²f1 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Circuit Diagrams ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The circuits described in this document, and others within this package, are free to be used by any person or business. ²f4 I authorise any person or business to distribute this software with adapters they produce. I do, however, request; 1) That the software is not altered in any way. 2) to be informed, by mail, of their intent to manufacture these adapters. 3) regular updates on the number of adapters they sell. I don't require payment, now or at anytime in the future. I simply wish to keep track of its popularity. ²f1 I expect that adapters for SNES PRO! may come in three forms. 1) External - Attaching to a printer port. This will be the first type available from Able Solutions. It will allow you to first connect one, three or six gamepads. An option will be to use the host printer port as normal. 2) Internal - Attaching to a printer port. This will work identically to 1) except that it will neatly slot inside your computer. It will include the option to use the host printer port as normal. 3) Internal - On a dedicated board. With no printer port required. The INSTALL program will have loaded a series of .GIF files during installation. These are graphics images containing complete circuit diagrams for the adapters mentioned above, along with design ideas in 640*400*256 VGA format. All the previous adapters work in the same way, in order to maintain compatibility. The only difference may be the BASE ADDRESS. This will only have to be setup once, during installation. Any game author that decides to use this format, will simply include an option for the user to tell the game which BASE ADDRESS they are using. The game will the use the interface directly and not even use SNES PRO!. Easier than setting up a sound card. That's for sure! Following, are two basic circuits to get most enthusiasts started. ²f1 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Single Player Adapter. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The Single Player Adapter allows one SNES gamepad to be connected to a PC's parallel port. With the addition of a 'Y' cable it will allow a total of three. This adapter will is the least expensive to buy or build. Our version has the appearance if a 'dongle'. Read above to find out how to view other circuits which will increase the number of gamepads further. ²f0 PARALLEL GAMEPAD PORT 1 ÚÄÄÄÄ¿ Data3 ³ 05 ÃÄÄÄ>ÅÄÄ¿ | ³ | ÃÄÄÄÄ>ÅÄ´ ÚÄÄÄ¿ Data7 ³ 09 ÃÄÄÄ>ÅÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ 1 ³ +5Vcc Data0 ³ 02 ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ 2 ³ Clk Data1 ³ 03 ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ 3 ³ Reset Ack ³ 10 ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ 4 ³ Data In 1 Slct ³ 13 ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ 5 ³ Data In 2 P.Out ³ 12 ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ 6 ³ Data In 3 GND ³ 18 ÃÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ 7 ³ GND | ³ | ÃÄ´ ÀÄÄÄÙ GND ³ 25 ÃÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÙ ²f1 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Y Adapter Cable. ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ The Y Adapter Cable connects to the SINGLE PLAYER adapters and provides a a total of three gamepad connections. ²f0 Gamepad Gamepad Gamepad 1 2 3 ÚÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄ¿ +5Vcc ³ 1 ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ 1 ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ 1 ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ 1 ³ +5Vcc Clk ³ 2 ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ 2 ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ 2 ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ 2 ³ Clk Reset ³ 3 ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ 3 ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ 3 ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ 3 ³ Reset Data In 1 ³ 4 ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ 4 ³ ÚÄÄ´ 4 ³ ÚÄÄ´ 4 ³ Data In Data In 2 ³ 5 ÃÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ 5 ³ ³ ³ 5 ³ ³ ³ 5 ³ Data In 3 ³ 6 ÃÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ 6 ³ ³ ³ 6 ³ ³ ³ 6 ³ GND ³ 7 ÃÄÄijijÄÄÄ´ 7 ÃÄÄÄÄÄijÄÄ´ 7 ÃÄÄÄÄÄijÄÄ´ 7 ³ GND ÀÄÄÄÙ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÙ ³ ÀÄÄÄÙ ³ ÀÄÄÄÙ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ²f1 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ N O T E S ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ NOTES: 1) Power is supplied via; 1) Diodes from pins 5-9 of the IBM parallel port. These can be any type (but preferably a Germanium Type). 2) or an external power cable 2) All Able Solutions adapters will have a 100 to x00 uf Electrolytic capacitor across pins 1 and 7 of the SNES connector. 3) Pin 1 of the Nintendo connector is the FLAT end. Pin 7 is the ROUND end. 4) When using an external adapter without a power source, problems may arise under the following conditions. ²f4 1) Using Infa Red (IR) type controllers. 2) Using certain Arcade type controllers. 3) Connecting too many hand controllers. NOTE: This would be rare if using the circuits above. I've tested most handheld controllers and have had any three working at the same time with no problems. ²f1 If any problems are experienced you can can bet it will be with a lack of power. This is because the standard IBM printer port does not have a dedicated power supply pin. As the circuit explains, power for the SNES Gamepads is taken from six of the data pins. Three problems may accompany this approach. ²f2 1) The output volatage of these data pins may not reach 5V. (Which is the standard supply from a SNES games console). 2) The diodes will drop an extra .2V (Germanium) or .6V (Silicon) off that total. 3) The current from these pins may not be enough, even after chaining five pins together. ²f1 While all this is starting to sound a bit disappointing, the good news is that the majority of gamepads use very low current (3 to 6 mA). Even better, the IC's (little black thingies) inside are CMOS and only require about 3V to work OK. So if your printer port only puts out 4V and you use a silicon diode, your still .4V ahead. Yes thats pushing your luck, BUT I haven't had problem running three regular handheld gamepads on the several printer cards that I've tried. My larger games console used a little more power than the handheld (only due to the LEDs) on the front but it still didn't present any problems. Also, the majority of users will only be using one gamepad. Many may use two (for fighting games etc.). So that will also be in your favour. Infared devices, those cordless jobs that work in a similar way to your video's remote control, may have a problem. I haven't tried one as yet but I expect that their power requirement will be 5V, more mA's and won't except any less. ALL THIS CAN BE SOLVED by building, or buying, one of the external power cables above. They simply plug into the gamepad adapter and source their power from 1) the GAME Port or 2) KEYBOARD connector. Another option is using the internal version (if it's available yet). Read INT6.GIF for further information on this. Initially, only the Single player adapter (with optional power cable) will be available from Able Solutions. I have the first version available as this software is released. It is a little primitive (not as professionally finished as I would have liked) but it is solid and will work forever. I have parts for the 'Y' cables and adapters on the way from an Asian supplier and should be in production by mid July. * * E N D O F F I L E * *