Accounts ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ú Creating a New Account ú Opening an Existing Account ú Saving an Account ú Deleting an Account ú Reconciling an Account ú Backing up Accounts ú Printing an Account Display ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ú Viewing Cleared Entries ú Viewing Memos ú Finding Entries ú Using an External Calculator Entries ÄÄÄÄÄÄ ú Adding an Entry ú Editing Drop-Down Combo Box Items ú Updating External Accounts ú Deleting an Entry ú Editing an Entry ú Reordering Entries Warranty ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Registration ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Copyright Notice ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Contacting the Author ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Revision History ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Accounts ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ú Creating a New Account Select the 'New' item from the 'Accounts' menu and fill in the various entry fields. The only optional field is the one named 'Number'. Accounts ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ú Opening an Existing Account Drag the existing Account from the 'Accounts' group box on to the 'Ledger' group box. Accounts ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ú Saving an Account Rarely is it necessary to save the account, since many of the everyday activities are automatically saved to file. Exceptions are editing entries, reordering entries, and deleting entries. If you forget to save after any of the activities, E-Teller will notify you when you exit. E-Teller will also notify you if you drag another account onto the ledger before saving the current one. Accounts ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ú Deleting an Account Either drag the account to the WPS shredder, or select it and choose the 'Delete' item from the 'Accounts' menu. Accounts ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ú Reconciling an Account Either click on the scale icon or select 'Reconcile...' from the 'Accounts' pull-down menu. You are first asked to supply information, such as New Balance, Interest payments or charges and Service charges. You are then returned to the ledger where you will double-click on the entries that are to be cleared (double-click a second time to unclear entries). When you are done, click on the scale or uncheck 'Reconcile...' If the account has not been properly balanced, you will be informed of the difference. You can elect either to add the adjustment to the account, end the reconciliation without adding an adjustment (the discrepancy will remain), return to the reconciliation process, or ignore the discrepancy, in which case the discrepancy is eliminated as though it had never existed. When you end the reconciliation process, you will be given the choice to save the information to file in which case all the cleared entries will be removed from the register. HINT: if the account has not been balanced and you elect to have E-Teller add an adjustment, do not save the account immediately, so that you can edit the entry manually - date, particulars, etc. Then save the account. Accounts ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ú Backing up Accounts If the 'Backup on exit' menu item is checked, E-Teller will prompt you to insert a diskette into a floppy drive and to press a corresponding button labelled A: or B:. The status of this menu item is preserved across sessions. Accounts ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ú Printing an Account Either click on the printer icon or select 'Print'. All the records for the currently active account are read into a secondary window where you can either print, edit, or save the report, or open a previously saved report. The format is hard-coded for an 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper. Display ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ú Viewing Cleared Entries By default, cleared records are not loaded into the ledger to speed up the reading process. Cleared records can be displayed by selecting the 'Cleared' item in the 'Display' menu. To return to the default view, uncheck the 'Cleared' item. The status of this menu item is not preserved across sessions. Display ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ú Viewing Memos By default, the memo field is hidden. If you want to view the memo field, check the 'Memos' menu item. To hide the memos once again, simply uncheck the menu item. The status of the check mark is not preserved across sessions. Display ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ú Finding Entries It is possible to search for entries. Either click on the magnifying glass icon or select 'Find...' from the 'Display' menu. Click upon the appropriate Field and Criterion radio buttons, fill in the search string, and click 'OK'. Entries matching the selections will be displayed in the register. To display all the records that were in the ledger prior to the search, click on the 'Undo' button. Searches are case insensitive. Display ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ú Using an External Calculator Should you require the use of a calculator, either click on the calculator icon or select the 'Calculator' menu item. When you first select this item, you will be prompted with a file dialog box where you will locate the calculator program. Subsequent invocations of the calculator will load the originally specified program. Entries ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ú Adding an Entry To credit or debit the account, either click on the $+ or $- icons, or select the appropriate item from the 'Entries' menu. Fill in the relevant information in the secondary window, and press 'OK'. When drop-down combo boxes receive the focus, they automatically drop down and display previously entered items. If you add an item that does not appear in the list, that item will be saved to disk for future credits/debits. Date fields must adhere to the yy/mm/dd format. If you substitute the forward slash for another character, E-Teller will inform you that a formatting error has been detected. To increase the date one day at a time, press Page Up; to decrease the date, press Page Down. If you happen to enter a date like 94/10/1, E-Teller will automatically format it to 94/10/01. Entries ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ú Adding an Entry ú Editing Drop-Down Combo Box Items Of course, E-Teller cannot know whether an item added to a drop-down combo box is worth saving, so it saves them all. You can delete unwanted items by clicking on the appropriate combo box, selecting the item(s) you no longer need, and clicking on the 'Delete' button. Clicking 'OK' saves the new list to disk. Entries ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ú Adding an Entry ú Updating External Accounts Occasionally you will want to update another account when crediting or debiting an account. To do this, drag the external account into the position provided in the credit or debit windows. After you press the 'OK' button, you will be asked whether the update is a credit or debit. Entries ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ú Deleting an Entry The only way you can delete an entry is to drag it to the WPS shredder. Entries ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ú Editing an Entry To edit an entry, click on the entry's field you would like to change. Type in the new information and click anywhere on the ledger to register the alteration. Entries ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ú Reordering Entries You cannot sort the entries in a ledger, but you can change the order of individual entries by dragging them to another location within the ledger. HINT: for the move to be effective, ensure that a line appears *between* two entries. Warranty ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This program is supplied with no warranty whatsoever either expressed or implied. Neither its author nor Watcom International can be held directly or indirectly responsible for any loss of data or damage caused by the use or misuse of E-Teller. All software and documentation is supplied AS IS. If you use this program, you understand that you do so AT YOUR OWN RISK. Registration ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This product is released as Shareware. You are granted permission to use E-Teller for a period not exceeding 30 days for evaluation purposes only. If you decide to continue using E-Teller, you are required to register the program by sending 15 USD to: Mr. J-P Caron c/o Paul H. Caron A10-420 Westmount Avenue Sudbury, Ontario P3A 5V4 CANADA Registering E-Teller entitles you to free upgrades to every minor release. You will also be given a 5 dollar discount on the next major release of E-Teller. I will NOT mail upgrade diskettes, but I will notify you by e-mail when I upload minor upgrades and by snail-mail or e-mail when major upgrades are uploaded. You are not entitled to charge a fee for the use of E-Teller. Distributors are permitted to charge a fee not exceeding 5 USD to cover media costs. Copyright Notice ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ E-Teller (c) 1994 Paul H. Caron VX-Rexx (c) Watcom International Contacting the Author ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ If you find a bug or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to contact me at G9026163@mcmail.cis.McMaster.CA. Revision History ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ April 1994 (version 1.0) - Initial release. April 1994 (version 1.1) - Moved account information to the ledger container. - Added push button hint text. - Added accelerators to the Find and Calculator menu items. - Fixed a bug when clicking on the 'Cancel' button in the Credit and Debit windows. (reported by Carl Graham on 1994-04-17) - Removed some extraneous code and the essentially superfluous Credit Window (credits and debits now share the same window). - Fixed a potential bug in the introductory window.