The Growing Tyranny The Federal Government of the United States is presently merging our beloved country into the long conspired for New World Order. This World State is nothing other than a jack booted, armor-vested, blood thirsty, Neo-Bolshevik, tyranny. The horrible fate which the ruling elite has in store for us has already been demonstrated by the cold-blooded slaughter of innocent men, women and children at the sieges of Ruby Ridge and Waco. A once free and prosperous nation is being systematically turned into a police state -- a land where no man can own property, keep the fruits of his own labor, or raise a healthy, wholesome family -- a land of abject poverty -- a continent turned into one vast slave labor system -- a land dotted with concentration camps, concertina wired prisons, and chambers of unbearable tortures. In order to forestall patriotic resistance to their sinister plans, the statists are attempting to disarm all Americans as quickly as possible. Toward this end, an incessant barrage of federal, state, and local gun control initiatives (such as the recently passed Brady Bill) are being launched in direct violation of the second article of our Bill of Rights. A brief perusal of the federal gun control initiatives which were introduced in the U.S. Congress, in 1993 alone, should convince any skeptic that the Neo-Bolsheviks who have seized control of our nation are deadly serious about disarming the American people. Bills That Would Regulate or Ban Handguns and/or Ammunition: S-109, Hoynihan (D-NY), would require a record of every round of ammunition used. S-178, Hoynihan (D-NY), would prohibit the manufacture, sale or importation of .25 caliber, .32 caliber and 9mm ammunition. S-376, Lautenberg (D-NJ) and HR-544, Torricelli (D-NJ), would prohibit purchase of two (2) or more handguns in any thirty (30) day period. S-892, Chafee (R-RI), would ban all handguns. HR-711, Gonzalez (D-TX), re quires that handguns be avail able only to persons who demonstrate, to the government's satisfaction, that they possess knowledge and skill in their safe use, maintenance and stor age. HR-1501, Yates (D-IL), would ban handguns. HR-1616, Collins (D-IL) requires the mandatory registration of handguns. HR-1734, Gutierrez (D-IL), prohibits possession or transfer of all handguns. HR-1833, Norton (D-DC), prohibits the transfer of a handgun and/or ammunition to any person that does not have a state permit to possess a handgun or ammunition (Permission from the state to exercise a function which is in truth a God-given right). HR-3132, Owens (D-NY), bans handguns, handgun ammunition. HR-3398, bans expanding bullets. Bills That Ban Magazines: S-1607, Biden (D-DE), Passed in the Senate. The "Crime Bill", includes the Feinstein Amendment which bans magazines with a capacity of over 10 rounds. HR-2321, Sangmeister (D-IL), bans the possession or transfer of magazines with a capacity of 15 rounds or more. HR-3398, Barrett (D-WI), bans expanding bullets, including hunting bullets. Bills That Would Ban Semi- Automatic Handguns, Rifles and Shotguns: S-108, Moynihan (D-NY) S-639, DeConcini (D-AZ) S-653, Metzenbaum (D-OH) S-1607, Biden (D-DE), Passed in the Senate, called the "Crime Bill" and includes the Feinstein Amendment -- the semiauto ban. HR-893, Gutierrez (D-IL) HR-1421, Stark (D-CA) HR-1472, Schumer (D-NY) HR-1568, Gibbons (D-FL) HR-1571, Hughes (D-NJ) HR-1706, Mfume (D-MD) HR-3184, Reynolds (D-IL) These bills would prohibit the manufacture importation,transfer and/or possession of any semi-auto firearm not deemed suitable for sporting purposes by the BATF. Some would prohibit all "assault weapons". Magazines with a capacity of over 10 rounds are also banned. Sporting purposes is usually defined as hunting or competitive target shooting. Taxes as Gun Control: S-179, Moynihan (D-NY) would put a 1,000% tax on .25 caliber, .32 caliber, and 9mm ammunition. S-496, increases the annual fee for an FFL to $750 per year and allows unlimited inspections of the FFL holders records and premises. S-496, Irray (D-WA) increases taxes on handguns, "assault weapons" and gun dealers. S-1616, Moynihan (D-NY) would put a 50% tax on any cartridge where the case is less than 1.3 inches and a 10,000% tax on hollow point handgun ammunition. HR-737, Reynolds (D-IL) would increase the tax on firearms. HR-2276, Meek (D-FL) would impose a tax on all transfers of handguns and assault weapons, including private sales. HR-3245, Reynolds (D-IL) tax on "assault weapons." Liability as Gun Control: S-496, Simon (D-IL) HR-661, Collins (D-IL) HR-737, Reynolds (D-IL) would make the manufacturer, importer, or dealer of a handgun or an "assault weapon" liable for damages that result from the use of the firearm. This bill is obviously designed to drive the targeted people out of business. Conclusion This government has shown its evil intent by its constant and purposeful violations of every right granted to us by Almighty God and guaranteed by the United States Constitution. It strives to disarm us as if we were an enemy. It treats us as its enemy. And, with its calculated massacres of our people, it has shown itself to be our enemy. We must not stand by and cravenly allow these brutal tyrants to betray our country, erase our heritage, and enslave our children for generations to come. We must make our country once again a land of liberty and justice. And, like our patriotic forefathers, who in 1776 pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honors to make this land free and independent, we must not allow our enemies to disarm us. NEVER SURRENDER YOUR FIREARMS! "Give me Liberty or give me Death." Patrick Henry