EDILZSS1One of the simplest ts which can be doat homiso weigh yourself.  There%no ideal body,t but statistically, certaiSVs,}hen compared)hXa?nd age lea likel|*developr$ncluddisillneOss. <'L'~derivޕfromas gaover many yearsrreldngLnc)es,VA changXJVmoCt 7 lbsaΡnthvNOoT acnibytentionOdietary habi&of suspiciou7 un lyDY. Su s shoullwaysreporta phys ffur~% evalud;on;Excr,-?indulgQ fHt kdv8,0 lso provo{ke!blem7ithal 4$acknowledgreme 1] (!&beD ality;A dP loj- unde#o=ontak!t itD1tum4q,yrotoxicosiNanxnayrisor nfecoccashiX1,]delib er0,68;WXgu0 ou0duo obesL0(resul$CusuhD'2 yndDiabe MelK0uMyxoedema2Pd"8!"< At.2Ys"fo ~INDEX 0*muH!T] m;