Beginning with this version, several WAD files are being included. These WAD files probably can't be edited by any Other editors, since they use IWAD format, and add platform descriptions for easier editing. These are to be considered works in progress, or proving levels. I know that some things aren't perfect. All of these WAD files are for E1M1. Geoff.Wad - This is a modification of E1M1, with a twist: some of the walls have been moved, and the nodes, ssectors, and segs modified to be flawless. This was partly done by hand, and partly by the new editor. I could have spent more time fixing up wall textures, but I was busy writing the Doom editor... If you ever thought that the Doom levels were too easy, give this a try WITHOUT CHEATING. I tell you it CAN be done, since for every challenge there is a specific solution. For example, the CyboDemon can be eliminated by jamming yourself in a corner. Usually, your invulner- ability will run out JUST as he dies! Great for multi. Modified by Geoff Allan. Swell.Wad - This custom level was severely hacked from Cross.Wad, which was, I believe, the world's first TRULY custom map. By using the new editor, the walls were severely modified, raising platforms added, and TONS of flying bad-guys added. It is especially fun to drop into the pit while it is rising and see the huge number of lost souls floating above you. This carnage fest was created only to demonstrate the raw power of the ability to move walls around. Modified by Dave Nixon. Cross.Wad - This, I believe, was the world's first TOTALLY custom Doom map. Special thanks and acknowledgement must go to Alistair Brown ( No doubt, many hours of hand-crafting went into this map, since he built the node trees entirely by hand from scratch. Thanks, Alistair, for a brilliant starting point!