 21 - GLENDALE Level 10 - PODEO/?/ Level 22 - FOOTHILL Level 11 - WESTWOOD Level 23 - VANNUYS Level 12 - WILSHIRE Level 24 - CRENSHAW Level 13 - VENICE?? Level 25 - IMPERIAL Final Level Password - !AYASAM! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Skitchin' ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Passwords - Here are the passwords for the cities in Skitchin': San Diego - $695 - VDRL HFXB YYRU Seattle - $747 - NA3L PSFB ADF0 Los Angeles - $119 - 5VHT COY3 GT3I Washington - $414 - UAZK W0CH STVV Detroit - $ 52 - 5MWZ E0TQ SIDN Chicago - $188 - CQFC TYZW 0BH3 Miami - $214 - 05AB OSFM SSZS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ SlaughterSport ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Character Select - To select a character other than Rex, use this chart to determine the key sequence to use during the title screen. When it shows two codes combined, press them at the same time. Character Key Sequence ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Bonapart Up, A, C Edwina Left, B & C, C Robochic Right, Up, Down Stump A & C, Right, C Ramses Right, Left, A Webra A & C, Up, Right Guano Up, Right, A & B McFire Down, C, Right Skinny Right, Down, Right Sheba B & C, B, B Brainiac Right, Right, C Buff Left, C, B El Toro B & C, A, Up Spidra A, Down, B Weezil Down, Right, Up Mondu A & B, Down, Left ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Smash T.V. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Lives, Power-Ups and Points Increase - You can do this method in just about any room in the game, except for the boss rooms. While playing the game, defeat every enemy except one. Do not shoot at him. He will continue to chase after you. Items will appear randomly in the room, including lives, points, and power-ups. Do not collect any items such as smart bombs that will kill that enemy unless you want to advance. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sol Deace ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Skip Levels - You can skip levels in this great shooter by pressing A,B, and C all at the same time during any level. 99 Ships - On the title screen press A, B, C, A, B, C, B, C, B, and A and START. Enter the Config Mode, select START, choose your level, select mode, and press RIGHT until the symbol MY99 appears for 99 ships. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sonic the HedgeHog ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stage Select - Wait until the title screen appears and press UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT. You will hear a little ring sound, now hold down button A and press START. Debug Mode - Go to the title screen and press UP, C, DOWN, C, LEFT, C, RIGHT, START, and press and hold A. To see if the trick worked look at your score, it should be a bunch of letters and numbers. Press B to get to the Debug mode. While in debug mode, press A to change what Sonic is and press C to place one on the play field. Sonic is also invincible in Debug mode. To use the slow motion feature, pause the game and press and hold B. Sonic Goes Loopy - At the beginning of the game wait until Sonic starts the demo. Sonic will run through the level by himself. If you press and hold the A, B, and C you will interrupt Sonic. Sonic will become suicidal and he will start running into things and die. You can also do this trick at the ending of the game after you beat the Final Zone. Bonus Points - Finish the Green Hill Zone 1-1 or 1-2 in 29 seconds or less and receive 50,000 bonus points! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sonic The Hedgehog 2 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Change Into Super Sonic - Now you can change yourself into Super Sonic! The best method to do this is with 2 players. Go through the first level, collect 50 rings, and look for the closest Star Post. Touch it and jump up to enter the bonus level. Use 2 players and collect all the rings necessary to get the Chaos Emerald, hit the RESET button on the Genesis. Once the title screen comes up, go into the options. Then press START to get to the first level again. Repeat the same process over and over and the bonus stages will change, and you'll get different emeralds each time. Collect all 7 of the Chaos Emeralds and go back into the level. Now you must collect 50 rings and jump into the air. Cool! It's Super Sonic! This Golden Boy can run faster and jump higher then ever. He is virtually invincible and his rings go down every second, so keep collecting as many rings as you can. Stage Select / Super Sonic / Debug Mode - The ultimate code for Sonic 2 has been found. First go to the title screen and scroll down to the option selection. When the options screen appears, highlight the sound test box. Now with the pad, change the numbers of the sound test and play them with the B button in this order: 19, 65, 9, 17 - When you play 17, you will hear a distinct ring sound at the begining of the song. Press the START button to exit back to the title screen. When the title screen appears, hold the A button and press START and the level select will appear. You can do another trick from within this screen/ Highlight the new sound test within in this screen and play these sounds with the B button: 4, 1, 2, 6. Choose any stage in the level select screen and when you are are in that level, collect 50 rings and jump into the air to become Super Sonic! Press START and A to exit this level. One more trick is the debug mode. Highlight the sound test in the level select menu. Now play the the sounds in this order using the B button: 1, 9, 9, 2, 1, 1, 2, 4 (Sonic Tuesday) Now hold the A button and press START to enter the level of your choice. Once in the level press B to change into an object, A to change, and C to duplicate. 14 Extra Continues - If you always run out of continues and wanted to have many more, this trick will satisfy all you Sonic players. Scroll down and to the options screen and press Start. The options screen will now appear. Move down to the sound test and play these sounds in this order: 01, 01, 02, and 04. Now move to the box that says player select and press Start. Press Start to enter the game and you will eventually die. After the "Game Over" appears on the screen, the continue will appear with 14 Sonic continue symbols. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sonic The Hedgehog 3 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Select & Debug Mode - After you hear, "Sega" take controller 1 and VERY QUICKLY on the D-Pad enter the following: UP, UP, DOWN, DOWN, UP, UP, UP If you did it fast enough, you will hear a ring. This must be done before the title screen appears. On the title screen, move down past "Compentition" and you will get a "Sound Test". Go to the Sound Test Selection and you will get a screen that allow you to select from any level, except Mushroom Valley and Sandopolis. If you want the DEBUG to work, just highlight any zone, and hold the A button, and press START. If you see scrambled numbers in the upper left-hand corner it worked! Press B to be an object, A to change sprites, and C to duplicate. Turn Into Super Sonic - After you do the Level Select & Debug Trick above, you can turn yourself into Super Sonic without getting all of the Chaos Emeralds. With the Debug Code ON, go into any level and Press the B button to turn yourself into a ring. Then Press the A button to turn yourself into a monitor. Now, Press the C button to duplicate the monitor and then Press B again to change into Super Sonic. Jump on the monitor and you will become Super Sonic again. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Soldiers Of Fortune ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Here are all of the World Passwords for this great game: World 2: LRZNXK3HLVP2 or 7MHQ16GY9822 or 38WHM12GGL88 World 3: LW3YKMZCLV12 World 4: LGBLQTZ5#8D4 Game Winning Password: RWVR0FJ92M67 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Space Harrier II ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Options Select - Hold down A during the title screen. Level Select - Press the D-Button Left or Right during STUNA area screen to select any level. Level Select From Start - For a Level Select at the start of the game, press A, B, and C buttons and Left or Right during the start sequence of the game. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Space Invaders '91 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Select - During the title screen, press and hold A and C, then press Start. As the title screen fades, there should be a short pause before the first level appears. During this pause, press B, A, C. A level select should appear. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Spiderman ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Short cut to first boss - Go to the options mode and select Nightmare difficulty. Play the game and get into the first level warehouse. Proceed to the right, past the first thug and then past the German Shepherd. Next, jump on the first crate and crawl to the right. You will go through the crate and to the right will be the forklift boss. Full Web Power Up Before Kingpin - Before you meet Kingpin, investigate the maze and you will find a full web power up in the maze. You will need this to stop Mary Jane from falling in to the pit. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Splatterhouse 2 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Instant Reset - To instantly reset Splatterhouse 2 from the controller, just follow this simple method. While you are in the game, press A,B,C and START. You will instantly reset the present game. Level Select - Choose the password option on the title screen and enter the following codes depending on which level you want to start at: Level 2: EDK NAI ZOL LDL Level 3: IDO GEM IAL LDL Level 4: ADE XOE ZOL OME Level 5: EFH VEI RAG ORD Level 6: ADE NAI WRA LKA Level 7: EFH XOE IAL LDL Level 8: EDK VEI IAL LDL Level Select - If you are fed up with entering a password every time you play this gory game. On the title screen (make sure the menu is not on the screen yet) press DOWN, DOWN, B, DOWN, DOWN, and C. A new option should appear on the menu called level select. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Splatterhouse 3 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Here are the stage passwords for Splatterhouse 3: Stage 2: REISOR Stage 3: ETLBUD Stage 4: TEKROH Stage 5: ELPOEB Stage 6: LILITH Stage X: GOFMTS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Steel Empire ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Start on the Second Stage - Here is an easy way to start at the second stage in this intense shooter. Go to the title screen. At the title screen, hold the B button and press start. Level Select - To pick from any are in this intense shooter, Enter the OPTIONS screen. Now perform the Sound Test in the following order: Sound 1 Twice, Sound 9 Once, and Sound 2 Twice. Now a new selection will appear on the options menu called Round. Use this to select the round from which you would like to start. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stimpy's Invention ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Passwords: Here are some passwords to help you. Go to the options screen and move down to passowrds and enter the following: Level 2 - The Zoo.....: 8BZ0000 003B2WN Level 3 - The City....: 8C00003 T33F2WF Level 4 - The Pound...: 831000B C3322WB Level 5 - The Outdoors: 652000G YCM5UWV ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stormlord ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Extra Man - When you are running low on men and you could use some extra, pause the game and press A four times, C two times, B three times, C once, and A once. The game will continue and you will have nine men! This can be used at any time. Add Extra Time - If you are running out of time, pause the game and press B once, A three times, C once, Up three times, and A three times. The timer will reset to maximum. Advance to Next Level - To skip your current level, pause the game and press C once, B three times, A four times, C two times, and A four times. You can use this to advance to the last level in the game! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Streets of Rage ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Bonus 5000 points - On level 3 after defeating the boss, use your special weapon before he hits the ground. You will get a bonus of 5000 extra points! Be sure to save your special weapon until you defeat him. Timing is critical. Level Select and Lives Increase - Finally, a method has been found to select your stage and increase your lives in this classic fighting game. Make sure you have a controller plugged into port two. Press START at the title screen. Next move the cusor to the options. With controller 2, press and hold RIGHT, press and hold the A button, press and hold the B button, and press and hold the C button, and while holding all three of these press START on controller 1. Now select your stage and the amount of lives you want. (This trick works best with a friend to help hold the buttons on controller 2.) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Streets of Rage II ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Select - It has been found that the level select from Streets of Rage will also work with Streets of Rage 2. To select your stage in this great fighting game. Make sure you have a controller plugged into port two. Press START at the title screen. Next move the cusor to the options. With controller 2, press and hold RIGHT, press and hold the A button, press and hold the B button, and press and hold the C button, and while holding all three of these press START on controller 1. Now select the stage you want. (This trick works best with a friend to help hold the buttons on controller 2.) Same Character Code - If you always wanted to play a two player game using the same characters, just utilize this trick. This is how to do it: You must have two controllers plugged into your Genesis. On the title screen, press anbd HOLD RIGHT on the first controller and the B button at the same time. On the second controller, press and hold LEFT and A button. With all of these buttons held on both controllers, press the C button on the second controller. On the next screen that shows up, pick a two player game. When the "Select Player" screen appears, players 1 and 2 will be able to pick the same characters. THese characters look identical to one another, so be careful to watch which one you are. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Streets Of Rage III ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stage Select - At the Menu/Select Screen, Press and Hold B, Press UP and move to "Options." With these buttons held Press the START button. You will hear a tone confirming the code. Now, choose "Stage Select" from the Options menu. Start The Game As Roo - At the title screen, press UP on the control pad while holding the B button. You should then be able to select Roo from the player select screen. (Remember, Roo can not use any weapons.) Play as Shiva - To play as the first Boss Shiva, do the following: Play up to the first Boss, Shiva and defeat him. Then Hold down the B button and let the following Cinema roll. Then continue the game. When all of your lives run out and it is time to continue, cycle through the fighters and Shiva should now appear. You can now play as this awesome fighter! Shiva has several devasting attacks, but he can not use any weapons. His Power Attack is a Twirling Spin Kick, which is activated by pressing the A button. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Only Special Moves - You must have a 6-button controller for the Genesis to do this trick. At the CAPCOM logo, press these buttons on controller one in this order: DOWN, Z, UP, X, A, Y, B, and C. You will hear Chun Li say, "Ya Tai." Choose Game Start and play a one or two player game using only special moves or throws! These are the only moves that you can use in the game. This can present more of a challenge to experts of the game. Same Character In Battle Mode - You must have a 6-button controller for the Gensis to do this trick. At the title screen, choose a game. At the next screen choose Group Battle. At the battle mode screen, press these buttons in this order on controller two: DOWN, Z, UP, X, A, Y, B, and C. You will then hear Chun Li's voice. After that choose Match Play or Elimination. Now, you can choose the same character to play against in Match or Elimination mode. 5 Stars In Champion Mode - To get 5 stars in the Champion Mode of the game do this trick. When the cinema of the fighters begins, and it scrolls up the building, wait until the screen fades and only the Street Fighter II words are showing. If you have a 6-button controller, quickly press the buttons in this order: DOWN, Z, UP, X, A, Y, B, and C. If you do not happen to have a 6-button controller, you can do this trick with a 3-button controller. For the 3-button controller press the buttons in this order: DOWN, C, UP, A, A, B, B, and C. If the trick is done right you will then hear Zangief's voice. Now, on the title screenn go to the champoin option and move right, you should now be able to see five stars. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Strider ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Continue Three Times - To be able to use three continues in Strider, at the intro screen press buttons A, C, B, C, A, then Start. Secret Room Trick - In level two, fight your way past the corilla to the part with the spinning gears. Jump onto one of the containers, then jump INTO the rocks above. If you time it right you'll get caught in the rock and be pulled into a secret room. Keep trying until it happens. When you are pulled in, you'll have to fight the Phantom. Once he is destroyed just climb the wall to the right to get out and continue normal play. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Super Hang-On ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Ending Code - To see the grand finale in the original mode, enter GFF3F546F35564 FFOSLPIMFJEDGH Options Screen - At the title screen, press and hold A, B, C, and then Start. Lots of cash - Use this password for LOTS of cash: 5FF3F540F33504FFHWKJOMBJOFDU. English to Japanese - Hold down A and B and then press C twice. A screen will appear that will allow you to choose the difficulty, the time, language and enter a sound test. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Super Hydlide ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Hidden Cash and Secret Sound - When the game starts you will begin in the City of the Forest. After you get some information from the towns' people, exit the town and go out into Fairie Land and go five screens to the left. There, you will see a cave. Enter the opening and you will appear in a deserted village. Walk around the first wooden fence and walk downward. Your character will now magically walk onto the brick wall! Walk left again onto the patch of trees and get in the middle clearning of the trees and hit the 'B' button. You will find 10,000 gold pieces hidden here! To hear the sound effects, go to the top left building. In this building you can cycle through the different game sounds! Free Experience Points - Use this trick to build up experience points quickly. Go to the pond in the City of the Woods. Stand on the left side, at the bottom of the bridge. "Use" a coin, then search the ground. Each time you do this you'll get 30 experience points. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Super Monaco GP ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Lose Drivers' Points - If the spirit of the bumping and pushing in the race is getting to you, there is a way that you can get even. Unfortunately, it's going to cost you! As you near the finish line and are in first, second, or third place, look for the man who is waving the checkered flag. Run into him and watch him fly off into the air! The next screen where is tallies up your drivers' points for finishing in the top three, take a look at what you get - nothing! Strange Ending - Play a few rounds in GP mode until the 'Wet Condition' track appears. Finish in the top three, and during the trophy screen the driver will be holding up his head instead of the trophy! Race 15 Password - If you crash with this password, you'll see the ending of the game: 0Q76 2ILM F200 0000 0010 H10F B324 5D76 CA89 EGC1 0000 0002 0000 0000 F200 2CAC Password for Last Race - Use this password for a big lead with a great team: 15G2 B3E4 DJ00 0000 000H 00J2 C4H7 658A B9DE FOH9 1000 0041 0000 0000 F200 71D7 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Super Thunder Blade ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Select - At the title screen, press A, Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Left, Down, Up, and Start for level 2. For level 3, press A twice instead of once. For level 4, press A three times. For level 5, press A four times. Extra Lives - Use level select to get a continue, then select OPTION. Press and hold A, B, and C simultaneously, then press Start. If you see a panda's face on the player prompt, you've been sucessful. Avoid Enemy Fire: To stay out of reach of enemy fire, first select a difficulty level of Hard on the options screen. When the game begins, stay in the upper left or upper right corner and keep firing. This will only work in levels 1-3. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Super Volleyball ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Codes for U.S.A team to reach the Championship Match vs. Russia. China - HLXLA Japan - RLVLK Italy - RMXRU France - RUFOR Holland - RSAAV Brazil - RQVA2 Russia - RP.VE ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sword of Sodan ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Potion Warp - On levels 1 through 5, collect 4 Etherium potions and drink them all at once to warp to the next level. Controller Warp - Make the highest score on the high-score screen. Enter your name as HINANP:) and begin a new game. Now press Start on Controller 2 to warp to the next level. Free Life - Drink the first two potions on level 1 for a free life. Potion Combinations - Red and Orange = Flaming Sword Orange, Blue and Grey = Super Zapper Blue and Grey = Shield (use this on level 6 to walk across lava) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sword of Vermilion ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Increase Armor Class - In the cave to the east of Hastings, you'll find the Old Nick armor. Don't equip it yet, instead head back to Swaffham to find Raphael's Stick. Now put on the Old Nick armor - your armor class will go up, but you'll be cursed. Use Raphael's Stick to undo the curse. You'll notice that your armor class is now lower. Take the armor off, then repeat the entire process of equipping the armor, using the stick, and removing it. Do this until your armor class is below zero. Your armor class should then become very high. Keep taking off and putting on the armor until your armor class once again goes below zero. Now, you shoul dhave an armor class of more than 9000! Your character is almost invincible, taking only one damage point per hit no matter who you're fighting - even Tsarkon himself! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Target Earth ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Invincibility: When you start the game, press the start button on controller 2, but be careful not to pause the game. Your energy will go down, but you won't die. Continues: Here's a way to get 9 continues instead of 2. First you must reach at least stage 2. Then, when the game is over, go to the options screen and press Start on controller 1. If you've done this correctly, a woman will appear and say "continue up". Repeat this after your lives have dropped below three to increase them to 9 again. Change firing mode - press A, B, and C simultaneously. This can be done during play or while paused. Full Weapons - To have all the weapons available, have exactly 2800 points at the end of level one. This score is equivalent to destroying only the Widerum (enemy ship) at the end of the level. Rotate Logo - At the company logo screen, press A, C, Left, and Right at the same time on controller 2. You can now change the size and rotation of the logo by using the D-Button and buttons A and C. Two Player Mode - On Stage One, wait for the first green alien to appear on the right side of the screen. Press Start on Controller 2. Now one player controls the regular robot while the other player controls the enemies' robots. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Task Force Harrier EX ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Enhanced Options Menu - To get to the Enhanced Options Menu do the following: Press and Hold A as you turn the power of your Genesis on controller 1. When the title screen appears, release the A button and Press Up, Down, Left, Right, A, B, A, C, and B.Noe select CONFIG from the title screen. You can Stage, turn on "MUTEKI" for invincibility and select "WINDOW" to change the size of the screen display. If you have turned on the configuration mode you will be able to skip levels within the game by pressing START and then A. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Taz Mania ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Max Out Lives and Continues - In the second area of the Badlands, go to the very top-left of the stage and grab the 1-Up. Now, go to the right and when you see the rock monster, make him follow you until you see the continue symbol. Use the rock monster as a stepping stone and grab the continue. Go to the right and touch the trophy. Keep going down the bridges until you reach the last rock monster. Jump on him and up the platforms until you reach another 1-Up and continue. Die and repeat to max out your lives and continues. Level Select - Plug in both control pads and press A, B, C, and START on both pads simultaneously on the title screen. (This works best if you have someone help you hold the buttons on controller 2) Pause the game, then press C and then unpause and select the level you want. Invincibility - This trick works best with a friend to help hold the buttons on the second pad. Make sure both controllers are plugged in. On the title screen, press A, B, C, and START on both controllers simultaneously. Now, pause the game and press the B button and then you will become invincible. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Team USA Basketball ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Passwords - Here are some great passwords for Team USA Basketball: Team USA Vs. Neatherlands Final Game - #XT7RB6 Team USA Vs. Lithuania Final Game - FMT7RBQ Closing Cermonies Passwords - Here are two passwords that will show you the closing cermonies without playing the game: #WT7RDC or FMT7RCO ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Techno Cop ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Unlimited Lives - If you are running low on lives just perform the following trick when you are in any building scene. Simply pause the game and hit C ten times, A five times, B two times, and A ten times. The game will say "Technocop" and when you resume game play you get all your lives back! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Technoclash ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Here are all of the Level Passwords for Technoclash: Level 2: PP503PAL Level 3: C5GG4PZT Level 4: 35409YZK Level 5: TCTMTYP4 Level 6: 5YMGMPC0 Level 7: HKMKTYZY ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Test Drive 2 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Secret Options Screen - To get an options screen that allows you to change your music, sound, or quit. At any time during your driving, press and hold A, B, and C simultaneously. Use the RESUME DRIVING option to continue where you left off. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The Terminator ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Get Machine Gun Quicker - To aquire the machine gun earlier in the first level, follow this method. Go to the option mode and place the game level on "Easy". When you start the game, get past tge Hunter Killer robot ship on the surface of the planet, and go past the ladder that leads to the underground base. Move all the way to the right, up the fence and throw a grenade. Now go down the ladder to the underground base and the machine gun will be there waiting for you on the right side of the ladder. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Terminator 2 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Skip - (Code Found By Randy Hoye) During this intense shooter you can skip on to the next level by doing the following: While playing game press UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, LEFT, and RIGHT. The game will respond by saying "Excellent". Continue the game. Pause the game by pressing the START button and then press B and C at the same time to skip the current level. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Thunder Force II ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Options Select - Press and hold A, B, and C at the title screen, and press Start. This allows selecting the level, difficulty, and other options. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Thunder Force III ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Options Select - Press and hold A, B, and C at the title screen, and press Start. This allows selecting the ship speed, difficulty, and sound effects. Full Weapons - To select the super weapons without having to find them, pause the game and enter this sequence: Press Up on the directional pad 10 times, press B once, press Down twice, and then press B until your weapon meter is full. Press A to get the Claw weapon. Wave and Wink - On the ending sequence of the game, press C and your character's hands wave and eyes wink. Shoot All Weapons - If you have the Arcade Power Stick and a lot of different weapons, you can set C on rapid fire while shooing with B, allowing you to shoot all available weapons at once. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Thunder Force IV ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Get All Weapons - During game play, pause the game by pressing START and then press Up, Right, A, Down, Right, A, C, Left, Up and B. Now press Up to get all of the weapons. One thing to bear in mind is that this trick will NOT work if ANY of the options on the options screen have been changed or modified. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Tiny Toon Adventure (Buster's Hidden Treasure) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Passwords - Here are all the passwords for the first 24 levels of this game. Continues and Passwords stop at level 24. After being killed above level 24 you will return to level 24 to start over again. Level 1: KBGD / LDLL / LLLD / DDDD / LLGD Level 2: PBKL / LLLD / DDGD / DLLL / DDVD Level 3: YRBD / LDLL / DLKL / DLLL / LLND * Level 4: QYBG / DLLL / DDBL / LDLD / DDTG Level 5: TYBK / LDDD / DDBG / LLDL / LDTV Level 6: HBBB / LDLD / LDBK / LLLL / LLTN Level 7: JYBB / PDLD / LDBB / LDDL / LDDQ Level 8: YMBB / MLLD / DDBB / PLLL / DDMQ * Level 9: HMBB / TLLD / LDBB / MDLL / DDPD Level 10: KBBB / TGDL / LLBB / TDLD / LDNG Level 11: MBBQ / HYLL / DDBQ / HGDD / DDDM Level 12: KHBW / HXLD / LDBW / HYDD / DDDP * Level 13: BRBW / HXGD / LDBQ / HXDD / DDGN Level 14: VNBW / HXKD / LDBW / HXGD / LLVN Level 15: HZBW / HXZL / DLBQ / HXKL / DLTN * Level 16: ZZBQ / HXZG / LDBW / HXZD / DLMJ Level 17: ZZBQ / HXZG / LDBW / HXZL / DDMJ Level 18: PJBW / HXZK / DLBQ / HXZG / DLMQ Level 19: YZBQ / HXZQ / DLBQ / HXZB / DDMG Level 20: KTBQ / HXZW / GLBQ / HXZW / LLBH Level 21 VXBQ / HXZQ / KDBQ / HXZW / GLNH * Level 22: BTBW / HXZQ / ZLBQ / HXZQ / KDVN Level 23: XQBW / HXZQ / ZGBW / HXZW / ZDJZ Level 24: RQBQ / HXZQ / ZKBQ / HXZW / ZGJT * - Indicates a "Boss" level. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ T.M.N.T The Hyperstone Heist ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stage & Level Select - This code will give you the option of selecting from any stage and area in the game. First, wait for the Konami logo. As soon as it appears and starts forming on the screen, Press these buttons in this order: C, B, B, A, A, A, B, and C. Make sure you do it quickly enough to finish it before the Konami logo dissappears. (If you are new quick enough, this code will not work!) Now, after entering the first code Press START and the title screen will appear. Quickly press these buttons in this order: A, B, B, C, C, C, B, and A. After you do this press the START button on the one or two player option. A screen will then appear allowing you to select and choose both the stage you with to start at, as well as which area. After choosing the area and stage, Press the Start button and the game will begin at the point at which you selected. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Tojam and Earl ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Hidden Level - In Toejam and Earl, it is possible to get to an island with pretty hula girls inviting you in for a hot bath, and a lemonade stand to provide you with an extra life! To do it, get to the bottom left of the level 1 island, and activate either the Icarus Wings or the Inner Tube to get over the water. Head to the bottom left to find the hidden island. Fall through the hole in the center of the island, and you'll be in the hidden level. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ToeJam & Earl In Panic On Funkotron ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Here are some passwords for the new ToeJam & Earl game: Level 3: R-F411W9Q986 Level 5: PJ04EK-5WT82 Level 7: MW0WEE6JRVF7 Level 9: VADNEHF9807L Level 11: MWAAK!8MDT76 Level 13: LHWLXH44C00R Level 15: F!!NEHNW0Q73 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Tommy Lasorda Baseball ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Bizarro Baseball - To play a game with strange screen colors and unbelievable batting, enter this password: VU9lrstpomXcZTiebrHWyW Strange Special Effects - Use any one of these passwords for some strange effects during the games: RGsiopqm2jhZZSUXVtEEAE or RGhiopqmljhZZSUXVtEEAE Invisible Computer Team - To give the computer an invisible team, use the password Zb6jpqrnmGnYWQXaHuFFAB. It's not possible to play a game this way, but it is fun to watch. World Series Code - Use this code to give a full range of World Series Options: H--flmnjiaVXhLQZPqBCVA. The two blanks consist of variables for the first team and the second team. The following chart containes the variables to use in the first blank to select a team. To select the opposition team (second blank), input the next consecutive letter of the team in the chart. For example, on opposition Detroit would be E, and an opposing Seattle team would be O. D Detroit Q Texas E Toronto R St. Louis F Milwaukee S New York Mets G New York Yankees T Montreal H Boston U Philadelphia I Baltimore V Pittsburgh J Cleveland W Chicago Cubs K Minnesota X San Francisco L Kansas City Y Cincinnati M Oakland Z Houston N Seattle a Los Angeles O Chicago White Sox b Atlanta P California c San Diego Milwaukee, Minnesota, Philadelphia, and Houston must be play against one of the following teams: Milwaukee, Philadelphia, Baltimore, San Francisco, Kansas City, Los Angeles, Chicago White Sox, or St. Louis. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Trampoline Terror ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Extra Credits and Level Select - This trick pumps up your credits and starting level in Trampoline Terror. At the title screen, move cursor to the START selection. Hold down Buttons A,B,C, Up and Press START. You'll get 99 credits and a stage select. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Truxton ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 1-up - Several of the Asteroids have green, red, or blue buildings. Shooting the building with the weapon of the same color reveals a 1-up. Super Truxton Bombs - To destroy almost any enemy with a single Truxton bomb, press the bomb button and then pause the game as the explosion flares onscreen. Leave the game on pause for 20 to 30 seconds, and the enemy will be destroyed! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Turrican ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Customize Options - Go to the option screen from the main menu. Move the arrow to the bottom of the screen and hold the directional pad DOWN. While holding the pad in this position, press these buttons in this order: A,B,B,A,B,A,A,B,A,A,B,A,A. This brings up and extra menu that allows you to choose infinite options as well as the starting level! ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Two Crude Dudes ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Extra 3 Continues - Here is a rather simple method to gain a few extra continues and get futher in the game. Start a one player game and go through it as normal. When you are on your last continue with only a little bit of energy left, press START on controller 2, kill off your first player and play as the second player with a full load of 3 extra continues. Now, you can get futher in the game. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Twin Cobra ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Ending sequence - Press Start to reach the green title screen and press U, D, R, L, A, B, C, and Start. 14 Continues - Press Start to reach the green title screen, then hit A to increase your continues. You can get 14 maximum. Maximum Weaponry - Pause the game. Press U, D, L, R, and hold down A while pressing Start to resume the game. Your weapons will be at full power. Unlimited Bombs - If you run out of bombs, pause the game. Press U, D, L, and R and hold down B while pressing Start to resume the game. You can repeat this trick endlessly. Stage Select - During the title screen, press U, D, R, L, and then Start to get a stage select. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Universal Soldier ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Invincibility and Power-Up Boxes Revealed - Here are two incredible passwords that will help you through this tough game. To gain total invulnerability, enter the password: PWRZS. To reveal the hidden power-up boxes throughout the game, enter: SHBXZ. Level Passwords - Here are the level passwords that should help you get through Universal Soldier with no problem: Level 1 - CHSGM Level 6 - PKSND Level 2 - MKSNS Level 7 - CWBPM Level 3 - SGGBY Level 8 - SFTNP Level 4 - JLGPH Level 9 - CMVDG Level 5 - JDRSD Level 10 - BYTCM ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Valis III ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Visual Select - At the title screen hold buttons A and C and diagonally UP and to the LEFT, and press Start. Now you can watch any of the exciting cinema displays including the ending without even playing the game. Stage Select - At the title screen hold UP and buttons A, B, and C, then press start. Hold Start, when a blank screen appears let go and 'Select Map 000' will appear. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Virtura Racing ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Play On Backward Tracks - When the "Sega" Logo appears, HOLD the A & B buttons on Controller 1 and when the title appears, Press START. Pick the backward Virtua Racing Title. (This is a nice option to try once you have mastered the original tracks!) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Warrior of Rome ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Ending Password - Use this password for the ending sequence: GREBDQ3QNE. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Whip Rush ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Three Free Ships - Just before you reach the boss of stage 4, you'll come across a group of three enemy ships. Each is worth 100,000 points, a free life for each of the three ships. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Wings of Wor ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Easy Mode Select - Go to the option screen and when the cursor is on game level hold A, B, C, and press Start. Unlimited Continues - When GAME OVER appears, hold Left, A, and C until the continue screen appears. This will allow you to continue without losing any credits! ÄÄÄÄÄ X-Men ÄÄÄÄÄ Incredible Cheat Code - This code will allow you to do some incredible things in this game such as acquire unlimited health and mutant powers, warp to diffrent levels of the game, and have an unlimted backup team. First, you must be at the title screen. When the title screen shows, "Press Start Button", take controller one, and hold buttons A, C, and DOWN on the D-Pad, then press START. Now take controller 1 out of port one and plug it into the second controller port on the Genesis. When the picture of Magneto appears, press START. On this controller choose your level of difficulty and your hero. You will use the second controller to play a one-player game. (If you want a two player game, plug a second controller into port one and after selecting your level of difficulty and hero with the controller in port 2.) From here, you can jump to the upper-right area of the Danger Room and destroy the generator. This will give you a time increase in the room. Also, to the right of the hero selection part of the Danger Room, there will be eight (8) panels on the wall, and six (6) large floor tiles underneath them. Each floor tile represents a level of the game. The levels are: (1) - The Savage Land (2) - Shi'ar Empire (3) - Excalibur's Lighthouse (4) - Ahab's Future World (5) - Mojo's Crunch (6) - Asteroid M Bring your hero to the tile of your choice and press DOWN and C. You will then warp to the level of your choice. If your life or mutant power is down, press START and START again to restore your energy. Your backup team will not dissappear after they have been used. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Zombies Ate My Neighbors ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ These are all of the passwords for this great game: Level 05: CYZQ Level 09: GBRS Level 13: DCFK Level 17: BMLK Level 21: PQBR Level 25: LLNN Level 29: QNKR Level 33: SDHM Level 37: BKVR Level 41: BZPM Level 45: BNYZ Credit Level: QSDZ ÄÄÄÄÄ Zoom! ÄÄÄÄÄ Special Menu Options - Press Start when you're on the title screen to get to the Player Select screen. Then press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, A, and B. Select Debug on this screen, then play the game and press A. The screen will split in two and reveal a series of letters and numbers. This is the actual programming code of the game! June 1994 - Revision Version 8.5