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Exit this screen and when you are asked to select your name, choose the name you just entered, BIGNET. In this game you can fight as normal, but if you find yourself getting beat, then take controller 2 and press the START button. This will instantly kill your opponet. The eariler you kill off your opponet, the better your score will be, because the timer adds points to your score. This trick will work for every enemy in the game. See All Cinema Displays - In Black Hole Assault, there is an easy method to check out every cinema display. At the title screen, choose the Name Entry option. After the screen comes up with the keyboard, enter FOMA as your name. Once you do this go back to the title screen and start your game. You will not be taken into the game, however, instead you will be brought to a screen with Japanese text. On this screen, uoi can choose which cinema you want to automatically display. Choosing the last line of text means that you want to see the ending of the game. The only way to get out of this is to press the RESET button on your Genesis/Sega CD. Black Ball Assult - Now you can play a "PONG" type game within this great CD fighting game. Just go to the Name Entery Option and put in the new name AZY on the keyboard. Once this is done, go back and choose the Operation BHA on the title screen. When asked for your name, highlight and choose the name AZY. The screen will change into a new title screen called Black Ball Assault. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Chuck Rock (Sony) ** ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Passwords - Here are the level passwords for the Sony CD version of Chuck Rock: Level 2: GJFKFN / Level 3: PDPKKN / Level 4: JWNTXF / Level 5: TSFNVP ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Cobra Command ** ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Training Mode - Go to the title screen where you can choose either Game Start or Config Mode. Press UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN and then START on controller 1. On the configuration screen you will be able to select new diffculty levels, including "Training". If you choose this option and start your game, if you crash you will start from where you left off instead of the beginning. Stage Select & Stage Skip - If you thought that this game was too hard to finish here is a level select to help you make it along. On the title screen, take controller 1 and press these buttons in this order: UP, LEFT, RIGHT, RIGHT, and UP. You can now start at any level you want. When you start the game the screen will show: "STAGE 1", move the D-Pad to the right or left to scroll through the diffrent levels. (Finishing stage 9 will let you see the ending of the game!) By pressing the START button as soon as the action starts after selecting your starting stage, will display a message saying: "STAGE CLEARED" and advance you to the next level. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Ground Zero, Texas ** ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Secret Scene - Whne the credits roll in the game, slide in one quick motion C, B, and A. Then press the START button. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Hook ** ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ 3-Up Loop for 99 Men - When you get to level 5 in the rocky caves, there is a 3-Up loop that will give you 99 lives to help you complete this complex adventure. When you begin, fall down the first chasm to the right. At the bottom of this pit, walk to the right and while avoiding the snakes and bats, sink and go underneath the rock. Move to the right and keep jumping to get the leaf and 3-Up. Now die and reapete this entire process again and again to max your lives out to 99. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Joe Montana's NFL Football ** ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Diffrent Perspective Replay - The manual that comes with the game doesn't tell you about one cool feature in the Replay Mode. When you are in the Replay Mode Screen, you can press the A, B, and C buttons to switch to a "Behind the Quarterback," to a regular view. Also, if you press the B button twice in this mode, the camera will switch to a "Football Eyes" view of the game's replay. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Jurassic Park ** ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Awesome Cinema - Find the items provided and go to the Visitor's Center. Put the rock on the main computer to see the destructive cinema. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Kris Kross - Make Your Own Music Video ** ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Behind the Scenes - This trick will not help you make a better video, but is fun to watch because it gives information on the making of the "Make My Own Video" CD. At the caller screen, press A,B,C and then Right on the D-Pad. You will see the taping of the audio session. In the middle of the film of these voice actors, Press START to see the concept of the video making process and how it all started with just a couple of ideas. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Prize Fighter ** ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Hidden Color Video Clip - This trick will give you a hidden video clip that is about 3 minutes long and is in FULL COLOR! To get this, go to the Options Menu. At the Options Menu Press and Hold A, then B, and then C. With these buttons held, then press RIGHT on the D-Pad and once you do this, you will see some color footage of the actors making the actual game. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Road Avenger ** ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stage Select and Pause - On the title screen, press START to get the Game Start and Option Mode choices. With controller 1, Press UP. The pointer will move to the Options Mode (Make sure that you do not move the pointer DOWN to the Options Mode, or the trick will not work). The Options Mode will appear. Make sure your pointer is on the "Players" Option. Stage Select - At the Players Option, press the A button 6 (six) times. Exit the Options Mode and start the game. The stage select will then appear. Pause - When the pointer is next to the "Players" option, press the a button 4 (four) times, then the B button once, and then the A button once again. At any time durning the game press the START button to pause the action. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Robo Aleste ** ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stage Select - Go to the Option Mode from the Title Screen. In this mode, set the Sound to 3A, the Level to Hard, and the CD-DA number to the Stage from which you want to start. Now, press the B button and the START button at the same time. You will now see a Continue Option on the Title Screen. Now choose this Option to go to your selected Stage. You can do this any time you start a new game and choose any level; all the way up to the last stage. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Slipheed ** ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stage Select - When the Demo/Cinema Screen appears, press these buttons in this order: DOWN, DOWN, UP, UP, RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, A, B, and START. When the title screen appears again press START. Now, a new option will appear on the menu, "Stage Select" use this option to select from the 12 stages of this game. 10 Continues - While the game is on continue 01 use controller 1 and then wait for the opening/demo screen to start. While it is running, press these buttons in this order: RIGHT, UP, A, B, C, LEFT, LEFT, DOWN, C, A, and START. When the title screen appears again, press START again. Replenish Your Shield - During the opening cinema of the game, take the first controller and press these buttons in this exact order: RIGHT, LEFT, A, RIGHT, UP, C, B, DOWN, LEFT, B, A, UP, and START. Start your game and play as normal. When your shield is low, take the second controller and press the A button repeatedly. Every time you press this button, one bar of your shield will be replenished. This should help you get through the game. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Sonic CD ** ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stage Select, Sound Test and Debug Mode - These tricks will give you a Stage Select, Sound Test and access to the Debug Mode. When the title screen appears where it says "Press Start" - using controller 1 press: UP, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, and B -- The Stage Select Screen will then appear, choose the level you want from this screen. You can only play the selected stage, then you will be taken back to the title screen. For the Sound Test, go to the title screen and enter the following: DOWN, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, and A. This will open the Sound Test mode. Once the Sound Test Mode is open change the sound settings to the following in this order: FM NO. 40, PCM NO. 12, DA NO. 11 Once you have played the above sounds, then press the START button and if you have done it correctly, a picture of tales should appear. Now, press the START button again. When you choose the time attack mode, pressing B enables Sonic to walk through objects. Jump with buttons A or C. In New game, press B to enter Debug (Edit) Mode. In this mode press B to change into diffrent objects. Pressing C places the objects on the screen. You can do this in any level. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Spider-Man Vs. The Kingpin ** ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Passwords - Here are the passwords for this game: Level 2: ELECTRO Level 6: HELPINHAND Level 3: WALLABY Level 7: PUBLIC45 Level 4: GALLON66 Level 8: KIDNEY2 Level 5: FALCON499 Level 9: PENCIL6 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stellar Fire ** ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Stage Skip - When you highlight the "Normal" Option, you can hold A, C, START, and UP to skip stages. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Wonderdog ** ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Level Passwords - If you are having trouble getting to some of the levels in this great game for the Sega CD from JVC, try using some of these great passwords: Dogsville - MYSTIC Planet Weird - REEVES Scrapyard - ANKLES Planet Foggia - PIXIES Loony Moon - LEDZEP Planet Kninus - WOOPIE June 1994 - Revision Version 3.0