_________CHOOK DOOM V 1.0___________ Chook DOOM replaces all rockets in DOOM with chooks and moves the rocket launcher to where a rocket launcher should be. It's now become the shoulder mounted chook launcher. Much better than the original. It was produced using DMGRAPH, Deluxe Paint II and Graphics Workshop! To install Chook DOOM simply extract the file chook.zip to a "chook" dirctory in doom, then copy or move the chook.bat and unchook.bat files to the doom directory then execute it by typing "chook". Chook doom will the install itself and then all rockets in doom will become CHOOKS and the launcher will be placed on your shoulder instead of the ridiculous position it usually is. Who ever heard of using a rocket launcher with it held near your groin, I reackon that would hurt you more than them!!....... Pretty funny I reackon! To get the most out of the graphics patch try e2m8 and fight the cyberdemon. This really make doom more like CHOOK WARS..... May the chooks be with you! Chook DOOM is produced by me, David Biggs (oh!!....and 1 frame by my bro Mick). You can contact me at dbiggs@yoyo.cc.monash.edu.au if you have any querries or just want an excuse to e-mail somebody. I hope you enjoy chook doom! P.S. If anyone has or can tell me where I can get chook sounds to include with this patch I would be grateful. A good Begerk sound would be unreal!