By: Sonya Snyder LOVE KNOT PATTERN STITCH: ========================= GAUGE: In dc, 5 sts = 1"; 5 Rows = 2" For practice swatch, ch 21 loosely. ROW 1: *Make a double knot st as follows: pull up loop on hook to measure 1/2", YO and draw thru (loose ch made), sc in BACK LOOP ONLY of loose ch just made, pull up loop now on hook to measure 1/2", YO and draw thru, sc in BACK LOOP ONLY of loose ch just made (double knot st made), sk next 2 chs, sc in next ch; rep from * across: 7 knot sts. To turn work loose ch, sc in BACK LOOP ONLY of loose ch just made (single knot st made and this becomes turning leg); turn. ROW 2: Work double knot st, sc in center of first double knot st, *work double knot st, sc in center of next double knot st; rep from * across; turn as before. Rep ROW 2 for pattern.