The French Abortion Pill p.35 by Stephen R. Burke Copyright 1994 American Life League RU-486, ALSO KNOWN AS Mifepristone, splashed into the news two years ago when a woman tried to bring some of it into the United States, deliberately provoking a challenge to the Food and Drug Administration's ban on the drug. RU-486 had been in existence for at least ten years. Pro-abortionists loudly demanded that RU-486, which had been developed inFrance, be made available in America. It was called "the moral property of women." Thanks to misleading reporting, RU-486 is widely believed to be a drug that neatly induces an abortion. It is not. RU-486 is an anti-hormone that blocks the action of progesterone, the hormone that maintains the integrity of the womb for the preborn child. When progesterone is blocked, the mother's body is prevented from maintaining the pregnancy. In what is similar to menstruation, the preborn child often detaches from the uterine wall and is expelled, with heavy maternal bleeding. Used by itself, RU-486 causes an abortion only about 50% of the time. When prostaglandin (which induces labor) is administered several days later, as is the practice in Europe, the "effectiveness" rate increases to over 90%. Prostaglandin is a powerful synthetic hormone that is not sold over the counter. When RU-486 is combined with prostaglandin, a hospital stay becomes necessary due to the stress of the resulting contractions. Doctors and pharmacists would be criminally negligent if they simply handed out RU-486 and prostaglandin to women and then sent them home. RU-486 abortions are dangerous. A woman in France died of a heart attack several hours after receiving the prostaglandin, and thousands more have had side effects from it. A group of American women who recently traveled to England for RU-486 abortions expressed surprise at the amount of pain involved - one said she thought she was going to die from it. Ten percent of women who have aborted with RU-486 and prostaglandin have required narcotics to control the pain. In 1990, the International Inquiry Commission on RU-486, in France, called for the "immediate canceling of the marketing and use of RU-486," and referred to its "very severe side effects." Roussel-Uclaf, the developer of RU-486, has decided not to market it in the United States, fearing a pro-life boycott of their other products. Proponents of RU-486, however, are trying another approach. In April 1994, a New York research group known as the Population Council obtained a license from Roussel-Uclaf to produce RU-486 in America. At this writing they are trying to find a drug manufacturer to do the actual production. Roussel-Uclaf has agreed to provide enough RU-486 for clinical trials, but none for distribution. Incidentally, the Population Council is the group that developed Norplant. RU-486 will never be a "home remedy" abortifacient. It causes heavy bleeding thatcan easily become life-threatening(which is why it's not suitable for Third World women, who typically are anemic). It is effective up to only the sixth or seventh week of pregnancy. When it does work, an examination is necessary to ensure that no infection occurred and that the abortion was complete, meaning that no remains of the child are in the womb. If it doesn't work and the pregnancy continues, there is the possibility of severe birth defects. For this reason, clinics in France offering RU-486 abortions require the mother to sign a form in which she agrees to get a surgical abortion if the RU-486 fails, thus eliminating the possibility of the clinic's being held liable for any subsequent birth defects. Above all, an RU-486 abortion is still an abortion. A child is no less dead if killed by a chemical than if by a curette. American Life League has produced a "Celebrate Life!"video, "The French Abortion Pill" (order #CL-35), to help educate the public on the hazards of this poison, RU-486. The video includes interviews with young adults and with medical authorities in France, including the director of a clinic that performs RU-486 abortions. See p. 46 for ordering information. -----------------------------------------------------------------------