By: Linda Lenard Fantasy Patterns I recently returned from a Science Fiction/Fantasy convention in Atlanta, Ga. While at the convention, I ran across the folks from Fannish Stitchery selling their cross-stitch patterns. After a little chat, I found out why no one could get an answer from them. They've moved to another state. They have a new catalog, but he didn't have time to get them printed for the convention, so he gave me an old catalog and wrote down the new address for me. Here's the new address for those that would like to write and inquire about their new catalog. I don't know if there'll be a charge for the new one. I don't know how much it differs from the old one which is 5 one-sided pages. I didn't think to ask when I was at the convention. FANNISH STITCHERY CATALOG Roaring Lion Press 2912 4th Street Louisville, KY 40208 Here's a list of the categories of patterns they carry, have in the works and have planned for the future (according to the old catalog): The Worlds of Mercedes Lackey Dragons/Dragonriders Sword & Scorcery Craft, Pagan & American Indian Themes Myrhological Critters Horror Beauty & the Beast (tv show) Star Trek - Classic Star Trek - The Next Generation Star Trek - The Movies Star Trek - Deep Space Nine Quantum Leap Dark Shadows Highlander Forever Knight Phantom of the Opera Horror Films "Feel free to give suggestions for characters or scenes from show or movie you'd like to see or do." Their patterns vary in detail. One of the two patterns that I picked up is "Fighting Thread" (Pern dragonrider fans will understand this title), and it is basically a picture drawn over graphed paper. You have to put in your own colors. The picture is well-drawn, though it shows the dragons more as scaled creatures than smooth skinned. But that's a minor detail. The chart size is about 300H x 200W. The finished size will be depend on what fabric ct you choose to do it on. The price for the chart was $3.00. The other chart I got is a head shot of Picard. It also is a picture drawn on graph paper, but it has the colors graphed for you with symbols and the DMC numbers to use. Chart size is 100W x 130H and cost $3.00. At the convention, they also had kits, so if you're interested in kits, inquire about those too. If they don't have it on hand, they may be able to make one up for you. If you have any other questions about the catalog that I have, let me know. ... Columbus had a fourth ship - it sailed over the edge. --- Blue Wave/QBBS v2.12 [NR] * Origin: The Bear's Den BBS Orlando,Florida USA (407)876-2272 (1:363/110.0) @PATH: 363/110 60 603 157 1570 3615/50 396/1 270/101 260/1 260/10