From: SHARON DEVOL Kitchen Towel from Sharon Devol Materials: 1 towel about 14 x 24 inches. Be sure towel has complete design on both ends--it makes 2 towels. 1 oz. 4-ply yarn in colors to blend with towel. size 6 steel crochet hook. size G crochet hook. Zig zag or sew 2 lines across the center of the towel, dividing the two designs. Cut between the sewing. ROW1: Using the #6 steel hook, sc across cut top of towel. Make the sts about 1/4 inch apart. Ch 3, turn. ROW2: Change to size G hook, dc in every st across row. Ch 3, turn. ROW3: Dc in every other dc across row. Ch 3, turn. Repeat rows 2 and 3 until only 6-8 sts remain for desired width. Dc in every dc for 8-10 rows. Fasten off, weave in ends. Optional "nice touch" - on last row, ch 1 between middle dcs to create a gap. Like this: _ ||| ||| ||||||| ||||||| Sew a button on inside front on bottom row of 6-8 dc. No buttonhole is needed; button will go between center dcs (or gap that you created with the ch 1).