AL2.SEC ---- Found that I didn;t distribute the soundfx with the original AL1 animation, so they're here now. The 4 *.INS files MUST be in a subdirectory named SOUNDFX. Just run INSTALL.BAT to set the animation up, and AL2.BAT to run the animation. And now for text from the original release.... Welp, this is a VERY limited animation. There's limited movement, not a LOT of shading, no background, etc.. I just used this animation to get familiar with DAS (Disney Animation Studio). This will be one of thoe never ending animations... changing pretty much daily until I get EXACTLY what I'd like to see. (Problem is, I'm never satisfied! )... anyhoo... hope you enjoy it for what it is... limited. There will me more stuff coming from me, and MUCH BETTER stuff too!!! Enjoy! Now for the legal stuff: AL2.SEC, Alligabbit, and all frames in this animation are copyrighted by Andy Stewart, and may not be copied, modified, or distributed in any way. Violators will be prosecuted. You may distribute AL2.SEC (In the form AL2.ZIP, AL2.ARJ, or by using any other compression utility) as long as THIS textfile is included. (AL2.TXT)