RESORTS! "A relational database system to organize your vacation rental information" c1993 Coral Computer Services Table of Contents OVERVIEW OF THE SYSTEM RESORTS!{tc \l 1 "RESORTS!"} The opening screen of the Resorts system contains the notice of distribution of shareware and registration information. Three pull-down menus are included. The System menu choice About...contains copyright information as well as the Shareware Ombudsman notice. Other System choices are described below. The Application menu contains the access for each of the three modules, Brokers, Condos and Hotels. Also included is the registration information and form which can be printed from this screen. The Utilities menu description follows. THE CONDOS MODULE Selecting Condos from the main selection screen takes you to the Condos Manager. This screen will bring up the first listing in your database. Information tracked within the Condos database includes: Name, address, city state, # persons in a given unit, # bedrooms, # baths, # parking spaces, weekly rates by the months for summer, and off season, weekends and minimum. Check boxes track where there is an ocean view/block, central air or air unit, balcony, kitchen, washer and dryer, dishwasher and pool. A notes fields can hold unlimited note entries pertaining to this rental. Broker information is displayed on screen and is pulled from the Broker database, with the Broker ID# being the key. THE BROKER MODULE Selecting Brokers from the main selection screen takes you to the Broker Manager. The system will bring up the first Broker in your database. Information tracked within the program database includes: Broker name and address, city, state and zip code. Also phone number of the broker as well as Contact person and their individual phone number and extension are tracked. THE HOTELS MODULE Selecting Hotels from the main selection screen takes you to the Hotels - Motels - Bed & Breakfast - Rentals Manager. This screen will bring up the first name in your database. Information tracked within the Hotels database includes: Name, address, city, state and zipcode, phone number, number of bedrooms at this site, on site pool and if there is free parking. Food and drink availability, in season and off season dates and rates are tracked also. Whether there are apartments or efficiencies and their rates in and off season and an unlimited notes field to collect information about this location is also included. MODULES PULL-DOWN MENUS: All modules contain pull-down menus that are at the top of the screen. These menus include System, Edit{xe "EDIT"}, Application{xe "WINDOW"} {xe "SEARCH"} and Utilities{xe "HELP"}. The menu is selected with the mouse or you can hold down the ALT key and press the highlighted letter of the menu you want. You can move{xe "MOVE"} through the menus with the arrow keys, up/down/left/right; then select the highlighted letter or click with the mouse. An alternate way of selecting an item on a menu is with the shortcut keys that are listed to the right of any command so assigned. This means you do not have to use the pull-down menus at all, just press the key or combination of keys listed. The Carat '^' symbol stands for the CTRL key. Hold down this key and press the other. Then release both. THE SYSTEM PULL-DOWN MENUS: The first menu on the left is the System menu. It contains the About..., Help...{xe "HELP"}, Calculator{xe "CALCULATOR"}, Calendar{xe "CALENDAR"}/Diary, Puzzle{xe "PUZZLE"} and Quit commands. The About command gives copyright data. The help{xe "HELP"} command is a way of getting context-sensitive help{xe "HELP"}. Selecting help{xe "HELP"} from this pull-down menu as well as pressing F1 at any time, will give you help{xe "HELP"} on your current topic. {xe "WINDOW"} Help{xe "HELP"} information is included in Appendix A of this document. It includes information on data that is displayed, moving through the database, editing data, adding new records, saving or canceling changes and other related topics to choose. Note the help{xe "HELP"} screen includes "TOPICS," , . These items are selected with the mouse or by holding down the ALT key and pressing the highlighted letter. This allows you to move{xe "MOVE"} through the available help{xe "HELP"} screens or to see an alphabetical listing of help{xe "HELP"} topics. You can move{xe "MOVE"} through the list of topics with the up and down arrow keys or click with the mouse. Topics are selected by clicking on the topic or pressing enter when the topic is selected. The Calculator{xe "CALCULATOR"} selection on the System menu is the next choice on the menu. This calculator{xe "CALCULATOR"} is used like a standard pocket calculator{xe "CALCULATOR"}. Calculations are performed using the keyboard or the mouse. The Calendar {xe "CALENDAR"}/ Diary appears with the current month displayed and today's date selected. You can click on or tab to the Diary and write notes or appointments for the currently selected date. You move{xe "MOVE"} through the Calendar{xe "CALENDAR"} with the mouse or by using the arrow keys, Page Up and Page Down. The Puzzle{xe "PUZZLE"} included with the system will help{xe "HELP"} you become familiar with the movement of the mouse. Shuffle the numbers, then click to move{xe "MOVE"} to an empty square to put the numbers in order. The arrow keys can also be used to play the game. The final selection on the System menu is Quit. Selecting Quit will close the current module and take you to the main menu. THE EDIT PULL-DOWN MENUS: When you enter a module you are in an "edit{xe "BROWSE"}" mode that allows you to make changes to records in the database. In order to add{xe "ADD"} new records or delete existing records you must enter the Edit{xe "EDIT"} pull-down menu or use the companion keystrokes to activate the command. The choices on the edit menu allow you to move data from one field to another, clear (delete) any selection, choose to select everything in any particular field or to make an exact duplicate of the current record. To edit{xe "EDIT"} the current record note your cursor is in the first field available to change. Move{xe "MOVE"} from field to field by using the tab or arrow keys or clicking with the mouse. When all changes have been made to this record, you can save the data by moving to the next/prior record or adding another record . You can also delete the record. The Application{xe "EDIT"} pull-down menu includes these choices. Selecting to add{xe "ADD"} a new record to any database brings you to a blank data-entry screen. Here you can fill in the information for the new record. As with the edit{xe "EDIT"} mode, you can save your changes or delete the record. THE APPLICATION PULL-DOWN MENUS: The Application Menus contain the means to move through your database, select records and order your database, look up identification numbers (Condos only via Pick List) and print reports. MOVING BETWEEN RECORDS: Use the Application pull-down menu to move between records or to go from the top to the bottom of the file quickly. BROWSE: To see all the records in a database choose Browse from the Application pull-down menu. You can scroll through the list with the mouse or the arrow keys. These browse windows can be edited. SEARCH: To find a particular record use the Search from the Application pull-down menu. This Search lets you search on any field. Select the field to search upon from the pop-up and enter a partial or complete search criterion. The system will select the records that match your criteria. ORDER: Sort your database in any order from the selections listed on this option of your pull-down Application menu. PICK LIST: (Condos only) When entering a new record in the Condos database and your cursor is in the Broker id# field, you can "look up" an id# by selecting Pick List from the Application pull-down menu. This will help you to record the proper identification. REPORTS: Print reports from your database by selecting this option from your pull-down menu. Each module has its own reports. Sample reports are included in the appendix. THE UTILITIES PULL-DOWN MENUS: The Utilities Menu of each module allows you to change your workstation environment. You can choose to display a Status Bar with the current filename, record number, etc. If the window takes up the full screen, the Status Bar appears behind a window . You can move your window with a click and drag to see the status bar. Clock displays the current time in the upper top right of your screen. Extended Video reduces the size of your display to about half size. Sticky is a pull-down menu option. It tells the system to allow you to click on one selection of the menu instead of click and drag to the selection. Shadow is a window option that will change the appearance of the window. TUTORIALS {A TUTORIAL FOR HOTELS! } Let's start the Resorts! package by changing to the Resorts! directory: type: CD\RESORTS press type: RESORTS press The Resorts! opening screen will appear. Note the instructions to access the menus appears at the bottom of the screen (after the copyright notice screen.) All commands can be accessed by a single click of the mouse on any command, or by pressing the ALT key in combination with the highlighted letter or by pressing the shortcut key that is listed besides the command on the menu. Let's start the application now by using the ALT A: hold down the ALT key and while continuing to hold, press the letter A This action activates the application menu which shows the listing of the available modules as well as the registration form access. Select the Hotels option from the menu by using your down arrow to reach the Hotels choice and press enter. (You can also click with the mouse, or use the CTRL + H shortcut key as well as press the letter "H".) The Hotels main screen will appear with it's pull-down menus shown at the top of the screen. The first record in the database is displayed on screen and your cursor is flashing in the first field available for editing, which is the name field. Let's add a new hotel to the database. We must choose this option from the Application menu. Click Add with the mouse or Press CTRL + N (the ^ symbol stand for the CTRL key) or use the down arrow to get to Add record or press the letter "A" that is highlighted Note all the different actions you could take to get the same result! A new blank record is now on the screen, with your cursor in the first field available for data entry which is the name field. Note this is the same as when we were in the "Edit" mode. Enter the following hotel: The Coral Sands press or to move to the next line and type: 850 Sandy Beach Lane press or twice (once to skip a second line for addresses) to reach the city field and type: Vacation City or to move to the state field and type: FL Note that your cursor moved directly to the zip code field after typing the state because the state field was only two characters wide and you entered two characters. Every time you fill a field with information, your cursor automatically moves to the next field. We don't know the zip code at this time so we'll add it later. Press , or your down or right arrow key to move to the phone field and enter the phone number: 717-764-6730 The arrow keys move you between fields also. Left moves you left, up will also move you left one if you do not have another field immediately above the one you are in. The right and down arrow keys move you forward. Using your arrow keys, try each one and move around the screen. Notice if you keep using an up or left arrow when you are in the first field on the screen, the cursor "wraps around" the screen and appears at the bottom of the screen in the last field. Let's finish entering the data for our hotel now. Move to the # of bedrooms field and type: 75 as the number of bedrooms available in this hotel. The hotel does have a swimming pool so for on-site pool type: Y Notice the "Y" immediately changed to "T" which stands for true. The system is saying, yes, it is true that there is an on-site pool. There is also free parking at this hotel so enter the parking. Y (Did you notice how your cursor moved automatically to the next field when you filled the field?) The next field is for identifying where you can get something to eat. Our hotel has a coffee shop as well as a restaurant. Let's type this in. Coffee shop and restaurant A problem! All the letters will not fit and your cursor moved to the next field. However, lets go back and make a few adjustments. Return to the food and drink field again. (Did you use your arrow keys? Another trick is the Shift-Tab but the arrows are quicker). To edit this field we can use our backspace key to erase any character in front of the cursor, or we can put the cursor directly on the characters to be deleted and press the delete key. Let's delete the "and" and change it to a "&". Move your cursor to the "and" by using the right arrow keys (or if you are at the end of the field, use the left arrow key to move back), then press delete three times. This will delete the word "and". Let's replace it: & Did you notice your other characters moving to the right? The insert key on your keyboard will insert the typed character when it is in "insert" mode. By pressing "insert" once, you are now in "typeover" mode, and whatever you type will typeover the old characters. When you turn your computer on your computer is in the "insert" mode. Some programs automatically change the mode. When we learn how to use the status bar in the Resorts! system, you will see the "INS" appearing on the status bar when you are in the "insert" mode. We're still not finished with our entry. Press the "end" key on your keyboard if you have one and your cursor moves to the "end" of the line. If you do not have an "end" key, use the right arrow. Finish Restaurant. T Our hotel has the same rates all year-round (very unusual for resort hotels) so we won't fill in the on and off season dates. Move your cursor under On Season to the first field next to rate. You do not need to type the zeros for whole dollars but it doesn't matter if you do. We do not enter the "$" symbol or commas. 65.00 Press , or right arrow to move to the "to" rate field. Enter for the highest rate: 125.00 Resorts! rates can't be higher than $999.99 without being customized. Our hotel does not have any apartments so we will move to the features field. This is a field where you can type any kind of information you want, limited only by the disk space you have. Each "note" of a feature will be saved with the hotel you typed it in for. Each hotel can have its own "note". Enter the note below. Use the delete or backspace key to make any corrections. Use the arrow keys to move within the "note" without writing over any of your entry. Press tab to leave the note field. Feature: "The Coffee shop open at 6 am and stays open to midnight. If we need an extra blanket or pillow, call room service. The restaurant serves a buffet all day at only $7.95 per person. Mary Smith stayed here last year and loved it! " Now that we've finished our entry, we can move on to other options. Our record is automatically saved as soon as we choose another option or move to another record. The option bar at the bottom of the screen has the buttons and . If you have a mouse, click on one at a time and watch your screen change records. If you do not have a mouse, use the or arrow keys to move to the button bar. Press the highlighted letter or move to the command with your arrow keys and press enter. Let's search through the database for your hotel. Click on Search on the option bar at the bottom of the screen (or move to it and press enter). A window appears with you cursor in the field where you enter what you want to search for. Type "Coral" You do not have to type a complete entry or even have the Capitalization the same. The system will search for all occurrences of the word "Coral" even if it is in the middle of a name. Choose OK (mouse or keyboard) and the system will start searching. If a match is found immediately, the record appears on your screen. If not found, a message appears telling you there is a more comprehensive search available and do you want to try it. This take a bit more time. If your hotel was not found, select search from this option. There are other ways of looking into your database. From the Application menu select Browse. Browse is a listing of all your records, sorted according to the default sort order, or the last sort order you chose. You can use the arrow keys, page up and page down keys, tab and enter keys to move throughout your Browse listing. If you have a mouse, you can use horizontal and vertical scrolling by clicking on the arrows you see on the right and to the bottom of the screen. This will scroll the Browse window into view. You can close the Browse window by pressing escape, clicking the tiny box at the top left of the Browse window or by choosing another option. You can also size the Browse window with the mouse by clicking on the tiny dot at the right bottom of the Browse window and dragging the window left, right, up or down. You can also move the Browse window by clicking on the title and dragging left, right, etc. All windows can be moved with the mouse. Let's change the order of our database. Leave the browse window (escape or click) and select Order from the Application menu. A window similar to the Search window will appear. Inside the box is a listing of all fields you can set your order to. This box is called a popup. Popups appear throughout the Resorts! system. Press enter or click the mouse to see the listing. Our priorities are to find hotels that are the most inexpensive. Click (or arrow to) the Summerfrom choice so we can order our database by the Summer starting rate. Select OK and our order is set. Select Browse from the Application menu and we will see a listing of all our hotels in the order selected. You will have to move across the listing until you get to the Summerfrom field to verify this. Use the tab or click the scrolling arrows with the mouse. Once you have reach the Summerfrom field, page down through the list and you will see all the hotels in the order you wanted. Before printing a report, always sort by the order you want. This concludes our tutorial on the Hotels system in Resorts! We hope you've enjoyed your trip! We hope you are comfortable enough now to try out the other options. Continue to practice through all the other databases. All the systems have the same options, with different reports. Remember that help is just a keystroke away! Press F1 or choose help from the Menu. {A TUTORIAL FOR BROKERS } If you are not already in Resorts!, start the Resorts! package by changing to the Resorts! directory: type: CD\RESORTS press type: RESORTS press The Resorts! opening screen will appear. Note the instructions to access the menus appears at the bottom of the screen (after the copyright notice screen.) All commands can be accessed by a single click of the mouse on any command, or by pressing the ALT key in combination with the highlighted letter or by pressing the shortcut key that is listed besides the command on the menu. Let's start the application now by using the ALT A: hold down the ALT key and while continuing to hold, press the letter A This action activates the application menu which shows the listing of the available modules as well as the registration form access. Select the Brokers option from the menu by using your down arrow to reach the Brokers choice and press enter. (You can also click with the mouse, or use the CTRL + B shortcut key as well as press the letter "B".) The Brokers main screen will appear with it's pull-down menus shown at the top of the screen. The first record in the database is displayed on screen and your cursor is flashing in the first field available for editing, which is the Broker id# field. This field is a user assigned number which connects the Brokers to the Condos database. We can use up to five characters or numbers, whichever you prefer. Let's add a new Broker to the database. We must choose this option from the Application menu. Click Add with the mouse or Press CTRL + N (the ^ symbol stand for the CTRL key) or use the down arrow to get to Add record or press the letter "A" that is highlighted Note all the different actions you could take to get the same result! A new blank record is now on the screen, with your cursor in the first field available for data entry which is the Broker id# field. Note this is the same as when we were in the "Edit" mode. Enter the following Broker ID#: M&M which we will use as the identifier for the Broker McKenzie & McKenzie Real Estate. press or to move to the next line and type: McKenzie & McKenzie Real Estate press or to move to the next line and type: R. D. # 3, Box 123 press or twice (once to skip a second line for addresses) to reach the city field and type: Vacation City or to move to the state field and type: FL Note that your cursor moved directly to the zip code field after typing the state because the state field was only two characters wide and you entered two characters. Every time you fill a field with information, your cursor automatically moves to the next field. We don't know the zip code at this time so we'll add it later. Press , or your down or right arrow key to move to the phone field and enter the phone number: 717-764-6730 The arrow keys move you between fields also. Left moves you left, up will also move you left one if you do not have another field immediately above the one you are in. The right and down arrow keys move you forward. Using your arrow keys, try each one and move around the screen. Notice if you keep using an up or left arrow when you are in the first field on the screen, the cursor "wraps around" the screen and appears at the bottom of the screen in the last field. Let's finish entering the data for our Broker now. Move to the Contact field and type: Jeanenne K. McKenzie Also enter the agent's telephone number and extension: 717-795-7633 112 Now that we've finished our entry, we can move on to other options. Our record is automatically saved as soon as we choose another option or move to another record. The option bar at the bottom of the screen has the buttons and . If you have a mouse, click on one at a time and watch your screen change records. If you do not have a mouse, use the or arrow keys to move to the button bar. Press the highlighted letter or move to the command with your arrow keys and press enter. Let's search through the database for your Broker. Click on Search on the option bar at the bottom of the screen (or move to it and press enter). A window appears with you cursor in the field where you enter what you want to search for. Type M&M You do not have to type a complete entry or even have the Capitalization the same. The system will search for all occurrences of the identifier "M&M" even if it is in the middle of a another. Choose OK (mouse or keyboard) and the system will start searching. If a match is found immediately, the record appears on your screen. If not found, a message appears telling you there is a more comprehensive search available and do you want to try it. This take a bit more time. If your broker was not found, select search from this option. There are other ways of looking into your database. From the Application menu select Browse. Browse is a listing of all your records, sorted according to the default sort order, or the last sort order you chose. You can use the arrow keys, page up and page down keys, tab and enter keys to move throughout your Browse listing. If you have a mouse, you can use horizontal and vertical scrolling by clicking on the arrows you see on the right and to the bottom of the screen. This will scroll the Browse window into view. You can close the Browse window by pressing escape, clicking the tiny box at the top left of the Browse window or by choosing another option. You can also size the Browse window with the mouse by clicking on the tiny dot at the right bottom of the Browse window and dragging the window left, right, up or down. You can also move the Browse window by clicking on the title and dragging left, right, etc. All windows can be moved with the mouse. Let's change the order of our database. Leave the browse window (escape or click) and select Order from the Application menu. A window similar to the Search window will appear. Inside the box is a listing of all fields you can set your order to. This box is called a popup. Popups appear throughout the Resorts! system. Press enter or click the mouse to see the listing. Our priorities are to find brokers that are in Florida. Click (or arrow to) the state choice so we can order our database state. Select OK and our order is set. Select Browse from the Application menu and we will see a listing of all our hotels in the order selected. You will have to move across the listing until you get to the state field to verify this. Use the tab or click the scrolling arrows with the mouse. Once you have reach the state field, page down through the list and you will see all the brokers in the order you wanted. Before printing a report, always sort by the order you want. This concludes our tutorial on the Brokers system in Resorts! We hope you've enjoyed your trip! We hope you are comfortable enough now to try out the other options. Continue to practice through all the other databases. All the systems have the same options, with different reports. Remember that help is just a keystroke away! Press F1 or choose help from the System menus. {A TUTORIAL FOR CONDOS} If you are not already in Resorts!, start the Resorts! package by changing to the Resorts! directory: type: CD\RESORTS press type: RESORTS press The Resorts! opening screen will appear. Note the instructions to access the menus appears at the bottom of the screen (after the copyright notice screen.) All commands can be accessed by a single click of the mouse on any command, or by pressing the ALT key in combination with the highlighted letter or by pressing the shortcut key that is listed besides the command on the menu. Let's start the application now by using the ALT A: hold down the ALT key and while continuing to hold, press the letter A This action activates the application menu which shows the listing of the available modules as well as the registration form access. Select the Condos option from the menu by using your down arrow to reach the Condos choice and press enter. (You can also click with the mouse, or use the CTRL + C shortcut key as well as press the letter "C".) The Condos main screen will appear with it's pull-down menus shown at the top of the screen. The first record in the database is displayed on screen and your cursor is flashing in the first field available for editing, which is the Broker ID# field. This field is used to pull out the broker information to be display in the box at the upper left of the screen. If we don't know the broker number, or are not sure if it already exists, we can choose to lookup the brokers from the Application menu. Activate the Application menu by pressing ALT + A or by clicking with the mouse. Using your mouse or arrow keys, move to the Pick List selection. Press enter or click and a popup window will appear with a list of all the current brokers from the Broker database. You can use your arrow keys, page up and page down, or the mouse to look through the list. Add brokers to the broker database through the Brokers module. Let's add a new Condo to the database. We must choose this option from the Application menu. Click Add with the mouse or Press CTRL + N (the ^ symbol stand for the CTRL key) or use the down arrow to get to Add record or press the letter "A" that is highlighted Note all the different actions you could take to get the same result! A new blank record is now on the screen, with your cursor in the first field available for data entry which is the broker id# field. Note this is the same as when we were in the "Edit" mode. Let's search for a broker. Select the Application menu, select Pick List and look for the Moore, Warfied & Glick, Inc. broker. When you find it, look for their broker id#. Now we can press enter to select it from the Pick List. This automatically moves the number to the record. Of course, we could have also just typed the broker id#. When we finish our record, the broker information will be part of the record. The next time we view this record, we will see it. Enter the following information: The Coral Sands Condominium press or to move to the next line and type: 850 Sandy Beach Lane press or twice (once to skip a second line for addresses) to reach the city field and type: Vacation City or to move to the state field and type: FL Note that your cursor moved directly to the zip code field after typing the state because the state field was only two characters wide and you entered two characters. Every time you fill a field with information, your cursor automatically moves to the next field. We don't know the zip code at this time so we'll add it later. Press , or your down or right arrow key to move to the phone field and enter the phone number: 717-764-6730 The arrow keys move you between fields also. Left moves you left, up will also move you left one if you do not have another field immediately above the one you are in. The right and down arrow keys move you forward. Using your arrow keys, try each one and move around the screen. Notice if you keep using an up or left arrow when you are in the first field on the screen, the cursor "wraps around" the screen and appears at the bottom of the screen in the last field. Let's finish entering the data for our condo now. Move to the # of persons field and type the number of persons allowed for the price quoted: 10 Your cursor will automatically move to the next field if your data takes up all the length. Enter the number of bedrooms: 3 press , or down arrow or right arrow to move to the next field. Now enter the number of baths: 2 press , or down arrow or right arrow to move to the next field. Parking availability is identified by the number of cars you are allowed. Type: 2 press , or down arrow or right arrow to move to the next field to enter the weekly rates for this Condo. Use only the dollar amounts below and fill in the rates. Press , or down arrow or right arrow to move to the next field. May - 210 to 295 June - 300 to 475 July - 475 to 600 August - 600 to 295 September - 310 to 250 This Condo is not available in the off season so we'll don't enter anything. It is also not available on weekends and there is not minimum stay for the weekends. The next section of our screen contains "check boxes". These boxes are used to track whether a feature is available. An "X" in the box means it is available. We complete check boxes by clicking in the [ ] with the mouse, or by moving to the selection and pressing the space bar or the enter key. We remove the "X" the same way. Let's check the features of this Condo. It has the following: Ocean/Bay view Central Air Kitchen Balcony Dishwasher Pool Complete the check boxes for each item. Then move to the next field. The Description field is a field where you can type any kind of information you want, limited only by the disk space you have. Each "note" of a description will be saved with the Condo you typed it in for. Each Condo can have its own "note". Enter the note below. Use the delete or backspace key to make any corrections. Use the arrow keys to move within the "note" without writing over any of your entry. Tab to leave the field. Description: "Tim and Joe took their family here and thought it was great. The place was clean, carpeted, and quiet. " Now that we've finished our entry, we can move on to other options. Our record is automatically saved as soon as we choose another option or move to another record. The option bar at the bottom of the screen has the buttons and . If you have a mouse, click on one at a time and watch your screen change records. If you do not have a mouse, use the or arrow keys to move to the button bar. Press the highlighted letter or move to the command with your arrow keys and press enter. Let's search through the database for your Condo. Click on Search on the option bar at the bottom of the screen (or move to it and press enter). A window appears with you cursor in the field where you enter what you want to search for. Type Coral You do not have to type a complete entry or even have the Capitalization the same. The system will search for all occurrences of the word "Coral" even if it is in the middle of a name. Choose OK (mouse or keyboard) and the system will start searching. If a match is found immediately, the record appears on your screen. If not found, a message appears telling you there is a more comprehensive search available and do you want to try it. This take a bit more time. If your Condo was not found, select search from this option. There are other ways of looking into your database. From the Application menu select Browse. Browse is a listing of all your records, sorted according to the default sort order, or the last sort order you chose. You can use the arrow keys, page up and page down keys, tab and enter keys to move throughout your Browse listing. If you have a mouse, you can use horizontal and vertical scrolling by clicking on the arrows you see on the right and to the bottom of the screen. This will scroll the Browse window into view. You can close the Browse window by pressing escape, clicking the tiny box at the top left of the Browse window or by choosing another option. You can also size the Browse window with the mouse by clicking on the tiny dot at the right bottom of the Browse window and dragging the window left, right, up or down. You can also move the Browse window by clicking on the title and dragging left, right, etc. All windows can be moved with the mouse. Let's change the order of our database. Leave the browse window (escape or click) and select Order from the Application menu. A window similar to the Search window will appear. Inside the box is a listing of all fields you can set your order to. This box is called a popup. Popups appear throughout the Resorts! system. Press enter or click the mouse to see the listing. Our priorities are to find that have an Oceanview. Click (or arrow to) the Ocean view choice so we can order our database by records that have an "X" in this box. Select OK and our order is set. Select Browse from the Application menu and we will see a listing of all our Condos in the order selected. You will have to move across the listing until you get to the Oceanview field to verify this. Use the tab or click the scrolling arrows with the mouse. Once you have reach the Oceanview field, page down through the list and you will see all the hotels in the order you wanted. Before printing a report, always sort by the order you want. This concludes our tutorial on the Condos system in Resorts! We hope you've enjoyed your trip! We hope you are comfortable enough now to try out the other options. Continue to practice through all the other databases. All the systems have the same options, with different reports. Remember that help is just a keystroke away! Press F1 or choose help from the System menus. APPENDIX A {BROKERS SAMPLE REPORTS} APPENDIX B {CONDOS SAMPLE REPORTS }APPENDIX C {HOTELS SAMPLE REPORTS } APPENDIX D HELP TOPICS APPENDIX E RESORTS ! PRO {PAGE|9} Coral Computer Services Resorts! {PAGE|24}