CHANGING ABKTOOL'S HOTKEY ABKTool's default hotkey is Alt-A. You can specify a different hotkey when you load it by adding /K:[number] to the command line. The [number] is determined by taking the base value from the list below and adding one of the following shift key values: Alt 2048 Ctrl 1024 Left Shift 512 Right Shift 256 None 0 Thus Alt-F2 would result in a [number] of 60 + 2048 = 2108 and you would load ABKTool with the following command: ABKTOOL /R /K:2108 NOTE: you cannot set hotkeys on the HP 95LX Palmtop because ABKTool uses a different method to pop up on that computer due to difficulties the traditionalmethod has with its built-in SYSMGR operating system. Instead use either the supplied .EXM or .EXE calling programs. See the README file for further information. Key Base value ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ESC 1 F1 59 F2 60 F3 61 F4 62 F5 63 F6 64 F7 65 F8 66 F9 67 F10 68 ` 41 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 0 11 - 12 = 13 Bksp 14 Tab 15 Q 16 W 17 E 18 R 19 T 20 Y 21 U 22 I 23 O 24 P 25 [ 26 ] 27 \ 43 A 30 S 31 D 32 F 33 G 34 H 35 J 36 K 37 L 38 ; 39 ' 40 Enter28 Z 44 X 45 C 46 V 47 B 48 N 49 M 50 < 51 > 52 / 53