Document Number 2404 Bitstream Facelift Compatibility Issues 6/17/92 Symptoms: If you are experiencing problems printing from Ansel or Fototouch, the following symptoms may indicate you have Bitstream Facelift active on your system: 1. Printing blank pages. 2. A "General Protection Fault in GDI.EXE" when printing. If you are receiving any of the above symptoms or any other problems while printing with Bitstream Facelift, you must disable Facelift: To disable Facelift version 1 under Windows 3.0: 1. Double click on the facelift icon. 2. Double click on PARAMETERS. 3. There is a selection which says "Facelift Active." There is a box next to this selection. Remove the X by clicking on the selection box. 4. Click on OK. 5. Exit Facelift. 6. Restart Windows. To disable Facelift version 1 under Windows 3.1: 1. Double click on the facelift icon. 2. Double click on PARAMETERS. 3. There is a selection which says "Facelift Active." There is a box next to this selection. Remove the X by click on the selection box. 4. Click on OK. 5. Double click on PRINTERS. 6. Highlight all the printer selections by clicking on them. 7. Click on the selection which reads, "Unassign SHELL Driver." 8. Click on OK 9. Exit Facelift 10. Restart Windows To disable Facelift version 2 under either version of Windows: 1. Double click on the Facelift icon. 2. You will see a large button with a light-bulb on it. The button should say ON. 3. Click on it once and it will change to DISABLE. 4. Click on it again and it will become OFF. 5. Exit Facelift. 6. Restart Windows.