BENSTENPINES An Original Course Design by Mark Alan Willett for Accolade's Jack Nicklaus Golf and Course Design-Signature Edition The original graphics contained in the module are copyrighted. All rights for these pieces are reserved. Said graphics include the background art and objects 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. This course may not be sold or leased in any venue. It may be copied as is and distributed freely. The original artwork may not be reused in subsequent works by other JNSE designers if their work is to be sold in any venue. The course files, in their entirety, may be distributed freely to bulletin board services, including those which charge subscription and usage fees as long as the only fees associated with the acquistion of the course are subscription fees and/or per-minute charges for the cost of download. This text file is considered an integral part of the course project and must be distributed with the course files. I'd like to dedicate this course to John Kunyik for both his past and continuing contributions to JNSE's design tools. To Tony Woodward, whose friendship goes beyond the game. To Dave Salamon for his patience and understanding. This text file is dedicated to Dave Dykeman for being Dave Dykeman. And to Blaze, I hope this Colorado-inspired course brings you as much pleasure as The Victorian. :) Lee Ritze used to do a text file listing of his courses and suggest that if one wanted to see additional works they should work backward, and stop when reaching one that they didn't enjoy. I always thought that made sense. For anyone interested in exploring more of my designs, they are (in reverse order of creation): Northern Pass Benstenwood Oakmont (with Dave Salamon) The Victorian Gabrielle Gardens (with the JDP) Mulligan's Point Cherry Hills (with Ted Maiden) Alhambra Isles Scorpion I also highly recommend MERTWOOD by Jeff Merten and Tony Woodward. Coming soon to a bulletin board near you. If you should have questions or comments, I can currently be found on NVN, or mail may be directed to 1086 Corona #6, Denver, CO 80218. Please include an SASE. MARK ALAN WILLETT Denver, Colorado February 28, 1994