MARS A FUTURE HOME FOR HUMANITY A personal view by Ralph Buttigieg What sort of future will we leave our children? Gloomy newspaper headlines tell us of famines, mass refugees, a warming Earth, etc. Earth is getting crowded. When faced with such possibilities past generations had an option ours don't. They could pack their bags and immigrate to countries like America and Australia. The New World. And start afresh. Now , no matter what direction you travel, you need a passport. We need another New World. A place to give us hope and a future. I believe that place is Mars. Next to Earth Mars is the most "user friendly" planet in our Solar System. It once had a thick atmosphere, liquid water, and maybe life. Now its cold and arid. But recent research strongly suggest that the Red planet can be terraformed (made more Earthlike) and it can be done within a life time. Such a project is not science fiction, but based on hard engineering and science. Nor will it send our societies bankrupt, it is affordable. In the following chapters Robert Zubrin, senior engineer for Martian Marietta Astronautics, and Chris McKay, planetary scientist at NASA Ames research center, will show you how.